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1、高考英语常见熟词生义500词例释A1. about:(熟义:关于) We spent the whole afternoon walking about townprepadv到处(美)around 2. absent 熟义:adj. 缺席的 He looked at me in an absent way. adj. 茫然的,恍惚的3. abuse 熟义:v 滥用,谩骂 She is quite a successful career woman, but actually shes much abused at home. v. 虐待 4. accept vtvi 同意(接受别人的观点,看

2、法)(熟义:接受) Tom accepted her explanation汤姆同意她的解释。 认可,领受,认为 I accept that the aircraft has no choice but to crash into the sea.飞机只有坠入大海,别无他法,我只好认命了。 5. accommodate 熟义:住宿,留宿 This hotel can accommodate more than 5oo guests. vt 容纳 He accommodated me when I asked him for help. v. 准予,提供6. ache 熟义: v/n 疼痛 He

3、 was aching for home. v. 渴望 7. act vi熟义:行动 It takes a couple of minutes for the drug to act(vi.起作用) 只需几分钟,药物就起作用了。 8. acknowledge 熟义:vt. 承认,道谢 He acknowledged me by lifting his hat. vt. 对.打招呼9. across prep. 熟义: prep. 越过 The two roads cut across each other. 与.交叉,与.成十字10. advance 熟义:v/n 前进,推进 She aske

4、d me for an advance on her salary. n. 预付(款), Share prices showed significant advances today. n. 增加 11. add (熟义:加) “They dont know.” he added. vt接着说,又说;补充说 12. address vt 称呼(熟义:地址,写地址) The president should be addressed as “Mr President.” 统应称为“总统先生”。 直接向说 向发表演说 She turned to address the man on her lef

5、t. 她转身过去,向她左边的那人讲话。 He is going to address the meeting in a minute. 他一会儿就要在大会上讲话了。 It is said that our headmaster will address the meeting. vt. 向.发表演说 13. admit vt(熟义:承认) The servant opened the door and admitted me (into the house). 允许进入 The theatre only admits 1, 000 persons. 容纳 14. against (熟义:反对,

6、违背) The picture looks good against the white wallprep衬着,迎着,靠着15. age 熟义:n, 年龄 Worry aged him rapidly. v. 使变老16. agree with (熟义:同意) Your story agrees with what I heard. 与一致, Long plane trips dont agree with m. 协调,适合 17. air (熟义:n空气) Dont air your troubles too often v. 抒发;倾诉;传播)不要经常发牢骚。 There was a co

7、mfortable air about her room. n. 样子,神态,气氛 18. alive 熟义:adj. 活着的 The street are alive with people. adj. 充满(活的或动的东西) 19. alone 熟义:adv. 单独地,一个人地 She alone was able to answer the question. adv. 仅仅,只有 20. amount 熟义:n. 量 The cost amounted to $ 2000. v. 达到,共计 What you have said amounts to a refusal. 相当于 21

8、. announce 熟义:宣布 Warm sunshine announces the coming of spring. vt. 显示,预告 22. appreciate 熟义:v. 欣赏,感激,感谢 I appreciate that I may be wrong. v. 意识到=realize We appreciate the danger ahead. v. 意识到23. arrival 熟义:n. 到达 All stood up to welcome the new arrival. n. 到达的人或事物24. at all(熟义:常与not连用,构成not at all:不用谢

9、,一点也不。) If it is at all foggy, I shall not go out. 真的,确实 This is the first time that I have ever been abroad at all真的,确实 25. arm (熟义:n手臂) Lay down your arms or well fire! n武器v武装 26. attend (熟义:出席) Dr. Parialal Lal attends him. vtvi看护,治疗If you go out,wholl attend to the baby?如果你走了,谁来照看婴儿? The nurse a

10、ttended to him day and night. v. 看护;治疗27. arrange 熟义: v. 安排;整理 Ive arranged with the neighbours about filling the managers job. v. 商量28. arrest 熟义:vt. 逮捕 The new medicine arrested the spread of the disease. vt. 停止,阻止 29. assume 熟义:vt. 假定,以为 He will assume the directorship of the project. vt. 担任 30.

11、absolute 熟义:adj; 完全的,绝对的 The police have absolute proof that he was the murderer. adj. 确切的 31. accompany 熟义:vt. 陪伴,伴奏 Strong winds accompanied the heavy rain. v.伴随32. account for 熟义: 解释说明.的原因;占.比例 His illness accounts for his absence. 因为 33. aggressive 熟义:adj. 好斗的,侵略的 If he wants to succeed, he has

12、to be aggressive. adj. 进取的 34. alike 熟义:adj/adv. 想象地;相似的 Teachers should care for all the pupils alike. adv. 同样地 35. allergic 熟义:adj. 过敏的 I am allergic to those who could not give help. adj. 对.十分厌恶 36. allow 熟义:v. 允许 This diet allows you one glass of wine a day. vt. 使可能 37. ample 熟义:adj. 足够的,丰裕的 Tha

13、t you stay abroad will give you ample chances to learn a new language. adj. 广泛的 38. aspect 熟义:n. 方面 a man with an impressive aspect n. 面貌,外表,样子,外观 39. available adj. 熟义: adj. 可得到的,可找到的 The worthy professor is now available. (人)有空的 40. advance 熟义: v./n 前进,推进 She asked for an advance on her salary. n.

14、 预付(款) Share prices showed significant advances today. n. 增加41. advise 熟义: vt. 建议 Please advise us of the arrival of the goods. vt. 通知42. against 熟义: prep. 逆着,反对;倚,靠,碰 The picture looks nice against the white wall. prep. 映衬B43. balance 熟义: n/v 平衡 I must check my bank balance. n. 差额,余款 The school aim

15、s to balance the amount of time spent on arts and science subjects. v. 权衡44back (熟义:n背) Many of his friends backed his planvt支持 45. badly adv(熟义:坏) The boy badly wants a new bikeadv. 迫切46. bar 熟义:棒,条,吧间 Poor health may be a bar to success in life. n. 障碍47. become 熟义:v. 变得,变成 Her new hat certainly be

16、comes her. vt. 适于,适合 48. before conj才;就(熟义:以前) It was a long time before I got to sleep again过了很久我才再睡着。 I hadnt waited long before he came我没有等多久,他就来了。49. behaviour 熟义:n. 举止,行为 The behaviour of this computer is moderately good. n. 性能,特点50. blank 熟义: adj. 空白的 n. 空白 The stranger returned my greeting wi

17、th a blank look. adj. 没表情的,空虚的,没兴趣的 I cant think where Ive left my umbrella; my minds a complete blank. n. 记忆中的空白,遗忘 51. blue 熟义:adj/n 蓝色 His songs always make me feel blue. adj. 忧伤的 52. beside 熟义:prep. 在.旁边 Beside your earlier work, this piece seems rather disappointing. prep. 与.相比 53. build 熟义:v.

18、建设 The athlete has a solid build. n. 身材,体形54. bare 熟义:adj. 裸露的 He likes to bare his heart/soul with his close friends. vt. 向某人袒露心声 55. bear 熟义: vt. 忍受,容忍 He was badly wounded in the war and still bears the scars. v. 显示,带有 56. bitter 熟义: adj. 苦的,痛苦的 Why was she so bitter against Mr. Smith? adj. 强烈的(.

19、如此强烈反对.)57. blanket 熟义: n. 毯子 The whole village was blanketed with heavy snow. vt. 以厚层覆盖 (译:. 覆盖着厚厚的雪)58. break down熟义:(机器等)坏了 All our plans broke down(计划)失败,坚持不下去。 59. bring (熟义:带来) The cries brought the neighbours runningv引起 60. build (熟义:v修建) The football player has a solid buildn身材,体型 61. build

20、up 熟义: 建立,增强.体质 The noise is building up until she could not stand it. 增高,加强 62. burst 熟义: v. 使爆炸,破裂 The storm burst and we all got wet. v. 突然爆发 63. bond 熟义:v. 使牢固结合 adj. 一定会 I dont like being desk-bound all day. adj. 受.约束 Mothers who are depressed sometimes fail to bond with their children. v. 发展或建

21、立信赖和亲切关系64.burning 熟义:adj. 炽热的 She is burning to tell you the news. adj. 感情等强烈的 C65. can (熟义:能) Mother cans fruitn罐头vt做成罐头66. capital 熟义: n. 首都,首府;资本 Our capital task at the moment is to persuade her to calm down. adj. 极严重的,根本的67. cause ( 熟义:n起因,v引起) The UN has done a lot for the cause of world peac

22、e联合国为世界和平事业做了许多贡献。 We are struggling for revolutionary cause. n事业68. celebrate 熟义: vt. 庆祝 He celebrated her for her courage. vt. 称颂,赞扬 69. chance (熟义:机会) There is a chance that I will see himn可能性 We chanced to be out when she calledv碰巧70. check 熟义: vt. 检查 We should check the spread of the disease. v

23、t. 阻止,制止 71. choice 熟义: n. 选择 Some of his remarks are really choice. adj. 斟酌得当的72. civil 熟义:adj. 公民的,国内的 He is a civil person. adj. 有礼貌的,彬彬有礼的 73. class 熟义:n. 班级 It is no doubt that the professional classes do a much better job than those who are not. n. 阶级, 阶层, 等级74. climate 熟义: n. 气候 The cultural

24、climate here is somehow a little upsetting. n. 风气;思潮;倾向74-1 cloudy 熟义:adj. 阴天的,多云的 Who did it still remains cloudy. adj. 不明朗的,不清晰的75. coach 熟义:n. 教练 She coached me in English. v. 辅导,指导76. command 熟义: v. 命令,指挥 His bravery commanded our respect. .v. 博得,赢得contains v. 制服;抑制 77. contain 熟义: v. 含有,包含;克制 T

25、he man was later contained by the police. v. 制服 He is too excited to contain his laughter. vt. 抑制78. count 熟义:n/v 计算,数 There are 10 people in the classroom counting two teachers. vt. 包括 It is not how much you read but what you read that counts. vt. 重要,有价值 She was counted among the greatest dancers.

26、vt. 视为,以为79. couple 熟义:n. 一对,一双;一对夫妇或情侣 The dining car was coupled onto the last coach. v. 连接,联合 (餐车与最后一节车相连)80. come back 重新流行顶嘴回想起来(熟义:回来) Do you think long dresses will ever come back?你认为长裙子还会再流行吗? He came back at her with a nasty remark他以恶毒的语言回击她。 Its suddenly to come back where I saw you last突然

27、,我想起上次我在什么地方见过你。 81. come in开始流行;上市;上台执政;承担(任务)(熟义:进来) This style is certain to come in this year今年这种款式肯定流行。 If the Workers Party comes in at the next election a lot of industry will be state-owned如果工人党下届上台执政,许多工业都将收为国有。 Here is the plan of attack, and this is where you come in.这是我们的攻击计划,这是你要执行的任务。

28、82. come on进行,进展;开始(下雨);上映,上演,举行(熟义:快过来) How has he come on at school this year?他今年学业进展如何? The rain has just come on雨刚开始下。 The next exam comes on in early summer下次考试将在夏初进行。 83. come out出版;开花;结果(如何)(熟义:出来) Everything will come out all right一切都会好的。 84. company n有人作伴;伙伴;客人(均为不可数)(熟义:公司) You may know a

29、man by the company he keeps你可以从一个人所交的朋友了解他的为人。 He came in company with a group of girls他是和一群女孩子来的。 85. concert (熟义:音乐会) The various governments decided to act in concert over this matter.各级政府决定互相配合处理此事。 The team made a concerted effort to win the gamen协作,一致86. cost vt使失去(生命、健康等)(熟义:花费;值) The patient

30、s dangerous condition cost the doctors and nurses many a sleepless night. 病人的危险状态使医生、护士好几夜不曾合眼。 87. count ;熟义:数(数目) Every minute countsvi重要 On the whole she counted herself a fortunate wife vt认为88. cover 熟义:v走完(一段路),看完(多少页书);涉及;报导,覆盖 Here is5; that should cover all your expensesv. 够付(费用)89. course 熟

31、义: n. 课程,过程 The main course was a vegetable stew. n. 一道菜(译:这道主菜是蔬菜炖肉)90. cross 熟义: v. 跨越,横穿 n. 十字 Dont be cross with him- after all, he meant to help. adj. 生气的91. cut 熟义:vt 砍,割,切 His rude remarks cut me. vt. 伤感情92. case 熟义: n. 情况,状况 There are three cases of fever in school. n. 病例,案例93. casual 熟义: ad

32、j. 偶然的,随意的 He was employed as a casual labourer. adj. 临时的94. cater 熟义: v. 为社交活动提供饮食;承办酒席; TV must cater for many different tastes. v. 满足需要,迎合95. caution 熟义:n. 谨慎 The teacher cautioned him against being late. v. 告诫,提醒96. chance 熟义:n. 机会 She chanced to be in when he called. v. 碰巧97.choke 熟义: v. 窒息,哽咽

33、I managed to choke back my tears. v. 强忍住,抑制,克制98. charge 熟义:索价,收费;指控,控告 Mother charged Alice to take good care of the baby. v. 赋予.责任或义务99. challenge 熟义: v. 挑战 I challenged him to a game of chess. v. 强烈建议干某事100. clean 熟义:adj. 干净的 I clean forgot about it. adv. 彻底地,完全地101. company 熟义: n. 公司 You must kn

34、ow a man by the company he keeps. n. 陪伴,做伴,伙伴102. conduct 熟义: v. 组织,实施,指挥,引导 He conducted himself far better than expected. v. 举止,表现103. congratulate 熟义: v. 祝贺 I congratulated myself on my escape. v. 为成功感到高兴或自豪,恭喜104. consume 熟义:vt. 消耗,消费 The fire soon consumed the old wooden buildings in the neighb

35、ourhood. vt. 烧毁, 毁灭练习:将下列句子译成汉语。 1. The new theory became widely accepted.2. The brake wouldnt act, so there was an accident. 3. The President gave an address to the nation over thd radio. 4. This ticket will admit three to the film.5. The national flag stands out brightly against the blue sky. 6. D

36、o it well if you do it at all.7. It wasnt long before his new car broke down. 8. This type of suit doesnt agree with your build. 9. It chanced that the rain came on when we started out. 10. I came out first in this exam.11. I have company this evening. 12. The teacher asked the students to read the

37、text in concert.13. Careless driving cost him his life.14. For businessmen what counted was money.15. Hospitals receive 10, 000per donor to cover the costs of the operating room, doctors and nurses.keys: 1. 新理论被广泛接受 2. 刹车失灵 3. (总统通过电台向全国)致辞/发表演讲 4. 允许进3人 5. 在蓝天映衬下很醒目 6.(真的)要做就做好 7. 时间不长,他的车就出故障了 8.

38、不适合你的体型 9. 恰好 10. 得了第一名 11.伴,陪伴(n) 12. 齐声朗读 13. 使他失去妻子生命 14. 重要的是 15. 支付.费用D105. damage 熟义: v/n 损坏 He claimed $ 7000 damages from the taxi company. n. 赔偿金106. dash 熟义: v. 猛冲 Being badly ill, he was dashed to hospital. vt. 急送 His mother dashed him into going to school every day. vt. 催促107.dawn 熟义: n

39、拂晓, v. 破晓,天亮 The truth began to dawn on him. vt. 开始明白108. desert 熟义: n 沙漠 He deserted his wife and children and went abroad. v. 抛弃,离弃 We sheltered from the storm in a deserted hut.我们在一间空无人住的茅屋里躲暴风雨。 109. develop 熟义: v. 发展,开发,研制 Did you have the film developed? v. 冲印,冲洗 develop a disease 得病 ,出现问题 He

40、developed a cough他咳嗽起来了。 develop a habit 逐渐形成110. difficult 熟义: adj 困难的 You must get the permission of your difficult mother before getting married. adj. 难以取悦的,不易满足的111. deal with与做生意;与来往论及(熟义:处理;对付) Do you deal with Sm ith,the butcher?你与肉商史密斯有生意往来吗?112. dismiss 熟义: v. 解雇,开除 He just laughed and dism

41、issed my suggestion as unrealistic. vt. 拒绝考虑某人的意观点等 113. do (熟义:做,制作) The shoes wont do for mountain-climbingvi可以,行;够了, Practice and determination will do wonders. v. 创造 Everything is doing well vi. 进展114. down 熟义: adv. 向下,在下面 I paid $1000 down on the car. adv. 作为首付款115. draw (熟义:画) The football mat

42、ch between the Korean team and the American team was so wonderful that it drew a lot of people, though in the end they drew the match. v拉,拔出,吸引;不分胜负地结束 What moral are we to draw from the story. v. 获得,取得,推断出116. drive v. 驾驶 Hunger drove her steal. v. 迫使某人做不好的事117. delicate 熟义:adj. 精巧的,微妙的,脆弱的 I admir

43、ed your delicate handling of the situation. adj. 巧妙的118. deliver 熟义: 递送,传递,发表演说,接生 Only education can deliver people from misery. vt. 解救,拯救,使摆脱119. deposit 熟义:v. 把钱存入银行 He deposited the book on the desk. vt. 放下,放置120. divorce 熟义:v. 离婚 You cant divorce science from ethical questions. v. 使分离,使脱离。E121.

44、 easy (熟义:容易的) Now we are leading an easy lifeadj舒适的,安分的,轻松的122. elect 熟义:v. 选举,推选 She elected to become a lawyer. v. 选择/决定做. 123. embarrass 熟义: vt. 使尴尬 What embarrasses your making an early start? vt. 阻碍124. employ 熟义:v. 雇佣 The police employed force to open the door. v. 使用,利用125. engage 熟义:vt. 从事 A personal computer engages his interest now. vt. 吸引126. escape (熟义:逃走) His name escaped me for the momentv被忘记,一时想不起 127. eat ones words收回前言,认错道歉(切勿望文生义,解为“食言”) He boasted tha


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