单基因高血压,顽固性高血压 继发性高血压 单基因高血压,Secondary hypertension includes the monogenic forms of hypertension and other diseases that lead to hypertension, such as chronic kidney disease and renal artery stenosis. 估计单基因高血压占高血压的10% ;顽固性高血压20% -25% 是原醛,其中基因突变至少占5%; 嗜铬细胞瘤占高血压的0.1% -1% 13,14; 其中35%是基因突变所致。 significant renal artery stenosis is found in 16% of hypertensive patients undergoing cardiac catheterization15; and 42% of hypertensive patients have some evidence of chronic kidney disease.16,309 例16-30岁(平均