.中国传统手工艺英文介绍(每条都是我自己写的啊亲 好好看 很短不多 每条一句话)泥人(ClayFigure)中文介绍:泥人是雕塑的一种,使用泥土为原料,多表现人物。著名的有泥人张。英文介绍: Clay Figure is a sculpture using clay as raw material, a lot of them performance figures. The most famous clay figure artists is Clay Figurine Zhang.糖画(Sugar Painting)中文介绍: 糖画是一种汉族民间手工艺,以糖为材料来进行创造。艺人使用小汤勺舀起溶化了的糖水,在石板上飞快地来回浇铸,画出造型,并用小铲刀将糖画铲起。英文介绍: Sugar Painting is a Chinese folk handicrafts, which uses sugar as material for creation. The artists use a small spoo