315国际消费者权益日,诚信消费 打击假货,消,费,者,权,益,保,护,日,汇报人:xxx,时间:20XX.XX.XX,which works better. Icons and pictures can be replaced with one click according to your personal needs,录,目,315/国/际/消/费者/权/益/日,which works better. Icons and pictures can be replaced with one click according to your personal needs,03-活动内容,04-历届主题,01-发展历史,02-主要内容,CONSUMER RIGHTS DAY,发展历史,which works better. Icons and pictures can be replaced with one click according to your personal needs,CONSUMER RIGHTS DAY,是每年的3月15日,由国际消费者联盟组织于1983年确定,目的