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1、 雷网空间 教案课件试题下载雷网空间 华中师大一附中英语模块八 Unit2 单元测试题及答案第一卷一、单项选择:从 A,B,C,D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 1. In fact, newspaper editors sometimes do not even _ control over large sectionsof their newspapers.A. exercise B. make C. decline D. develop2. _ can you expect to get a pay rise. A. With hard work B. Although w

2、ork hard C. Only with hard work D. Now that he works hard 3. John, _ Mary is to blame for the matter. A. rather than B. other than C. more than D. less than 4. I am a _ friend of his, because we all live very _ to our school, and I knowvery well that he sleeps with the windows _ even in summer. A. c

3、losing;close; close B. close;closely;closing C. closing;closely;closed D. close;close;closed 5. It was _ the ambulance came _ to the hospital. A. until;that the boy was sent B. until;that was the boy sent C. not until;that the boy was sent D. not until;that was the boy sent 6. -The boss said we had

4、only three days to finish the work.-Dont worry. We have already _ two thirds of it. A. got down B. got through C. given in D. given away 7. -Did they come to the biology laboratory ?-I dont know. They _ while I was out.A. might have come B. might come C. should have come D. must have come8. I cant s

5、ee any coffee in this cupboard. _?A. Has it all been finished B. Was it all finishedC. Has it all finished D. Did it all finish9. I was _ of crossing the road _ the car accident happened.A. around the time; when B. on the point; thatC. at the moment; when D. on the point; when10. -Shall we go to the

6、 art exhibition right away?- . A. Its your opinion B. I don t mind C. Its all up to you D. Thats your decision11.You must keep on working in the evening,. _ you are sure you can finish the task in timeA. as B. if C. when D. unless12. -How do you find the book? -Its _. A. of great useful B. of very v

7、alue 雷网空间 教案课件试题下载雷网空间 C. of great usefulness D. of great use 13. -Who cleaned the classroom? -We consider Tom _ it. A. to clean B. cleaning C. to have cleaned D. to have been cleaning14. -How did you _ with that idea? -I read a book. A. come up B. take off C. run over D. make up 15. -How many chapt

8、ers does the book have? -It _ three chapters. A. consists with B. consists of C. including D. is contained 16. -How many books do you think he has? -I think the books he has come to _ 1000. A. as much as B. as more as C. as long as D. as many as 17. -Shall we meet tonight -Sorry, Im busy. How about_

9、 day?A. every other B. the other C. any other D. some other 18. He was in hospital only because he was too excited at the fact _ he won the first prize in the contest. A. in which B. that C. which D. whether 19. -How many subjects are you good at? -Three, _, English, Chinese and politics. A. namely

10、B. such as C. for example D. like 20. He never said that he was good at mathematics, ?A. was he B. wasnt he C. did he D. didnt he21. Robert is said _ abroad, but I dont know what country he studied in. A. to have studied B. to study C. to be studying D. to have been studying 22. The police have _any

11、one with information to come forward and talk to them.A. admitted to B. appealed to C. allowed for D. called for 23. -Where is he? -He is _ visit to Rome. A. on a five-week B. for a five-week C. on a five-weeks D. for a five-weeks 24. Though _ in San Francisco, Dave had always preferred to record th

12、e plain facts of small town life. A. raised B. grown C. developed D. made 25. -How did you know it? -Well, the news _ all over the town. 雷网空间 教案课件试题下载雷网空间 A. was spread B. spread C. was spreading D. had been spread 二、完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各项的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中选出能填人相应空白处的最佳选项,并在答题

13、卡上将该项目涂黑。Dear Dio,Thank you for your note. I like your 26 between death and failure. I had not thought of these two in the 27 way that you describe. I thank you for bringing this to my 28 .Your insights are very deep. 29 you say, “death is only a(n) 30 but failure can change someones whole life.” Ye

14、s, death is final. Failure is temporary. Death leaves us with 31 .But failure can leave us with lessons which will 32 our lives.I hope that your failure to pass that 33 English test will help you 34 it will hurt you. Please remember that it is not being 35 down that is important. It is the inability

15、 to get up that is 36 . You will have to learn to get up ,and to get going. Failure is the “staying down.” It is not the “falling down.”From reading your letter, I 37 your English to be very good. You write better than 38 of my American friends. I do not know the reason for 39 your English test. May

16、be you were distracted that day. It is 40 that persons are judged on the basis of a single test.You write well, you 41 your feelings with excellence, and you think 42 . These characteristics should 43 you move toward a bright a bright career. Just dont let yourself “stay down.” Get up and 44 them al

17、l know that you are talented and you are 45 to succeed. I think you will.With best wishes for a fine career.26.Aidea Bcomparison Cthought Dreason27.Asame Bwrong Ccorrect Dright28.Aattention Bheart Chead Dhome29.AWhich BWhen CWhat DAs30.Aend Bresult Cfact Dthing31.Asomething Bnothing Canything Dthink

18、ing32.Aincrease Bimprove Chonor Dtreasure33.Aeasy Bsimple Cterrible Dordinary34.Aas good as Bas well as Cmore than Dmuch than35.Afallen Bstayed Cknocked Dfelt36.Aimpossible Bpossible Cnecessary Dimportant37.Ajudge Baccept Cprefer Dexpect38.Aall Bany Cone Dsome39.Asucceeding Bpassing Cfinishing Dfail

19、ing40.Alikely Breasonable Ca shame Dfair41.Afind Bexpress Cspeak Dtell雷网空间 教案课件试题下载雷网空间 42.Adeeply Bthoroughly Ccarefully Dwidely43.Aleave Bdrive Chelp Dstart44.Aget Bask Cshow Dlet45.Adevoted Bdetermined Cengaged Dsupposed三、阅读理解(共 20 小题,每小题 2 分,满分 40 分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项.AAdvertisin

20、g is as old as story-telling itself. For as long as people have wanted to persuade others to buy their goods, give them their vote or lay down their lives, they have used the methods of advertising. Of course, methods have changed over the years. At first, word of mouth was the only means of communi

21、cating, but after the invention of the first printing press and the arrival of the first newspaper, the camera, the television, and the home video recorder, the persuasive methods of the advertising industry have become much more sophisticated.Advertising appeals more to our emotions than to our min

22、ds and therefore uses persuasive techniques which, though not misleading, are certainly biased towards its products. Advertisements have some basic features.They are fast and short. They deliver their message in minimum time and space.They are concentrated. Their language and images are extremely de

23、nse.They appeal to consumers emotions rather than to their logic.They entertain. That entertainment may be in the form of a jazzy melody or a photograph or a clever joke, but it always draws attention to itself because advertisements have to compete against every other competitor for consumers atten

24、tion.46.In the past, people used methods of advertising when they wanted others to .Abuy their products and lay downBvote for them and give up their livesCsupport them and lie downDbuy their products and give them tickets47.How can advertisements attract people?ABy showing reasonable prices of the p

25、roducts.BBy showing fabulous pictures of the products.CBy reminding people to think before deciding to buy the products.DBy persuading people in the form of music, pictures and so on.48.The writer implied in the passage that .Aadvertisers only present good points of their productsBadvertisers try to

26、 cheat consumersCadvertisers are not sure about their productsDadvertisers are competing with each other.49.“Itself” in the last sentence of the passage refers to .Aphotograph Bentertainment Cjoke Djazzy melody雷网空间 教案课件试题下载雷网空间 BTechnically the domain name system consists of three parts. First is th

27、e addressing system of Internet Protocol(IP)numbers, the 32-bit numbers that are the true addresses of computers connected to the Internet. Next is the naming system, the by-now familiar names that include .com .org .edu .etc., which are collectively known as top level domains, or TLDs. The naming s

28、ystem was devised to find a computer or send email. Finally, there is the routing system, which “maps” domain names to IP numbers. Computers called “root servers” contain a kind of giant directory that links specific names to specific addresses on the Internet.There are several political headaches a

29、bout domain names that have no clear solutions. Because domain names have to be unique, they are inevitably linked to trademark disputes when two or more businesses, or people, want the same name.Domain names also raise issues of privacy. Using a search tool such as the Whonami Global Internet Name

30、Search site, anyone can look up the name and address of whoever is registered as the owner of a domain name.In 1998, the U.S. government handed over management of the entire domain name system to the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, or ICANN, based in Marina Del Rey. ICANNs board

31、 of directors held one of its periodic general meetings recently in Stockholm, an event that featured an outpouring of frustration and controversy about how the group is managing its new responsibilities.50.If you want to send email, you must own the following except .Aa computer Bthe addressing sys

32、temCa domain address Da telephone line or cable51.Which of the following is NOT true?AThe domain name system was once under the control of the U.S. government.BThe general meeting of ICANN is held on a regular basis.CTwo businesses can have the same domain names.DSearch sites help people to get info

33、rmation about domain name owners.52.The purpose of naming system was to .Alink specific names to specific addresses on the InternetBfind people on computers.Cdistinguish computers or send emailDsolve problems for businesses and people53.Domain names which have no clear solutions .Acause peoples head

34、acheBcause difficult situations for the governmentCget businesses to change their trademarksDforce businesses to put trademarks on their goods.CAdult Basic Education (ABE) and GED Preparation雷网空间 教案课件试题下载雷网空间 TaskThe Adult Basic Education Department serves a huge population of learners. Our task is

35、to teach basic skills and help learners to get more knowledge to function effectively as a family member, citizen, worker, and lifelong learner in a changing world.DescriptionABE is a non-credit program of self-improvement designed to improve basic skills for students who are of different educationa

36、l levels. Development of reading, writing, and math skills are paid special attention to, as well as life skills, employability, and technology. Students without a high school diploma(文凭)also have the opportunity to prepare for the GED exams in the five subject areas: writing, social studies, scienc

37、e, literature, and math.Prerequisites(条件)ABE classes are open to anyone 18or over who desires to improve basic reading, writing, and math skills at the pre-college level. Students who are 16 or 17 must first obtain an official release(证书)from high school before attending class.To be accepted, studen

38、ts must attend an Educational Planning Session. During the Educational Planning Session students will be given an overview of the ABE programs as well as PCC policies, fees, etc, Students will also have their reading, writing, and math abilities assessed(评估)during the Educational Planning Session. T

39、he results of their assessments will help the teachers develop individual programs of study for students to guide them toward their personal goals. Students needing special help must get in touch with the Office for Students with Disabilities (503-977-4341) at least two weeks before the session is h

40、eld.CoursesABE 0741: Beginning LiteracyABE 0742: BeginningABE 0743: Intermediate IABE 0744: Intermediate IIABE 0745: Secondary IABE0746: Secondary II (Includes preparation for the GED Test.)54. The ABE Department serves an aim to .Aprovide learners with basic knowledge and skills to fit in with soci

41、etyBhelp learners successfully get a job in a changing worldCoffer diplomas to those who fail to finish secondary educationDprovide students with opportunities to prepare for the GED exams55. A 17-year-old is not accepted to ABE classes only because he .Ais below 18Bcant offer a high school diploma

42、Chas left school without official permission雷网空间 教案课件试题下载雷网空间 Dis assessed as poor in learning performances56. What is the Education Planning Session intended for?AAn assessment of students basic skill levels.BHelping students be better at the four basic skills.CFinding out whether they can be accep

43、ted to ABE classes.DProviding special help to disabled students.57. Different courses are offered to different students according to .Atheir own choicesBthe assessments during the Education Planning SessionCtheir performances in schoolDhow much they pay for the coursesDMillions of people die of hung

44、er in southern Africa every year, but when Zambia was offered thousands of tons of free maize by the US, the government politely paid no.“We dont know whether the food is safe,” said Zambias commerce, Trade and Industry Minister Dipak Patel.His worries are shared by countries around the world that a

45、re in two minds about Americas genetically modified(GM,转基因的)crops. Just last week, EU(欧盟)member nations were discussing whether or not to import GM sweet corn from the US.Ever since people started farming, they have tried to crossbreed(杂交) plants to make them stronger or better tasting. At one time,

46、 only related plants could be crossed with each other.But when GM techniques were developed in the 1970s, scientists were able to put a single gene from a living creature into an unrelated creature.This means they can make crops more productive and resistant to disease by adding genes from other species. They can also create food with special characteristics, such as “golden rice”, which is enriched with vitamin A. But many people b


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