2021年英语演讲稿精彩范文(附翻译)2021年英语演讲稿精彩(附翻译)2021年3月13日晨,在美国就读高中的倪闻萱同学,为全校500名师生发表了一次主题演讲。这场演讲深深打动了全体师生,引起热情反响,为什么一场关于佛教的演说,会在西方引起如此剧烈的反响?以下是应届毕业生演讲稿网站为大家供应的英文演讲稿(附中文翻译),看过之后你会从中找到答案。演讲从一个故事开头:A stormy nightin Hong Kong.一个风雨交加的夜晚。A young man who asked his girlfriend out on adate canceled the date and stayed at home because of the bad weather. Meanwhile, in the same apartment building, a pregnant lady who was lying in bed already, suddenly decided to drive out to grab some f