放、化療副作用之中醫藥治療,前 言,手術和放射線治療與化學治療是當代醫學對於癌症治療的主要方式 臨床或實驗證實有一定的療效 常因其副作用使得病人無法完成療程或因此大大的降低生活品質 所以尋找安全有效的治療方法、替代療法或結合療法(adjunctive treatment )是當代醫學努力的方向,傳統中藥或天然藥草是一個熱門的科門 Recent estimates suggest that many patients with pediatric cancer (84%), breast cancer (50%), or prostate cancer (37%) use some form of CAM (Richardson, 2001) Other sources state that the use of CAM in patients with cancer is 54%77%, and those with breast cancer use more CAMs than people with other cancers (Sparreboom, Cox, Acharya,