.UNIT5 Passage A1. 知道原理是一回事,但要付诸实践又是另外一回事。Its one thing to understand the principle; its another thing to put it into practice.2. 据报道,慢跑(jogging)可将患心脏病的可能性减少三分之二。Its reported that jogging makes you three times less likely to suffer from a heart attack.3. 根据最新调查,半数英国人不清楚欧元和英镑的比值。Almost half of the British people have no idea what the euro is worth in relation to the pound, according to the latest survey.4. 这片土地本应建成一个供大家享用的公园,但现在却立起了几栋公寓楼。The area should have been made into a