建立可持续发展能力XX集团发展战略项目建议书,XX摩托车科技集团,1,china-beijing-zs-group strategy-200212001,2,china-beijing-zs-group strategy-200212001,内容页码,A.对XX集团战略项目的初步了解4 B.项目目标、内容、项目方法和时间安排11 C. 项目组织、人员安排以及项目费用44 D. 大通智汇对本项目的独特价值48,This document was created for the exclusive use of our clients. It is not complete unless supported by the underlying detailed analyses and oral presentation. It must not be passed on to third parties except with the explicit prior consent of Chatterton Strategy Consultants.,3,china-beiji