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1、 英语测试题(笔试部分)一、 选择题( )1.The river is too deep and too wide. I think can cross it. A. some boys B a boy C a few boys D few boys( )2. Most of the student hope the new teacher soon.A .comesB. will comeC. to comeD. is come ( )3. The weather man say :“There is going to a heavy rain tomorrow.”A/B .beC. hav

2、eD. give( )4.He is classroom every day to keep itA. clean,cleanB. cleans,cleanC. clean,cleanedD. cleans,cleaned( )5.It sounds the singing of birds in the treeA.toB.likeC./D.as( )6.-“Excuse me .Could I use your computer ?” -“Sorry , Im going to it.”A.work inB.work onC.work atD.work over( )7.Must I go

3、 now? -No, you .A.needntB.may notC.wontD.mustnt( )8.I hate to some washing, but I like to my bed.A.make,doB.make,makeC.do,doD.do,make ( )9.Could you please some money me? I have no moneywith me.A.lend,toB.borrow,fromC.borrow,toD.lend,from( )10.The boy asked me .A.let him to go B.to let him to goC.to

4、 let him goD.let him go( )11.Tom isnt to go to school.A.old enoughB.enough oldC.older enoughD.enough older( )12.Lucy is of the twins.A.younger B.the younger C.youngestD.the youngest( )13.Which way is the to their school?A.closestB.closerC.closeD.farther( )14.Paris is one of cities in the world.A.mor

5、e beautifulB.the more beautifulC.most beautifulD.the most beautiful( )15.Whats your teeth?A.the matter B.the wrong withC.wrong D.the matter with( )16.Doing sports good for your A.are,healthyB.is,healthyC.are,healthD.is,health( )17.Mary cant come to help us today.She has .A.something,important to doB

6、.important something to do C.to do important somethingD.to do something important( )18.Some students go to school by boot,but go by bus.A.otherB.some otherC.othersD.others( )19.- does Mik watch TV? -Once a week.A.How longB.How oftenC.How many timesD.How much time( )20.Dont you think out with friends

7、 is really relaxing?A.hangB.hungC.hangingD.hangs二、 完形填空 Hip-hop dance is 1 with many people today.They like it 2they can invent(创造) their owm moves(舞步).They use this 3 to show their love for life . It 4 shows that they feel good about life.They just want to be 5 . Hip-hop dance has a history of more

8、 than 20 years.They use their 6 ,arms,heads and even shoulders to dance.Many young people still 7 most of these moves today. More and more young people 8 hip-hop dance.People think it is a good way to 9 their bodies,and it is good for their 10 ( )1.A.outing B.difficult C.popular D.kind( )2.A.so B.be

9、cause C.but D.and( )3.A.song B.book C.dance D.matter( )4.A.and B.with C.too D.also ( )5.A.dancers B.musicians C.their D.themselves( )6.A.eyes B.noses C.mouths D.legs( )7.A.used B.use C.did D.do ( )8.A.to learn B.are learning C.learned D.learn ( )9.A.help B.stay C.exercise D.try( )10.A.work B.study C

10、.life D.health三、 阅读理解AMany people like to watch TV.There are all kids of programs on TV.The soap opera is one of them.The soap opera was first on the radio in the 1920s.Then it started on TV in the 1940s.Why do so many people like to watch soap operason TV,especially(尤其) young people? What makes soa

11、p operas popular?Lets find it.First,whats happening in the soap opera is very different from our lives.Everything is perfect in the play.People dont need to worry about almost anything.People dont have money problems.Second,there are many beautiful girls and hangsome boys in the soap opera.They are

12、so cool.They drive young people crazy.They make young people happy.Third,the story in the soap is usually interesting.It makes people relax after a days hard work.Even some old people like to watch it,too.But some people dont like it.They think the show is too slow(慢)and too long.Do you like watchin

13、g soap poeras?Whats do you think of them?Read the passage above and decide the sentences.(阅读上文,判断正误,正确T 错误F)1. The soap opera started on TV first.( )2. Many young people like soap operas.( )3. Some people dont like soap operas because they like sports.( )4. There are many beautiful girls and handsom

14、e(漂亮的)boys in the soap opera.( )5. Sometimes,if you want to relax yourself,you may watch soap opera on TV.( )B请仔细阅读优惠券的信息然后回答问题。Pizza Hut DiscountDiscount 15% for students.It is useful between May 1,2005 and April 30,2006 and only in China.Please come with this ticket and your student ID card.( )1.H

15、ow long is the ticket useful? A.One month B.Two months C.One year D.Two years( )2.Can your parent eat a discount pizza with this ticket here? A.es,they can B.No,they cant C.I dont know D.It depends on( )3.What do you have to take for a discount pizza?A.The ticket B.Your student ID card C.Both ticket

16、 and ID card D.Nothing( )4.Do you think its a good idea to send this ticket to your American pen pal? A.I dont think so B.I think so C.Im not sure D.Yes,I do.( )5.If the price of a pizza is ¥40,how much do you need to pay? A.¥32 B.¥34 C. ¥36 D. ¥38CLi Ping is going to England.He wants to know someth

17、ing about English people.One day he sees an English girl in the street. Then he comes up to her.“Excuse me,may I ask you some questions?”“Of course you may”answers the girl politely(礼貌地).“Ill go to London.What should I notice(注意)when I m talking with English people in London?”asks Li Ping.“Well,dont

18、 ask a woman how old she is and”“But how old are you?”Li Ping stops the girl and asks suddenly(突然)“I”The girl gets angry.“Why do you get angry?” ask LiPing.“Now we are in China,not in England,you see.”( )1.What does LiPing want to know?A. He wants to know the girls name.B. He wants to know the girl.

19、C. He wants to know something about English people.D. He wants to know something about America. ( )2.Whom does LiPing see in the street?A. He sees a girl.B. He sees a boy.C. He sees a woman.D. He sees an old man. ( )3.Does the girl like to answer the first question?A. No,she doesntB. Yes,she does.C.

20、 No,she dont.D. ,().?( ) ?,三、用所给句子填空。A.I had to stay in the house and watched DVDs.B.That must be a lot more fun than staying in the house.C.How was your day off?D.What did you do?E.I didnt have a fun day.A:Hi,Tom . B.It was fantastic! How about you?A: .B:Why?A:It rained all day and .B.Sounds boring

21、.A.But it was fun in the afternoon.B. .A.We had a yard sale and sold some of our old things.B.Really? . 四、 句型转换1. LinFei has breakfast quickly to school.(同义句)LinFei has breakfast to school.2.I want to visit a place .The place is quiet and beautiful.(合为一句) I want to visit and beautiful.3.Could you pl

22、ease lend me some books to read? Could some books to read you?4.I left the aquarium after I cleaned it. I leave the aquarium I cleaned it.5.我相信我们的城市会越来越干净。 I our city becoming and .五、 短文填空。 The New Year is coming and I made the resolutions. First of all,Im going to spend less time 1 .Last year,my fr

23、iends and I 2 too 3 time taking in class.Im going to do more and talk less. Secondly,Im going to spend less time in 4 of the TV and the computer.These are fun things, 5 they are also very timewasting(浪费时间的).Itt better to spend time 6 books. Lastly,Im going to join some 7 acticities,Its important to

24、keep in good 8 and I can learn better in calss 9 doing some exercise. I made lots of resolutions but didnt keep them before.Im not going to do that again in the new year.Ill try my best to 10 my resolutions. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 六、 作文。今年寒假,你(Lucy)的朋友Tom要到你的家乡来玩,由于这是他第一次来,所以你给他写一封信,介绍他该怎么样带你家。信的开头和结尾已经给出。直达火车:出发时间(16:35)到达时间(次日7:20)公共汽车:346路车到上新街站下,然后向右走,继续前进10分钟,我的家就在你的右手边。Dear Tom,


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