2020新冠肺炎疫情英语作文500字春节,本该是举家团聚的日子,可是2020年确是一个不同寻常的一年,一场新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎疫情席卷全国,牵动着亿万国人的心。Novel coronavirus infection is a very unusual year in the Spring Festival. But a new outbreak of pneumonia in a new coronavirus infection has swept the whole country in 2020, and it has touched the hearts of millions of people.战“疫”,是一次大考。在这场没有硝烟的阻击战中,无论是冲锋一线的“战士”,还是自我防控的广大群众,举国上下,全民抗战,共克时艰。The war on epidemic is a big test. In this resistance war without smoke of gunpowder, whether it is the soldiers in