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1、八年级英语上册 课本原文 + 听力材料Unit 1Where did you go on vacation?Section A 1bConversation1XiangHua: Hey,Tina.Wheredidyougo_vacation?Tina: Iwent to the _withmyfamily.XiangHua: Dideveryonehaveagoodtime?Tina: Oh,yes.Everythingwasexcellent.Wheredidyougo,XiangHua?XiangHua: IwenttoNewYorkCity.Conversation2Girl: What

2、didyoudoonvacation,Sally?Sally: Nothing.Ijust_ _ home. Girl: Anddidyoudoanything interesting,Bob?Bob: Yes.I_myuncle.Wewentfishing,butwedidntgetanyfish.Conversation3 Boy: Didyougoanywhereonvacation,Tom? Tom: Iwentto_ _. Boy: Didyougowithanyone? Tom: Yes.Iwentwithmyfriends.Everyone_ _ _ _.【本节重点】去度假_ 去

3、爬山_ 呆在家 _ 看望叔叔_ 去夏令营_ 过得愉快 _ 2aConversation1Boy: Wheredidyougoonvacation,Grace?Grace: IwenttoNewYorkCity.Boy: Oh,really?Didyougowith_?Grace: Yes.Iwent_mymother.Boy: DidyougotoCentralPark?Grace: Yes,Idid.Itwasreallynice.Boy: Didyoubuy anything special?Grace: Yes.I_something_myfather.Boy: Oh,really?Wh

4、at?Grace: I_himahat.Conversation2Girl: Wheredidyougoonvacation,Kevin?Kevin: Iwenttothe_.Girl: Oh,thatsnice.Didyou_ _?Kevin: No,Ididnt.Girl: Well,didyouswim?Kevin: Yes,Idid.Thewaterwasreallywarm.Girl: _ was the food?Kevin: _tastedreallygood!Girl: Didyoumeetanyoneinteresting?Kevin: Yes.I_someveryinter

5、estingpeople.Conversation3Boy: Wheredidyougoonyourvacation,Julie?Julie: I_athome.Boy: Oh.So,didyoudoanythinginteresting?Julie: No,Ididnt.Boy: Didyou_ _yourtests?Julie: Yes,Idid.Boy: Didyougooutwithanyone?Julie: No._ _washere.Everyonewasonvacation.【本节重点】中央公园 _ 一些特别的东西_ 为买_去海滩_ 尝起来好吃_ 准备考试_ 2d Rick: H

6、i,Helen. Long time no see.Helen: Hi,Rick. Yes,I _ _ _ last month. Rick: Oh,did you go anywhere interesting?Helen: Yes,I went to Guizhou with my family. Rick: Wow!Did you see Huangguoshu _?Helen: Yes,I did. It was _!We took _ _ _ photos there. What about you? Did you do anything special last month? R

7、ick: Not really. I just stayed at home most of the time _ _ and _. 【本节重点】在度假_ 去有趣的地方_ 精彩的_ 照相_ 相当多 不少_ 大多数时间 _ 3aLinda: Did you do _ _ on your vacation, Alice?Alice: Yes, I did. I went to Sanya .Linda: _ did you like it?Alice: Well, it was my _ time there, so everything was really interesting.Linda:

8、 Did you go with _?Alice: Yes, I did. I went with my sister.Linda: Did you go _?Alice: Of _! I bought something for my parents, but _ for _.Linda: Why didnt you buy something for _?Alice: I didnt _ see anything I liked.【本节重点】第一次_ 去购物_ 当然_为买_ 为自己_ 我喜欢的东西 _ 3bDear Bill,How was your vacation? Did you d

9、o anything interesting? Did _ in the family go with you? I went to a friends _ in the _ with my family. Everything was great. We _ some _ and saw some baby _. They were so cute! The _ problem was that there was nothing _ to do in the evening but read. Still everyone _ to be _. Bye for now! Mark【本节重点

10、】家里人_ 朋友的农场_ 在乡下_喂鸡_ 无事可做_ 好像无聊 _Section B 1cGirl:Hi,Lisa.Howwasyourvacation?Lisa:Itwasgreat!IwenttoHongKongwithmyfamily.Girl:Really?Wow!Didyoudo_ _there?Lisa:Well,wewenttoa_park.Itwasreallyexciting.Girl:Didyougo_?Lisa:Yeah,Idid.Girl:Howwerethestores?Lisa:Oh,theywereveryexpensive,butI_somethingformy

11、bestfriend.Girl:Andhowwerethepeople?_they_?Lisa:Yeah,theywerereallyfriendly.Myparentshavesomefriendsthere,andwehad_attheirhouseGirl:Howwasthefood?Lisa:Itwasdelicious.Ilovedtheir_ _. Girl:Dideveryonehaveagoodtime?Lisa:Oh,yes,wedid.Everythingwas_.【本节重点】特别之事_ 去娱乐园_ 去购物_ 友好_ 家常菜 _ 一切很棒 _ 2bHere are Jane

12、s _(日记)Did Jane have a good time on Monday?What about on Tuesday?What _(活动) do you find enjoyable?Monday,July 15thI _ in Penang in Malaysia this morning with my family. It was sunny and hot,so we _ to go to the beach near our hotel. My sister and I _ paragliding. I _ _ I was a _. It was so exciting!

13、For lunch,we had something very special Malaysian yellow noodles. They were delicious!In the afternoon,we_ _ to Georgetown. There are a lot of new _ now,but many of the old buildings are still there in Weld Quay,a really old place in Georgetown,we saw the houses of the Chinese _ from 100 years ago.

14、I _ what life was like here in the _. I really enjoyed _ around the town.Tuesday,July 16thWhat a _ a day makes!My father and I decided to go to Penang _ today. We wanted to _ _ to the top,but then it _ _ a little so we decided to take the train. We _ over an hour for the train because there were _ _

15、 people. When we got to the top,it was raining really _. We didnt have an _ so we were wet and cold. It was terrible!And _ _ the bad weather,we couldnt see anything _. My father didnt bring _ money,so we only had one bowl of rice and some fish. I was so _!But it tasted great!【本节重点】到达 _ 决定去海滩_ 尝试滑翔伞_

16、感觉到_ 骑车去_ 老式建筑 _中国商人 _ 在过去_ 喜欢城镇漫步_走到山顶_ 开始下雨_ 等候火车 _太多人 _ 雨下得大_ 由于坏天气_下面什么都看不到_ 带足够的钱_ 一些鱼 _一碗面条 _ 尝起来好吃_ 饿_ 2dAnna: Hi, Jane. Where you go on vacation _ week? Jane: I went to Penang in Malaysia. Anna: Who did you go with? Jane: I went with my father. Anna: What did you do? Jane: The weather was ho

17、t and sunny _ Monday, so we went _on the beach. Then in the afternoon, we_ bicycles to Georgetown.Anna: Sounds great! Jane: Well, but _ _ day was not as good. My fahter and I went to Penang Hill, but the weather was really bad and rainy. We _ a long time for the train and we were wet and cold becaus

18、e we forgot to bring an _. Anna: Oh, no! Jane: And thats not all! We also didnt bring_ money, so we only had one _ of rice and some fish.【本节重点】上周 _ 在周一_ 滑翔伞_骑车去 _ 第二天 _ 等了很长时间 _忘记带伞_ 带足够的钱 _ 一碗米饭 _ 2eThursday, July 18thToday was a beautiful day. My father and I went to Penang Hill again, but this ti

19、me we _ _ the top. We started our walk at 9:30 a.m. We saw _ _ special Malaysian flowers _ the way. About one hour _, we stopped and drank some tea. Then we walked for _ two hours before we got to the top. I was quite tired, but the city looked wonderful _ _ _ _ the hill!【本节重点】走到山顶_ 很多大量_ 沿途_ 一小时后_

20、又走了2小时_ 从山顶 _ 3aDid you _ (不喜欢) anything?Wednesday August 20thToday the weather was hot and sunny. I went to a Beijing hutong. It was interesting. We _ some beautiful photos. I liked this place because I could buy _ _ and learn something important. _ dinner we had Beijing _. It was delicious. In the

21、 evening, I _ really tired.【本节重点】照相 _ 特别的东西_ 学到一些重要的东西_ 午饭吃的烤鸭_ 在晚上_ 感到很累 _ 2How did you feel about the trip?Last _ ,our class did something very special on our school _ .We went to _ Tai .We started our trip at 12:00 _ _ .Everyone in our class _ a bag with some food and water .After three hours ,so

22、meone looked at the map and found out we weret anywhere near the top. My legs were _ tired _ I wanted to stop. My classmates told me _ _ going, so I went _. At 5:00 a.m., we got to the top! Everyone _ up and down in _. Twenty minutes later, the sun started to _ _ .It was so beautiful that we forgot

23、about the _ five hours !【本节重点】去年八月 _ 学校郊游_ 泰山_ 在夜晚_ 带上装有水和食物的包_ 如此累以至于想停下来 _告诉我坚持走_ 继续_ 上下蹦跳 _ 激动地 _ 太阳开始出来_ 忘记过去的5个小时_ Unit 2How often do you exercise?Section A 1bReporter: Whatdoyouusuallydoonweekends? Girl1: Isometimesgoshopping. Boy1: Inevergoshopping.IusuallywatchTV. Boy2: Ialways_. Girl2: Ioft

24、enhelpwith_.Reporter: Howaboutyou? Girl3: I_ _watchTV.Ialwaysread.Reporter: Oh,whyisthat? Girl3: Oh,Idontknow.IguessIjustlikebooks. 2a Whats your favorite _(节目)? Reporter: So,ChengTao,howoftendoyouwatchTV?ChengTao: Hmm.about_aweek,Iguess. Reporter: Uh-huh.Andhowoftendoyouread?ChengTao: Oh,Ireadevery

25、dayatschool! Reporter: Howoftendoyougotothemovies?ChengTao: Uh.letmesee._twiceamonth? Reporter: Howoftendoyouexercise?ChengTao: Oh,Iexerciseaboutthreetimesaweek. Reporter: Howoftendoyoushop?ChengTao: Shop?Ishopabout.about_amonth. 2d Jack:Hi,Claire,_ you free next week?Claire:Hmm.next week is _ _ for

26、 me,Jack. Jack:Really?How come?Claire:I have dance and piano lessons. Jack:What kind of dance are you learning?Claire:Oh,_ dance. Its fun!I have class once a week,every Monday. Jack:How often do you have _ lessons?Claire:Twice a week,on Wednesday and Friday. Jack:Well,how about Tuesday?Claire:Oh,I h

27、ave to play tennis with my friends. But do you want to come? Jack:Sure!【本节重点】帮忙做家务_ 每周一次_ 每月两次_ 去看电影_ 多久一次_ 有空 _相当忙 _ 什么种类_ 上钢琴课 _ 3aHow often does he play soccer? He plays _ _ twice a week.Do you drink milk? Yes, I do. Every day.How often do they _ _ _? Never. They always go to bed _.Does Sue eat a

28、 _ _? Yes, she usually does.How often do you eat apples? Hardly ever. I dont like them.Do your parents play sports? No, they dont. They_ _ _.【本节重点】至少_ 熬夜_ 早睡觉_吃健康早餐_ 几乎不 _ 太忙 _Section B 1cInterviewer: Hi,TinaandBill.Lets_ _thefirstquestion.Howoftendoyouexercise?Tina: Everyday. Bill: _ _.Interviewer:

29、 Howoftendoyoueatvegetablesandfruit?Tina: Ieatvegetablesandfruiteveryday.Bill: Isometimeseatvegetables.ButInevereatfruit.Interviewer: OK.Howmanyhoursdoyou_everynight?Tina: Nine.Bill: Me,too.Interviewer: Howoftendoyoudrinkmilk?Bill: Never.I_ _milk.Tina: Oh,IlovemilkIdrinkiteveryday.Interviewer: Howof

30、tendoyoueat_ _?Bill: Ieatitthreeorfourtimesaweek.Tina: IguessIeatittwoorthreetimesaweek.Interviewer: Andhowoftendoyoudrink_?Bill: Oh,Idrink_fourtimesaday.Tina: Ineverdrink_.Interviewer: Well,thankyouverymuch. Bill/Tina: Youre_.【本节重点】开始 _ 几乎不 _ 不能忍受 _ 垃圾食品 _ 喝咖啡 _ 不客气 _ 2bWhat Do No.5 High School Stu

31、dents Do in Their Free Time?Last month we asked our students about their free time _. Our questions were about exercise,use of the _ and watching TV. Here are the _.We found that only fifteen _ of our students exercise every day. Forty-five percent exercise four to six times a week. Twenty percent e

32、xercise only one to three times a week. And twenty percent do not exercise at all!We all know that many students often go _,but we were surprised that ninety percent of them use the Internet every day. The other ten percent use it _ _ three or four times a week. Most students use it for fun and not

33、for homework.The answers _ our questions about watching _ were also interesting. Only two percent of the students watch TV one to three times a week. Thirteen percent watch TV four to six times a week. And eighty-five percent watch TV every day!_ many students like to watch sports,game shows are the most popular.It is good _ _ by using the Internet or watching game shows,but we think the best _ to relax is _ exercise. It is healthy for the _ and the _. Exercise _ _ playing sports is fun,and you can _ time with yo


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