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1、1 外文翻译 原文 Attitudes Toward Buying Online as Predictors of Shopping Online for British and American Respondents MateriaSource: CYBERPSYCHOLOGY&BEHAVIOR Author: BIJOU YANG,DAVID LESTER, and SIMON JAMES ABSTRACT This study compared the attitudes toward online shopping of British and American individual

2、s.Using a sample of 327 British and American university students, the British respondents were found to have less favorable attitudes toward online shopping. Attitudes toward online shopping were found to be significant predictors of making online purchases. The implications of these results were di

3、scussed and suggestions made for future research INTRODUCTION MOMENTUM IN RETAIL e-commerce sales continues to grow, according to statistics released by the U.S. Census Bureau. Preliminary first quarter 2005 retail e-commerce data indicated a total of $19.8 billion in sales, an increase of 23.8% fro

4、m the first quarter 2004. Meanwhile, total U.S. first quarter 2005 retail sales were estimated at $916.9 billion, an increase of only 7.3% from the same period in 2004.1 However, online retailing still accounts for only slightly more than 2% of the total retail sales in the United States.The lack of

5、 success in online retailing at present is attributed to the low-order conversion ratio of website visitors and the inability of online retailers to attract repeat customers.2 The conversion ratio, the proportion of website visitors who buy based on the total number who visit a website, is reported

6、to range from 2% to 3%.3 In order to increase the conversion ratio, e-tailers have to offer a superior online shopping experience to alternative non-store shopping formats, such as shopping by telephone, mail order, catalogue and catalogue showrooms, and direct sales.4 The specific benefit of effect

7、ive website design in promoting online shopping is confirmed by studies that have explored the role of the information format in influencing consumers online shopping behavior.By matching the information format of a web interface with consumers online shopping tasks, “the time that consumers spend s

8、earching for desired products can be shortened while their 2 recall of product information on the Web can be improved.”5 Besides paying attention to the design of websites, e-tailers have attempted to figure out the attributes/ benefits and barriers/risks on online shopping. Empirical studies have i

9、dentified clusters of the relevant attributes which differ by countryfor instance, Pechtl6 in Germany, Wu7 in Taiwan, and Teo8 in Singapore. Based on these studies, the major reasons for buying online seem to include convenience, flexibility of opening hours, and saving money. The most common reason

10、 for not buying online seems to be a preference for what in-store purchases can offer. The present study was designed to focus on the role of attitudes toward online shopping, both positive and negative attitudes, in influencing Internet purchases. While positive attitudes capture the benefits of sh

11、opping online, the negative attitudes reflect the barriers and risks associated with shopping online. The study also compared the attitudes that people in the United Kingdom and the United States have toward online shopping. METHODS The subjects were 185 business students from an American university

12、 (62% male, mean age 21.8 years, standard deviation = 2.8) and 142 business students from a British university (54% male, mean age 20.2 years, standard deviation = 1.9). The respondents were given a questionnaire and asked to complete it anonymously during class periods. The students were administer

13、ed a questionnaire anonymously in class containing the following scales: (1) background information, (2) attitudes toward online shopping using a 21-item scale to assess (on a five-point scale, ranging from “a lot” to “not much at all”) their opinions about the importance of the attributes of online

14、 shopping9 (Table 1), and (3) a list of 15 items (Table 3) which they were asked whether they had purchased them over the Internet in the past year. Any “online purchase” means any purchase from these 15 items. Statistical analysis Afactor analysis was applied to the combined data of American and Br

15、itish subjects on attitudes toward online shopping in order to identify factors that describe the underlying attitudes toward online shopping. American and British online shoppers were compared on their list of purchases and on their differences in attitudes. The linear probability model (LPM)10 was

16、 applied to predict making any purchase online and to predict buying each of 15 specific products by the American and British subjects using two specifications (the five orthogonal independent factor scores 3 from the factor analysis of the 21-item scale assessing attitudes toward online shopping an

17、d the scores for each of the 21 individual items in the scale. RESULTS The responses to the 21-item on attitudes toward online shopping identified five orthogonal factors with eigenvalues greater than one (Table 1). The first two factors had high loadings ( 0.50) from the positive items, and the las

18、t three had high loadings from the negative items. The comparison of the American and British respondents is shown in Table 2. Five positive items and eight negative items about online shopping showed significant differences (p 0.50),后三项因子从消极的条目中获得高因子负荷。 英美两国的消费者问卷调查结果比较显示在表二。网络购物的 五项积极条目和八项消极条目显示了英

19、美两国消费者在网络购物方面的显著差异( p 0.5)。来自美国的被调查者在五项积极的条目中均获得了高分,而来自英国的被调查者则获得了八项消极的条目中的七项的高分。(唯一的例外是“回归次品”条目) 通过英美消费者分别多久在网上购买一次特殊产品的比较显示了十五项产品其中六项的显著差异(表三)。美国消费者喜欢购买其中的四种(书籍,电脑,衣服,演出门票),而英国消费者喜欢购买其中两种(唱片,汽车保险)。 从以上差异可以看出美国消费者对在线购买各种产品,包括服务型商品和体8 验型商品感到更满意。相反的,英国消费者更喜欢在线购买服务型商品。服务型商品消费者在购买前就可以知道其具体的属性,特征。体验型商品则

20、在购买之后才能够评估其质量,属性等。因此,体验性商品总是标注了许多关于商品属性的描述来让消费者了解商品。唱片,汽车保险,门票,电脑和书籍属于服务型商品,衣服等属于体验型商品。 为了验证五因子得分结果对于受访者网络购物情况预测的准确性, LPM 回归结果(表 4)指出对英国受访者来说把预测因子作为一个整体来解释方差比美国受 访者更成功。应该注意的是回归系数报告的标准化(值)。 网络购物的预测因子因购买的具体商品和具体国家不同而有很大不同(表4)。对美国消费者来说,积极的态度对四种商品来说是重要的预测因子(书籍,电脑,飞机票,酒店房间),而消极的态度对五种商品是重要的预测因子(书籍,唱片,电脑,衣

21、服,赌博)。从以上分析来看,积极和消极的因子对于在线购买书籍和电脑都是重要的预测因子。对英国消费者来说,积极的态度对六种商品是重要的预测因子(书籍,唱片,酒店房间,食品杂货,演艺门票,彩票),而消极的态度对五种商品是重要的预测因子(书 籍,唱片,汽车保险,食品杂货,彩票)。积极和消极的因子对于在线购买书籍,唱片,食品杂货,彩票都是重要的预测因子。( LPM 回归结果所用的从作者那里得到的 21 个条目的态度量表是可用的。) 不管用何种方式(五正交因子还是 21 条独立特征),从个人在线购物研究得出的结论适用于所有英美受访者。看起来没有简单的规则说明在线购物的积极和消极的特征是相关的。 从调整的

22、方差来看,根据 21 条独立特征所得出的回归方程来预测网络购物比用五项正交因子来预测更好。用前一项方法分析导致美国消费者十五项产品中的九项和英国消费者十五项中的十项 的调整方差偏高。 另一方面,两种研究方式得出的回归方程对于英国消费者的网络购物行为的解释都要比美国消费者的好,这是因为两种研究方式对于英国受访者得出的更高的调整方差都是由至少十种在线产品统计计算得出的。 研究讨论 考虑到英美两国传统上的相似之处,从目前的研究中寻找两国之间存在的对于网络购物的不同态度是十分有趣的事情。美国人在网络购物的积极态度特征调查和积极因子分析中获得更高分数,而英国人则在消极态度特征调查和消极因子分析中获得更高

23、分数。这也许反应出美国人更加乐观一些。 从他们网络购物的经验来看,美国人购 买的商品种类比英国人更广。美国人9 在大多数体验型商品和服务型商品的购买频率上均超过英国人,而英国人仅仅在部分服务型商品的购买频率上超过美国人。 对于网络购物的重要的预测因子,两国所体现的相同点和不同点都取决于回归模型的不同选择。采用五正交因子分数作为预测因子会导致一种有趣的对比。所谓网络购物缺乏安全和隐私保护的不利因素,对于美国人来说是其中一种重要的预测因子,而所谓网络购物效率高的有利因素,对于英国人来说是一种重要的预测因子。 网络购物的每个产品的预测因子根据产品和国家的不同而不同。没有一种传统的模式显示是否 这些积

24、极和消极的特征会影响网络购物的每个商品的销售。这个结论对于两个国家都是真实的,而且他来源于两种 LPM 回归模型。 因为网络购物的积极因素和消极因素对于网络购物的每个产品都有影响,这就意味着网络零售商需要采取一种平衡的销售策略 绩效提高网络购物的优势同时减少与网络购物相关的风险和障碍。明显的,消费者对网络购物的一些担忧存在于一些产品中,但不是全部。例如,对于英国消费者来说很享受可以随时在线购买衣服,食品杂货,文具这三种商品的便利,但对其他商品却不是这样的态度。 需要注意到的是这项研究说明了网络购物的积极 和消极的因素是如何与网络购物行为产生关系的。这些发现补充了前人的从其他角度发起的调查研究(比如金钱和个性对网络购物的影响等)。在目前研究中得到的相对较低的方差值和调整后的方差值显示出许多变量都会影响到消费者作出网络购物的决定。进一步的研究需要考虑到这些变量。


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