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1、 外文翻译 Third-Party Logistics in China: Still a Tough Market Material Source: Mercer on travel and transport Author: Diana Huang and Mark Kadar Mercer recently completed a survey of the third-party logistics (3PL) market in China, in conjunction with the China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing .T

2、he study included interviews with a wide range of both shippers and providers serving the Chinese market, as well as detailed research into the overall characteristics and trends influencing the growth of transportation and logistics services in China. The primary finding of the study was that the t

3、hird-party logistics market in China is finally off to a fast start, driven by the opening up of the market to foreign firms and government commitment to growing Chinas share of the world economy. However, Mercers study indicates that there is still a bumpy ride ahead for providers of logistics serv

4、ices in this market, given a range of challenges from both the supply and demand side. Most shippers in China are still relatively unsophisticated in terms of their logistics needs, although the increasing presence of multinational corporations is ramping up demand for higher-end services. On the su

5、pply side, the 3PL market is highly fragmented even the largest providers have less than a 2 percent market shareand foreign 3PLs in particular seeking to establish a presence will face significant obstacles. Over the longer term, both market and political forces are likely to change the landscape o

6、f providers, set new industry standards, and stimulate more and higher value-added demand for logistics services. A Growth Market for Logistics The size of the potential market for such services in China is mind-boggling , given that the country has a population of 1.3 billion and a GDP of US$1.1 tr

7、illion. Transportation and logistics expenditures were $230 billion in 2001, or approximately 20 percent of GDP. Although outsourcing accounts for only $4.7 billion, or less than five percent, of this figure, the market for such services is still in its early stages of development. Compared to overa

8、ll logistics services, which are growing by about 7.5 percent annually, outsourced logistics services in China are reported to be growing by 25 percent per year, leading both North America (10-15 percent annual 3PL growth) and the rest of the world (5-10 percent). In fact, several of the most promis

9、ing providers in the Chinese market say that they have experienced annual doubling of revenues in the past couple of years. Shippers that Mercer surveyed said that while only about 22 percent of logistics expenditures are spent on 3PL today, they expect outsourcing to account for 50-60 percent of to

10、tal expenditures in 3-5 years. Yet, while there is obviously enormous potential for growth in this market, the challenges uncovered by Mercers study indicate that fully realizing that potential will be difficult and will take time. Key factors that are expected to stimulate the growth of outsourcing

11、 include the increasing activity of multinational corporations in China, as well as overall pressure to reduce the to-market cost of goods, both domestically and for export. Governmental interest in the development of Chinas logistics infrastructure is also promising: Establishing national logistics

12、 centers and large-scale logistics enterprises is part of the next five-year plan, and key government ministries have publicly called for encouraging domestic companies to develop partnerships with 3PL providers and to outsource a greater percentage of their logistics needs, as well as for reducing

13、regulations that hinder entry of foreign 3PL providers into the market. Chinas entry into the World Trade Organization (WTO) is also a critical factor, as it committed the country to greater liberalization in domestic logistics, including allowing foreign companies to operate wholly owned logistics

14、units by December 2004。 Drivers of (and Barriers to) Demand for 3PL Services Nearly a third of all shippers interviewed by Mercer cited pressure to reduce logistics costs as a key challenge, and this is the top reason given for outsourcing logistics: As one director of white goods manufacturing note

15、d, “competition is fierce, and margins are decreasing, so we are looking to external logistics providers to reduce our logistics costs in order to maintain profitability.”Other logistics challenges cited by shippersdepending on industryinclude the need to shorten cycle time, reduce inventory levels,

16、 and improve service/reliability.(Exhibit 1) Most demand for 3PL services in China currently comes from multinational Corporations. Although over 88 percent of the shippers surveyed outsource their direct transportation needs, only about 48 percent outsource logistics services.There is also signific

17、ant difference in out outsourcing behavior between Chinese companies and multinationals; while 70 percent of multinationals outsource their logistics services, only 16 percent of Chinese shippers do so. By industry, IT & telecommunications, consumer electronics, and automotive show higher rates of l

18、ogistics outsourcing, while rates are lower than average for apparel, chemical, and food and beverage companies. Multinational manufacturers and importers active in China are more likely to outsource logistics because they have sophisticated logistics needs and experience with high-quality subcontra

19、ctors in other countries. The light-asset nature of many importers also means that they must rely more heavily on 3PL providers. In contrast, traditional state-owned enterprises (SOEs) are the least likely to use 3PL service, they have the in-house assets and people to handle logistics. They also la

20、ck experience in managing external vendors and can be slow to realize the benefits of outsourcing. Cracking the SOE market will likely be difficult, and could prove to be a critical barrier to the growth of outsourcing, given the size and reach of these companies in the Chinese market. 译文 第三方物流在中国仍是

21、一个棘手问题 资料来源 : 美世公司 的商业路径 和运输 作者: Diana 黄和马克卡达尔 最近,美世公司联合中国物流与采购联合会对中国的第三方物流市场进行了一项调查研究。这个研究包括了采访中国市场的很多承运商和供应商,以及对影响运输和物流发展的特点和趋势的全面、详细研究。 该研究的主要发现的是,中国的第三方物流市场有了一个快速启动的势头,主要是得益于对国外企业的市场开放和政府承 诺提高中国在世界经济中的份额。不过,美世的研究表明,这对市场中的第三方物流服务提供商来说这仍是很坎坷的,主要是来自供应方和需求方的挑战。对中国的大部分承运商来说他们提供的物流服务是很简单的,即使越来越多的跨国公司正

22、在加强对高端服务的要求。 在供应方面,第三方物流市场高度分散,甚至最大的供应商也不到百分之二的市场份额,特别是正在寻找着生存机会的外国第三物流将面临重大的障碍。从长远看来,无论是市场还是政治势力都有可能改变供应商的前景,建立新的工业水平,增加更多、更高附加值的物流服务需求。 物流市场的发展 在中国这样的服务行业的潜在市场令人难以相信的。利用了像那样的市场,美国发展成为了一个拥有 1.3亿人口,国内总产值是 1.1万亿美元的国家。 2001年,运输和物流支出额是 2300亿美元,也可以这样说,达到国家总产值的百分之二十。尽管国外采购零配件的总数仅仅只有 47亿 美元,都不到综述的百分之五。这样的

23、服务市场仍然处在初级发展阶段。 比较于正在以每年约 7.5%的速度增长的整体的物流服务业来讲,据说在中国提供的物流服务业正在以每年百分之二十五的速度增长,领先于北美(每年5%-10%的第三物流增长),和世界的其他地 方 (5%-10%的增长 )。事实上,在中国市场上,一些最具有前瞻性的商家就说, 在过去几年里 ,他们的收入每年增加两倍。美世调查的船商说只要百分之二十二的物流支出被花在今天的第三方物流上。他们期望外包服务能够在三五年里达到总支出的百分之五十或者百分之六十。然而,这很明显,虽然市场还有着巨大的增长潜力,但是美世研究所揭示的挑战表明发展这个潜力将是非常困难,而且还要花费很多时间。 那

24、些一直被期望来刺激外包增长的重要因素包括在中国的跨国公司的日益增长的活力,还有减少那些供应国内需求和供出口的商品成本所带来的压力。中 国政府建设中国物流基础设施是很有希望的: 建立全国性物流中心和大型物流企业是下一个五年计划的一部分,有关政府部门已公开呼吁,鼓励国内企业发展同第三方物物流企业伙伴关系, 给他们提供一个更大的供应比例,来满足他们的物流需要,还有就是 减少阻碍外国第三方物流公司进入中国市场的法律法规限制。 中国进入世贸组织也是一个关键的因素,它致力于让每一个国际在国内物流方面得到更大的自由, 包括在 2004年 12月以后允许国外企业在中国自主经营物流公司。 第三方物流服务的动力与

25、障碍 几乎三分之一受美世采访的托运人都把降低五六年成本当成一个关键的挑战因素,并且这是外包物流的最主要的原因。就如一个白色家电的生产总监指出,竞争很激烈,利润也在降低,所以为了为是利润我们正在寻找一个物流提供商来降低我们的物流成本。托运人指出的其他物流挑战 在行业务基础上 包括缩短周期时间,降低库存水平以及改善服务或可靠性,(见图 1) 目前中国的大多数的第三方物流服务的需求是来自于跨国公司。虽然超过 88%受访托运人外包了他们的直接运输需要, 但是只有大约 48%的受访者把物流服务外包出去。中国公司和跨国公司的第三方物流行为也有着明显的不同; 70%的跨国公司外包出了他们的物流服务,然而只有

26、 16%的中国托运人这样做。按行业划分,资讯科技,消费电子和汽车这几个行业的物流外包比率都比较高,但是与服装和餐饮公司来比,还是要低于他们的平均水平。在中国的跨国制造商和进口商更加倾向于第三方物流,因为他们与别国的 高水准转 包商有高要求的物流需求和物流合作。许多进口商的轻资产的特性意味着他们必须要更加依赖于第三方物流提供商。相比之下,传统的国有企业是最可能利用第三方物流服务的,因为他们有着专门的资金和人员来管理物流。他们也缺乏管理外包供应商的经验,并且可能对外包的好处反应不灵敏。破解国有企业的市场将是很困难的,结果可能是对第三方物流的发展造成障碍,这主要是鉴于中国市场上的公司规模和影响力而言。


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