. 美术教育 摘要 : 美术教育是一个被教育界遗忘的角落,在美术课的开设上大多都流于形式,尤其是在一些偏远的学校,更是这样,甚至有的学校从孩子进校门到毕业都不知道有美术这门课。在一些大的城市美术课也作为一门主课的放松、娱乐方式出现在课表上,可有可无。好多人士都以为美术不重要,学不学都可,殊不知美术对孩子的情商智商的发展起着举足轻重的作用。Abstract: Art education is a the corner that is forgotten by education in art class, the opening of mostly form now on, especially in some remote schools, especially so, even some schools from their children into the school gate to the graduation all dont know have art this course. In some big cities ha