I. 阅读理解导读:本文介绍了新型冠状病毒肺炎的起因、症状、传播途径,以及其他几类致命的冠状病毒。A new coronavirus, a COUSin Of the SARS virus, has infected more than IOOOO PeOPIe SinCe the OUtbreak began inWuhan, China, in DeCember.Scientist LeO Poon, WhO first decoded the virus, thinks it IikeIy Started in an animal and SPread to humans.What We know is that it CaUSeS PneUmOnia (肺炎)and then doesnt respond to antibiotic (抗生素)treatment,WhiCh is not SUrPrising, but then in terms Of mortality (死亡率),SARS kills 10% Of the individuals