.A Lovely Night-From La La Land Soundtrack - Ryan Gosling&Emma StoneThe sun is nearly gone夕阳缓缓西下No lights are turning on灯光还未点亮A silver shine that stretches to the sea皎洁的月光铺洒在蔚蓝的海上 好似一身银装Weve stumbled on a view我们是在无意中撞见了这醉人风光Thats tailor-made for two如此良辰美景 却只有你我二人独赏What a shame those two are you and me不禁有些许尴尬 可惜Some other girl and guy世间定还有更多的痴男怨女Would love this swirling sky会爱上这浩渺的星空But theres only you and I但此刻只有你我二人And weve got no shot彼此之间没有爱情可言Th