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1、本资料有秦老师精品课堂提供:1271968921 欢迎到 139 家校圈下载更多精品资源 欢迎下载资料:QQ 1253608268 群号:3634092家校圈: http:/ 资料免费下载八年级英语上册学案 第 24 课时Unit 4 How do you get to school? Section B (3a-4)励志小木屋 :Wisdom in the mind is better than money in the hand.(脑中有知识,胜过手中有金钱。 )一、学习目标 :(一)知识与能力:1.掌握下列词汇:north part thing other depend on river

2、 boat by boat must more than car -2.理解 3a 中文章大意,并会复述。(二)过程与方法:小组合作探究,make a survey .(三)情感态度与价值观:合理安排行程,并合理选用交通工具二、学习重难点:。复述 3a.三、自主预习:(一)、预习任务:Task 1:读短文,完成 3a 的任务(判断 5 个句子的正误) 。Task 2 :根据表格内容,填写短文空格。Task 3 :对本组内学生的到校方式作调查并记录下来: _Task4: 词汇:北美洲_ 视而定;决定于_ 世界各地_ 校车_ 世界的其他地方_乘船_ 与不同_ 一定(表猜测)_ 三种最流行的到校方式

3、_ _有趣得多_ 少量的_Task5: 辨析:(1)must 与 have to _ (2)a number of 与 the number of _ (二 )、预习诊断 :1、We usually go to school by bike .(改为同义句)We usually to school.2、He (一定) be at home.3、In China , bikes and buses are the _(popular)means of transportation.4、He has to (look) after his mother at home .(三)、预习反思 :Do

4、you have any questions ? _四、Learning Steps :Step 1 . Warming-up Step 2 . Lead-in Step 3. Read and retell the article in 3a. Step 4 . Complete the article in 3b.Step 5. 精讲点拨A small number of students take the subways. 少数学生乘地铁。本资料有秦老师精品课堂提供:1271968921 欢迎到 139 家校圈下载更多精品资源 欢迎下载资料:QQ 1253608268 群号:363409

5、2家校圈: http:/ 资料免费下载a number of 意为“许多的;大量的” ,a small number of 意为“少量的” 。A (small/large) number of 后接可数名词复数或不可数名词,当其后接不可数名词做主语时,谓语动词用单数;当其后接可数名词复数作主语时,谓语动词用复数。the number of 意为 “的数量” ,其后接可数名词复数作主语,谓语动词用单数。如:The number of the students in Class 5 is 46. 五班的学生数量为 46 人。Step 6 . 拓展延伸. 动词填空I have a good frie

6、nd.His name is John Brown.He is a school boy.His school is far from his home.Every day it_ a lot of time to get there.The road_not flat,so he cant_ to school by bike.He often _ there by bus or on foot.It_ him twenty minutes _ get there by bus and an hour on foot.He must_ up very early every morning.

7、He_ no time for breakfast at home.He often_ something for breakfast on the way or on the bus.He doesnt want to_ late for school,so sometimes he _to school.Step 7 . Summary 五、限时作业 :(限时十分钟,满分 10 分) 得分 _(一)、单项选择1、Beijing is in _. A. north China B. the north China C.north of China D. the north of China2

8、. One of the twins is a doctor, _ is a policeman. A. other B. others C. the other D. another(二)、完成句子1. 那些老人经常骑车出游。那肯定比老待在家里有乐趣。Those old men often go bike riding. That _ _ _ fun than _ at home.2. 他花了 1 小时完成作业。It _ _ an hour _ _ his homework. 3. “我该乘哪路车?”“ 这取决于你在哪里。 ”_ bus should I _?It _ _ _ you live.4. 请告诉我眼下最流行的度假方式是什么。Please tell me what are the _ _ _ _ vacation at the moment.5. 中国东西部相当不一样。West China _ _ _ _ East China.六、学后反思。我的收获我快乐_我的不足我改正 你有做错的题吗?请你记录下来并更正到错题记录本!_本资料有秦老师精品课堂提供:1271968921 欢迎到 139 家校圈下载更多精品资源 欢迎下载资料:QQ 1253608268 群号:3634092家校圈: http:/ 资料免费下载


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