.暮光之城高频单词【双语释义】【暮光原版例句+翻译】1 wry/wryly (6次)【双语释义】If someone has a wry expression, it shows that they find a bad situation or a change in a situation slightly amusing.情况很糟糕却觉得有一点好笑, 有些“啼笑皆非”“哭笑不得”的意味【暮光例句】I always say too much when Im talking to you thats one of the problems. Dont worry I dont understand any of it, I said wryly.“在你面前我总是口无遮拦,这也是个问题。”“放心吧,反正我也听不明白”我苦笑道。2 grimace (16次)【双语释义】To grimace is to make an ugly expression with your fa