急性心力衰竭的处理,心力衰竭定义:,心力衰竭是指心脏在有适量静脉回流的情况下,不能维持足够的心排血量以满足组织代谢需要的一种综合征。 Heart Failure is the pathophysiological state in which the heart is unable to pump blood at a rate commensurate with the requirements of the metabolizing tissues or can do so only from an elevated filling pressure. 又称为心功能不全(Cardiac dysfunction or Cardiac insufficiency ),病因(Causes),基本病因 (Underlying Causes and Fundamental Causes) 1. 原发性心肌损害 2. 心室负荷过重,2000年我国住院心衰患者(2178例)的病因分析: 冠心病占55.7%;扩张性心肌病占7.5% 高血压占13.9%;其他占14.0% 风湿性瓣膜病占8.9%