.S08E01片头神仙眷侣也会劳燕分飞,刚刚还耳鬓厮磨,转眼间,形同陌路。男女双方各有说法,你们的和们的。不过两种说法都有相同的起因,皆因两人坠入爱河。Even good marriages fail.One minute youre standing on soild groung, The next minute youre not.And theres always two versions.Yours and theirs. Both versions start the same way, though both start with two people failing in love.片尾你够不够勇敢?你的婚姻触礁了,你能否力挽狂澜?当大地分崩离析时,你的世界也随之飘摇零落,也许你只是需要一点信心,还要坚信自己一定能挺过来,也许你只需咬牙坚持。不管怎么样,永远不要放弃。Do you have what it takes? If your marriage is in trouble, can you weather the storm?