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1、一、接不定式(而不接动名词)作宾语的24个常用动词 afford to do sth. 负担得起做某事 agree to do sth. 同意做某事 arrange to do sth.安排做某事 ask to do sth. 要求做某事 beg to do sth. 请求做某事 care to do sth. 想要做某事 choose to do sth. 决定做某事 decide to do sth. 决定做某事 demand to do sth. 要求做某事 determine to do sth. 决心做某事 expect to do sth. 期待做某事 fear to do sth

2、. 害怕做某事 help to do sth. 帮助做某事 hope to do sth. 希望做某事 learn to do sth. 学习做某事 manage to do sth. 设法做某事 offer to do sth. 主动提出做某事 plan to do sth. 计划做某事 prepare to do sth. 准备做某事 pretend to do sth. 假装做某事 promise to do sth. 答应做某事 refuse to do sth. 拒绝做某事 want to do sth. 想要做某事 wish to do sth. 希望做某事 注:有些不及物动词后习

3、惯上也接不定式,不接动名词: aim to do sth. 打算做某事 fail to do sth. 未能做某事 long to do sth. 渴望做某事 happen to do sth. 碰巧做某事 hesitate to do sth. 犹豫做某事 struggle to do sth. 努力做某事跟介词搭配的不及物动词 count on 依靠 embark on上路 gamble on以打赌 insist on坚持 rely on依靠 theorize on 对推理,对建立理论 harp on 老提到 calculate on 指望,依靠 concentrate on 集中到 de

4、pend on依靠 reckon on盼望,指望 account for 说明,解释 answer for回答 apologize for为道歉 suffer for为受苦 pay for 为付钱 look for 寻找 atone for补偿,赔偿 make up for补偿 stand for代表 compensate for 补偿 abstain from 有意回避,弃权 desist from 停止 refrain from抑制,忍住 shrink from 回避 suffer from 受苦,患病 benefit from 获益于 flinch from 退缩 escape from

5、 从逃开 approve of 同意 boast of 吹牛 consist of 由组成 despair of 失望 dream of 梦想做某事 repent of 忏悔,懊悔 believe in 相信 persevere in 坚持 revel in 陶醉,着迷于 succeed in 在某方面成功 delight in 为高兴 join in 加入 participate in 参加 persist in 坚持 specialize in 专门从事某事, 在某方面专长 aim at 瞄准于chafe at 恼怒,不满 frown at 向皱眉头 scowl at 沉下脸,对皱眉 la

6、ugh at 嘲笑 smile at向微笑 work at 从事于,用功于 look at 看着 attend to 参加 certify to 证明 allude to 暗示 confess to 承认 descend to 下降到 object to 反对 react to 对某事作出反应 refer to 提到 resort to 求助,采用 see to 检查 submit to 提交 testify to 表明,说明 turn to 转向 fall to 下跌,减弱及物动词与不及物动词:在英语中按动词后可否直接跟宾语,可以把动词分成两种:及物动词与不及物动词。及物动词 vt.及物动词

7、: 又称“他动词”。又称“外动词”。动词的一种。它所表示的动作常涉及动作者以外的事物,如“吃”、“穿”、“读”、“写”等。字典里词后标有vt. 的就是及物动词。及物动词后必须跟有动作的对象(即宾语),并且可直接跟宾语。如see 看见 (vt.) +宾语 I can see a boy. 其实所谓“及物”,就是后面可直接加宾语的动词,有被动形式,而不及物动词是没有被动式的,也不可直接加宾语,需加上介词。及物动词后面可直接接宾语,不及物动词后面不可直接接宾语,一般要加介词后再接宾语。实际上很多动词既是及物动词,又是不及物动词。举一个例子,就说write。如I am writing.和I am wr

8、iting a letter.在前一个句子write是不及物动词,在后一个句子write是及物动词。又如,see是及物动词,但在特殊情况下如seeing is believing。 示例不及物动词就是一个动作不能施加到另一个物体上,也就是后面不能加宾语。 例如:He is running. run这个动词就是不及物动词,后面不能加sth。(不能说跑什么东西) 分清及物不及物动词: 分清动词的及物不及物是在英语学习中必须解决的首要问题。动词及物与不及物通常有以下几种情况: a主要用作及物动词。及物动词后面必须跟宾语。可以用于:主谓宾;主谓双宾;主谓宾宾补结构。如: He reached Pari

9、s the day before yesterday. Please hand me the book over there. They asked me to go fishing with them. 类似的还有:buy, catch, invent, found, like, observe, offer, prevent, promise, raise, find, forget, receive, regard, see, say, seat, supply, select, suppose, show, make, take, tell. b主要用作不及物的动词。不及物动词后面不跟

10、宾语。只能用于:主谓结构。 This is the room where I once lived. 类似的还有:agree, go, work, listen, look, come, die, belong, fall, exist, rise, arrive, sit, sail, hurry, fail, succeed. c既可以用作及物又可以用作不及物的动词,其意义不变。如begin 都是作开始讲。everybody , our game begins. let us begin our game. 类似的还有:start, answer, sing, close, conside

11、r, insist, read, learn, prepare, pay, hurt, improve. d既可以用作及物又可以用作不及物的动词,其意义完全不同。 这类动词作不及物动词是一个意义;而作及物动词时却是另一个意义。如lift作不及物动词时是指烟雾的消散。we saw the mountain when the clouds lifted. 作及物动词时是升高;举起。 He lifted his glass and drank. 类似的还有:beatvi.跳动 vt. 敲、打;grow vi.生长 vt.种植 play vi.玩耍 vt. 打(牌、球),演奏 smell vi.发出(

12、气味) vt. 嗅 ringvi.(电话、铃)响vt.打电话speak vi.讲话vt. 说(语言) hangvi. 悬挂 vt.绞死operate vi.动手术vt. 操作在英语错误中,“及物动词介词宾语”(transitive verb+preposition+object),是常见的一种。所谓及物动词,就是谓语动词(predicative verb),不必通过介词引荐宾语。相反的,不及物动词(intransitive verb)是不带宾语的。有许多动词,虽然性质是及物的,但不一定要有宾语,如下列的a和a便是这种情形:a. We study every day.a. We study ev

13、ery day. b. Do you study English every day. a. Please write clearly next time. b. Can you write your composition now? 如果本质上就是不及物动词,就不会有宾语;若要宾语,就要借介词之助,一起连用才行(不及物动词+宾语+介词),如b和b;a和a是错的; *a. The children are listening the music. b. The children are listening to the music. *a. She is laughing the crippl

14、ed man. b. She is laughing at the crippled man. 反之,及物动词不必靠介词,就可以带宾语,如上述的b和b ,又如和: John is giving a book to me. Who will answer this question? 如果无意中把介词加上,就错了,如: * Who will answer to this question? 下列这句从房地产广告中看到的句子,也犯了同样的错: “We have many buyers awaiting for available units here.” “Awaiting”是个及物动词,后面的介

15、词“for”是多余的,要去掉;不然把“awaiting”改为“waiting for”也行。 许多人习惯上喜欢把介词加到及物动词后面,然后才带出宾语。最常见的是“emphasize/stress on/upon”和“discuss about”,如: Singaporeans seem to have emphasized on material gains. In our education system, we stress upon examination results. World leaders spent a lot of time discussing about worsen

16、ing economic problems. 显然的,这三句里的介词“on/upon”和“about”是多余的,不必要的。 下面是些类似的错误: The young must obey to their elders. Do not approach to that odd-looking man. The audience attacked on the rude speaker. Nothing can escape from his parents eyes. Do you hope to serve for your nation? When did Susan marry with

17、Paul? 介词“to, on, from, for, with”都要去掉才对。 为什么会有这些错误呢?主因是分不清楚及物动词和不及物动词的性质。其次,就是对同一个动词及其名词的句型有些混淆。解决之道有二。第一,要把“及物动词宾语”和“不及物动词介词宾语”划分清楚,如: I did not answer him./ I did not reply to him. He reached Londan yesterday./ He arrived in London yesterday. 第二,把及物动词转化为名词,然后加上适当的介词和宾语,如:Dont approach such a perso

18、n. Is oral practice a good approach to language teaching?划分标准英语中按动词后可否直接跟宾语,可把动词分成及物动词与和不及物动词。 界定不及物动词:字典里词后标有vi. 的就是不及物动词。不及物动词后不能直接跟有动作的对象(即宾语)。若要跟宾语,必须先在其后添加上某个介词,如to,of ,at后方可跟上宾语。具体每个动词后究竟加什么介词就得联系动词短语了 常用的不及物动词及不及物动词短语go want live come stay walk laugh work sime speakappear, die, disappear, end

19、(vi. 结束), fail, happen, last, lie, remain, sit, spread, stand, rise, fall, break out, come true, fall asleep, keep silence, lose heart, take place 用法举例Look carefully! (注意:carefully 是副词,不是名词,故不作宾语)look at 看.+宾语 Look at me carefully! (me是代词,作宾语) (at是小范围 in是大范围) 如: The students work very hard.学生们学习很努力。

20、 She apologized to me again. 她再次向我道歉。 The accident happened yesterday evening.事故是昨天晚上发生的。 与及物动词的区别动词的及物不及物是在英语学习中必须解决的首要问题。动词及物与不及物通常有以下几种情况: a主要用作及物动词。及物动词后面必须跟宾语。可以用于:主谓宾;主谓双宾;主谓宾宾补结构。如: He reached Paris the day before yesterday. Please hand me the book over there. They asked me to go fishing with

21、 them. 类似的还有:buy, catch, invent, found, like, observe, offer, prevent, promise, raise, find, forget, receive, regard, see, say, seat, supply, select, suppose, show, make, take, tell. b主要用作不及物的动词。不及物动词后面不跟宾语。只能用于:主谓结构。 This is the room where I once lived. 类似的还有:agree, go, work, listen, look, come, di

22、e, belong, fall, exist, rise, arrive, sit, sail, hurry, fail, succeed. c既可以用作及物又可以用作不及物的动词,其意义不变。如begin 都是作开始讲。everybody , our game begins. let us begin our game. 类似的还有:start, answer, sing, close, consider, insist, read, learn, prepare, pay, hurt, improve. d既可以用作及物又可以用作不及物的动词,其意义完全不同。 这类动词作不及物动词是一个意

23、义;而作及物动词时却是另一个意义。如lift作不及物动词时是指烟雾的消散。we saw the mountain when the clouds lifted. 作及物动词时是升高;举起。 He lifted his glass and drank. 类似的还有:beatvi.跳动 vt. 敲、打;grow vi.生长 vt.种植 play vi.玩耍 vt. 打(牌、球),演奏 smell vi.发出(气味) vt. 嗅 ringvi.(电话、铃)响vt.打电话speak vi.讲话vt. 说(语言) hangvi. 悬挂 vt.绞死operate vi.动手术vt. 操作 需要注意的一点是

24、:少数不及物动词唯一可跟的宾语是同源宾语,如:I dreamed a dream last night.when, while, as的用法区别三者可表示“当时候”,区别如下:(1) 若主句表示的是一个短暂性动作,从句表示的是一个持续性动作,三者都可用:He fell asleep when while, as he was reading. 他看书时睡着了。【注】as 用于引出一个持续性动词表示“在期间”时,其谓语通常只能是那些含有动作(action)和发展(development) 意味的动词,一般不能是那些不用于进行时态的动词(如 be, seem, love, want, agree,

25、 see, know, have 等),所以下面一句中的 while 不能换为 as:A:Im going to the post office. 我要去邮局。B:While youre there, can you get me some stamps? 当你在邮局时,能帮我买几张邮票吗? (2) 若主、从句表示两个同时进行的持续性动作,且强调主句表示的动作延续到从句所指的整个时间,通常要用 while:Dont talk while youre eating. 吃饭时不要说话。I kept silent while he was writing. 在他写的时候,我默不作声。但是,若主从句表

26、示的两个同时进行的动作含有“一边一边”之意思,通常用 as:She sang as she went along. 她边走边唱。(3) 若从句是一个短暂性动作,主句是一个持续性动作,可用 as / when 但不用 while:It was raining hard when as we arrived. 我们到达时正下着大雨。(4) 若主从句表示的是两个同时(或几乎同时)发生的短暂性动作,用 as / when:I thought of it just when as you opened your mouth. 就在你要说的时候,我也想到了。(5) 若要表示两个正在发展变化的情况,相当于汉

27、语的“随着”,一般用 as:Things are getting better and better as time goes on. 随着时间的推移,情况越来越好。As it grew darker, it became colder. 天色越晚,天气越冷。(6) 表示“每当的时候”(暗示一种规律性),一般要用 when:Its cold when it snows. 下雪时天冷。He smiles when you praise him. 你夸奖他时他总是笑笑。(7) 若主从句所表示的动作不是同时发生,而是有先后顺序时,一般要用 when:I will go home when he co

28、mes back. 他回来时,我就回家去。(8) when 可用作并列连词,表示“这时(突然)”;while 也可以用作并列连词,表示“而”、“却”(表示对比);但 as 则没有类似用法:We were about to start when it began to rain. 我们正要出发,这时天开始下雨了。He likes coffee, while she likes tea. 他喜欢咖啡,而她却喜欢茶。(9) as 后可直接跟一个名词,构成省略句,但 while, when很少这样用:As When a boy, he lived in Japan. 他小时候在日本。(10) when

29、 和 while 后可接现在分词、介词短语、形容词等构成省略句,但 as 一般不这样用:When While reading, he fell asleep. 他看书时睡着了。When While in trouble, ask her for help. 遇到麻烦的时候你就去找她帮忙。Whenwhileasjust as的用法1. 当从句中的谓语动词是持续性的动作时,我们可以用while, when或as。 While / When / As I was walking down the street, I noticed a police car in front of the bank.

30、我顺着马路往前走时,发现银行门前停着一辆警车。 2. 当从句中的谓语动词表示瞬间动作时,不可用while。 He was on the point of leaving when someone knocked at the door. 他正要走,这时有人敲门。 3. 如果谈论两个长动作,最常用的是while。 While John was sitting biting his nails, I was working out a plan to get us home. 约翰坐在那里咬指甲时,我想出了一个回家的办法。 不过, as是可以用来说明两种正在发展或变化的情况的,这时as引导一个持续

31、性的动作,主句中的动作与之同时进行。 As we talked on, he got more and more excited. 我们继续往下谈的时候,他越来越兴奋。 4. 如果表示两个短动作或事件同时发生,最常用的是as或just as,也可用when。 Just as he caught the ball, there was a tearing sound. 当他抓住球的时候,有一种撕裂的声音。 I thought of it just when you opened your mouth. 就在你要说话的时候,我也想到了。主句和从句的区别:在英语句子中通常会出现各种各样的比较复杂的句

32、子,在句子中有两个或两个以上的主语,谓语,宾语,我们通常会区分主句和从句,区别主从句的方法中最简单的就是看连接词,我们也称为引导词,但是有时连接词也会省略,只要找到连接词就找到了从句。常见的引导词有:that, where, who, how, why, who, whom, when, as, if如:If you dont hurry, you will miss the bus.I know the man who wrote the book.Where we will go havent been decided.as when while 的区别和用法as when while的用

33、法一、 as的意思是“正当时候”,它既可表示一个具体的时间点,也可以表示一段时间。as可表示主句和从句的动作同时发生或同时持续,即“点点重合”“线线重合”;又可表示一个动作发生在另一个动作的持续过程中,即“点线重合”,但不能表示两个动作一前一后发生。如果主句和从句的谓语动词都表示持续性的动作,二者均可用进行时,也可以一个用进行时,一个用一般时或者都用一般时。1、As I got on the bus, he got off. 我上车,他下车。(点点重合) 两个动作都是非延续性的2、 He was writing as I was reading. 我看书时,他在写字。(线线重合) 两个动作都是

34、延续性的3、 The students were talking as the teacher came in. 老师进来时,学生们正在讲话。(点线重合) 前一个动作是延续性的,而后一个动作时非延续性的二、while的意思是“在同时(at the same time that )”“在期间(for as long as, during the time that)”。从while的本身词义来看,它只能表示一段时间,不能表示具体的时间点。在时间上可以是“线线重合”或“点线重合”,但不能表示“点点重合”。例如: 1、He was watching TV while she was cooking.

35、 她做饭时,他在看电视。(线线重合) 2、 He was waiting for me while I was working. 我工作的时候,他正等着我。(线线重合) 3、 He asked me a question while I was speaking. 我在讲话时,他问了我一个问题。(点线重合) 三、when的意思是“当时候(at the time that)”“无论什么时候(whenever)” “一就(as soon as )” “在以后(after)”。它表示的时间概念比较广泛,上述例句中的as或while均可用when代替,因为when不但可以表示具体的时间点,而且也可以表

36、示一段时间。在时间上它既能表示“点点重合”“线线重合”,又能表示“点线重合”。例如: 1、When he came in,she went out. 他进来,她出去。(点点重合) 此句中when从句的动作表示的是一个时间点,when可以用as代替,但不能用while代替。 2、When he came back,I was doing some washing. 他回来时,我在洗衣服。(点线重合) 此句中when从句的动作表示的是一个时间点,所以只能用as代替,不能用while代替。 as when while的区别一、根据从句动作的持续性来区分 1、“主短从长”型:即主句是一个短暂性动作,而

37、从句是一个持续性动作,此时三者都可用。如: Jim hurt his arm whilewhen, as he was playing tennis. 吉姆打网球时把手臂扭伤了。 AsWhen, While she was waiting for the train, she became very impatient. 她在等火车时,变得很不耐烦。 注意:as 用于引出一个持续性动词表示“在期间”时,其谓语通常只能是那些含有动作(action)和发展(development)意味的动词,一般不能是那些不用于进行时态的动词(如 be,seem,love,want,agree,see,know,

38、have等),所以下面一句中的 while 不能换为 as: A:Im going to the post office. 我要去邮局。 B:While you are there, can you get me some stamps?当你在邮局时,能帮我买几张邮票吗? 2、“主长从长”型:即主句和从句为两个同时进行的动作或存在的状态,且强调主句动作或状态延续到从句所指的整个时间,此时通常要用while。I always listen to the radio while Im driving. 我总是一边开车一边听收音机。He didnt ask me in; he kept me sta

39、nding at the door while he read the message. 他没有让我进去,他只顾看那张条子,让我站在门口等着。 但是,若主句和从句所表示的两个同时进行的动作含有“一边一边”之意时,则习惯上要用as。如:He swung his arms as he walked. 他走路时摆动着手臂。I couldnt remember a story to tell the children, so I made one up as I went along. 我想不出有什么故事可给孩子讲了,只好现编现讲。3、“主长从短”型:即主句是一个持续性动作,而从句是一个短暂性动作,此

40、时可以用as或when,但不能用while。如:It was raining hard when as we arrived. 我们到达时正下着大雨。When As he came in, I was listening to the radio. 他进来时,我在听收音机。二、根据主句与从句动作是否同时发生来区分1、若主句与从句表示的是两个同时发生的短暂性动作,含有类似汉语“一就”的意思,英语一般要用as (也可用when)。如:The ice cracked as when I stepped onto it. 我一踩冰就裂了。He jumped to his feet as the bos

41、s came in. 老板一进来他立刻站了起来。但是,在hardly scarcelywhen句式中,不能将when换成as。如:Scarcely had we arrived, when it began to rain. 我们刚一到就下起雨来了。2、若主句与从句表示的是两个几乎同时发生的短暂性动作,含有类似汉语“刚要就”“正要却”的意思,英语一般要用as(也可用when),且此时通常连用副词just。如:I caught him just when as he was leaving the building. 他正要离开大楼的时候,我把他截住了。Just as when the two

42、men were leaving, a message arrived. 就在这两个人要离开的时候,突然有了消息。三、根据是否具有伴随变化来区分若要表示主句动作伴随从句动作同时发展变化,有类似汉语“随着”的意思,英语习惯上要用as,而不用when或while。如:The room grew colder as the fire burnt down. 随着炉火逐渐减弱,房间越来越冷。As time goes by my memory seems to get worse. 随着时间的流逝,我的记忆力似乎越来越差。注:若不是引导从句,而是引出一个短语,则用with,不用as。如:With win

43、ter coming on, its time to buy warm clothes. 随着冬天到来,该买暖和衣裳了。The shadows lengthened with the approach of sunset. 随着太阳下落,影子也逐渐伸长。四、根据从句动作的规律性来区分若暗示一种规律性,表示“每当的时候”,英语一般要用when。如:Its cold when it snows. 下雪时天冷。He smiles when you praise him. 你夸奖他时他总是笑笑。五、根据主从句动作的先后顺序来区分若主句与从句所表示的动作不是同时发生,而是有先后顺序时,一般要用when。如:When he arrives hell tell us all about the match. 等他到了,他会好好给我们讲讲那场比赛的情况。When she had finished she waited as though for a reply. 她讲完之后等了等,仿佛是在等候回答似的。六、根据是否具有“趁机”意味来区分1、若从句所表示的“当的时候”具有“趁机”的意味,则通常用while。如:Strike while the iron is hot. 趁热打铁。


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