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1、第 1 頁,共 5 頁CUSTOMER NO.帳號-合作金庫商業銀行香港分行Taiwan Cooperative Bank Hong Kong Branch網路銀行查詢服務申請書 Internet Banking Enquiry Services Application Form Customer Information (Personal Account)客戶資料(個人帳戶) Customer Information (Company Account)客戶資料(公司帳戶)Applicant申請人_ _(Account Name戶名) ,hereby apply for internet ba

2、nking enquiry services of Taiwan Cooperative Bank Hong Kong Branch as set out below, after comprehensively read and agree on all the binding terms concerned to the regulations of .申請辦理網路銀行查詢服務,並已審閱及同意遵守下列所勾選服務項目之約定以及網路銀行查詢服務約定事項之約束。Apply Item 申請項目:Apply Personal Internet Banking Enquiry Service 新 申請

3、個人網路銀行查詢服務 User ID 使用者代號:_ (U ser ID is consisted of 616 alphabets and numbers. Not case sensitive Do not use the same or sequential alphabets or numbers. Avoid using Account No. 使 用 者 代 號 為 616 位英數字,不區分大小寫,可填09、AZ, 且 不 可 與 客 戶 編 號 相 同 。) E-MAIL 電子郵件:_ 【 說 明 】 Contact email address for communication

4、 with account information. New Account or Change E-Mail is available to fill, maximum of 40 alphabets and numbers. 本 電子郵件提 供 帳 務 訊 息 通 知 , 新 申 請 及 變 更 E-MAIL 時 填 寫 , 限 40 英 數 字 ) Update 變更用者代號Original User ID 原使用者代號:_ Change to:變更為:_Terminate Personal Internet Banking Enquiry Service 註銷個人網 路銀行查詢服務 R

5、eset password 使用者密碼重設 Please fill out the User ID which you want to reset your password 請填入欲重新設定密碼之使用者代號:_ 【 說 明 】 When receiving Password Confirmation, please change your password in one month after the application date.密 碼 函 之 有 效 期 限 為 1 個 月 ,存 戶 應 於 有 效 期 限 內 啟 用 變 更 密 碼 初 值 , 倘 逾 期 尚 未 啟 用 , 申

6、請 人 需 申 請 重 設 密 碼 。Change E-MAIL 變更電子郵件Original Email 原電子郵件:_ Change to:變更為 :_ The way to collect the letter containing pass-code 網路銀行密碼單領取方式:Collect it by myself/ourselves 請待本人(等)親自領取。 【 說 明 】 New Account please choice “Collect it by myself/ourselves ”.香港分行新存戶須親自至香港分行領取網路銀行密碼單。Please send the lette

7、r containing pass-code to my/our correspondence address by registered mail and the relative charges i.e. postage and handling commission to be deducted from my/our account.請以掛號郵件寄至本人(等)於貴行登記之郵寄地址,有關郵費及手續費自本人帳戶中扣付。第 2 頁,共 5 頁CUSTOMER NO.帳號-合作金庫商業銀行香港分行網路銀行查詢服務約定事項Terms and Conditions of Internet Bank

8、ing Enquiry Service Agreement of Taiwan Cooperative Bank一、 約定事項之適用範圍 Scope本約定事項係網路銀行業務服務之一般性共同約定,除個別約定事項另有約定外,悉依本約定事項之約定、貴行之重要聲明及香港個人資料(私隱)條例及普通法下的客戶保密規定所限制。本約定事項係依據香港特別行政區法律規定擬定。個別約定事項不得牴觸本約定事項。但個別約定事項對存戶之保護更有利者,從其約定。 This Agreement shall constitute the general terms and conditions for internet ban

9、king service, and unless otherwise provided for in any specific agreement, the services shall be governed by the terms and conditions and other relevant documents so as to address the applicable legal requirements (e.g. the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, consumer protection regulations of overse

10、as jurisdictions) and potential reputation issues herein. Any specific agreements shall not contravene this Agreement. However, if such specific agreements provide greater protection to the Customer, such specific agreements shall prevail.二、 名詞定義 (一) 網路銀行業務(Internet Banking):指存戶端電腦經由網際網路與貴行電腦連線,無須親赴

11、銀行櫃台,即可直接取得貴行所提供之各項金融服務(目前僅供網路查詢存款/匯款之用途)。 “Internet banking” means that the Customer may directly access the various financial services provided by the Bank without going to the bank counter personally once the Customers computer terminal connects with the Banks computer via the internet (For Depos

12、it/ Remittance use only).(二) 電子訊息(Electronic Message):指貴行或存戶經由電腦及網路連線傳遞之訊息。 “Electronic message” means the message transmitted by the Bank or the Customer via the PC and internet.(三) 數位簽章Digital signature:除法律另有規定外,指貴行及存戶將傳送電子訊息所附經雙方認同之電子識別碼或符號視為當事人一方之簽名,用以確認訊息發送者身分。“Digital signature” means unless o

13、therwise provided under laws, the Bank and the Customer identify the electronic identification codes or symbols approved by both parties as attached to the sent electronic message as either partys signature to verify the senders identity.(四) 私密金鑰 (Private Key) :指一組具有配對關係之數位資料中,由簽章製作者保有之數位資料,該數位資料係作電

14、子訊息解密及製作數位簽章之用。“Private key” means the digital data reserved by the producer of signature among a set of mapping digital data, which are used to decode electronic data and produce the digital signature.(五) 公開金鑰(Public Key):指一組具有配對關係之數位資料中,用以對電子訊息加密、或驗證簽署者身分及數位簽章真偽之數位資料。“Public key” means the digital

15、 data among a set of mapping digital data which are used to encrypt electronic messages or certify the signatorys identity and genuineness of the digital signature.(六) 憑證:指由憑證機構以數位簽章方式簽署之資料訊息,用以確認憑證申請者之身分,並證明其確實擁有一組相對應之公開金鑰及私密金鑰之數位式證明。“Certificate” means the electronic message signed by the certific

16、ation organization by virtue of digital signature, which is used to identify the applicants identity, and also is the digital certificate proving that the applicant truly possesses a set of correspondent public keys and private keys.(七) 服務時間:指週一至週五上午九點至下午四點三十分,惟貴行依規定對外停止營業之日除外。但如因服務項目之特殊性,貴行得另行約定或公告

17、服務時間。 “Service hours” mean 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. from Monday to Friday, exclusive of the dates when the Bank suspends doing business. However the Bank may agree on or public the service hours separately to meet the special requirements of services.(八) SSL(Secure Socket Layer,安全電子資料傳輸協定):係指資料以SSL通訊協

18、定在網際網路傳輸,確保訊息之隱密性及訊息之完整性。 “Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)” are cryptographic protocols that provide security and data integrity for communications over TCP/IP networks such as the Internet.三、 網頁之確認 Identification of webpages存戶使用網路銀行前,請先確認網路銀行正確之網址(http:/www.tcb-.hk),才使用網路銀行服務;如有疑問,存戶應洽詢貴行客服專線。 貴行應盡善管理人之

19、義務,隨時注意有無偽造之網頁。 Prior to using the internet banking services, the Customer shall check and ensure the correct internet banking website(http:/www.tcb-.hk) and contact us immediately should you encounter any difficulties or irregularities. Also, the Bank will, from time to time, check whether there is

20、 any fake website in existence.四、 連線所使用之網路 Internet Connection存戶與貴行同意使用網際網路進行電子訊息傳輸。雙方應分別就各項權利義務關係與各該網路業者簽訂網路服務約定事項,並各自負擔網路使用之費用。 The Bank and the Customer agree to transmit the electronic messages via the internet as agreed. The Bank and the Customer shall enter into service agreements with the int

21、ernet provider with respect to their rights and obligations respectively, and shall bear the fees for accessing to the internet respectively.五、 電子訊息之接收與回應 Receipt of and response to electronic message貴行接收含數位簽章或經貴行及存戶同意用以辨識身分之電子訊息後,應即時進行檢核或處理,並將檢核或處理結果通知存戶。貴行或存戶接收自對方任何電子訊息,無法辨識其內容時,視為自始未傳送。但貴行可確定存戶身分

22、時,應立即將內容無法辨識之事實通知存戶。Upon receipt of the electronic message containing digital signature or other symbols agreed by the Bank and the Customer for verification of identity, the Bank shall proceed to verify or process it immediately, and inform the Customer the verification or processing result. Where

23、it is impossible for the Bank or the Customer to identify the contents of any electronic message from the other party, the electronic message will be deemed never transmitted. However where the Bank is able to identify the Customers identity, the Bank shall notify the Customer the facts that content

24、s therein are not identifiable.六、 電子訊息之不執行 Non-execution of electronic message如有下列情形之一,貴行得不執行任何接收之電子訊息:In the event of any of following circumstances, the Bank may refuse to execute any electronic message it receives: (一) 有具體理由懷疑電子訊息之真實性或所指定事項之正確性者。 where the Bank has substantive reason to doubt the

25、 authenticity of the electronic message or the accuracy of matters instructed therein;(二) 貴行依據電子訊息處理,將違反相關法令之規定者。 where the Bank would violate laws and/or regulations if the Bank shall process the electronic message;(三) 貴行因存戶之原因而無法於帳戶扣取存戶所應支付之費用者。 where it is impossible for the Bank to debit the fee

26、s payable by the Customer from the Customers account due to causes attributable to the Customer.(四) 貴行不執行前項電子訊息者,應同時將不執行之理由及情形通知存戶,存戶受通知後得以電話向貴行確認。 If the Bank will not execute the electronic message due to any of the foregoing paragraphs, the Bank shall concurrently notify the circumstances and the

27、 reason for non-execution to the Customer. The Customer may then make enquiries with the Bank by phone after receipt of the Banks notice.七、 電子訊息交換作業時限 Time limit for electronic message exchange operation電子訊息係由貴行電腦自動處理,存戶發出電子訊息傳送至貴行後即不得撤回、撤銷或修改。但未到期之預約交在貴行規定之期限內,得撤回、撤銷或修改。電子訊息經由網路傳送至貴行後,於貴行電腦自動處理中已逾貴

28、行服務時間時,貴行應即以電子訊息通知存戶,該筆交將依約定不予處理,或自動改於次一營業日處理。 The electronic message will be processed by the Banks computer automatically. The Customer shall not withdraw, cancel or modify the electronic message after the message is transmitted to the Bank. However, the Customer may withdraw or cancel the schedul

29、ed transactions which date has not yet arrived within the time limit specified by the Bank. Where the electronic message is transmitted to the Bank via 第 3 頁,共 5 頁CUSTOMER NO.帳號-intent and the Banks service hours has passed while the electronic message is being automatically processed by the Banks c

30、omputer, the Bank shall immediately notify the Customer by electronic message that the said transaction will not be processed as agreed, or the transaction will be automatically processed on the following business day automatically.八、 存戶軟硬體安裝與風險存戶申請使用本約定事項之服務項目,應自行安裝所需之電腦軟體、硬體,以及其他與安全相關之設備。安裝所需之費用及風

31、險,由存戶自行負擔。第一項軟硬體設備及相關文件如係由貴行所提供,貴行僅同意存戶於約定服務之範圍內使用,不得將之轉讓、轉借或以任何方式交付第三人。因存戶之行為致侵害貴行或第三人之智慧財產權或其他權利,或因不當之操作使用致生損害時,應自負其責任。存戶如因電腦操作需要而安裝其他軟硬體,有與貴行所提供之軟硬體設備併用之必要者,應遵守貴行所提供安裝之相關資料,並自行負擔其費用及風險。The Customer applying to use the services provided under this Agreement shall install computer software, hardwar

32、e and other equipments related to security on his/her own. The expenses for installation and risks shall be borne by the Customer solely. If the software and hardware as stipulated in the preceding paragraph and related documents are provided by the Bank, the Bank only agrees that the Customer may u

33、se them within the scope of service as agreed herein and the Customer is prohibited from transferring, lending them or delivering by any means whatever to any third party. Where the Customers act infringes upon the Banks or a third partys intellectual property right or other rights and interests, or

34、 any damage is caused due to inappropriate use, the Customer shall be solely liable for the damages. Where it is necessary for the Customer to install other software and hardware and to use them together with the software and hardware provided by the Bank to meet the operation needs, the Customer sh

35、all follow the relevant information and requirements for the installation provided by the Bank and bear the expenses and risk thereof solely on his/her own.九、 存戶連線與責任 Customers connection and responsibility貴行與存戶有特別約定者,必須與貴行為必要之測試後,始得連線。存戶對貴行所提供之授權使用者代號、密碼、軟硬體及相關文件,應負保管之責。存戶輸入前項密碼連續錯誤達規定次數時(註),貴行電腦即自

36、動停止存戶使用本約定事項之服務。存戶如擬恢復使用,應重新辦理申請手續。註:登入密碼連續錯誤達規定四次時,電腦即自動停止存戶使用本約定事項之服務。Where the Bank and the Customer have any special agreement, the Customer must have completed the necessary tests instructed by the Bank before connection with the Banks terminal is permitted.The Customer shall be responsible for

37、 maintaining the username, PIN code, software and hardware and related documents provided by the Bank. Where the Customer enters the PIN Code in error for regular times1 , the Banks computer will immediately suspend the Customer from using the services under this Agreement automatically. Where the C

38、ustomer wishes to restore the use of services, the Customer shall make a new application again. The Customer shall return the equipment and related documents provided by the Bank immediately upon termination of this Agreement.1: Where the Customer enters the PIN Code in error for consecutive four ti

39、mes, the Banks computer will immediately suspend the Customer from using the services under this Agreement automatically.十、 電子訊息錯誤之處理 Response to error in electronic messages存戶利用本約定事項之服務,如其電子訊息因不可歸責於存戶之事由而發生錯誤時,貴行應協助存戶更正,並提供其他必要之協助。前項服務因可歸責於貴行之事由而發生錯誤時,貴行應於知悉時,立即更正,並同時以電子訊息或貴行及存戶約定之方式通知存戶。Where the

40、Customers electronic message is in error due to attributed to him/her when using the services under this Agreement, the Bank shall assist the Customer to make correction and provide other necessary assistance. Where the services referred to in the preceding paragraph are in error due to causes attri

41、buted to the Bank, the Bank shall make correction immediately upon having knowledge thereof and inform the Customer by electronic message or in other manners agreed by the Bank and the Customer十一、 電子訊息之合法授權與責任 Lawful Authorization of electronic messages and Responsibilities存戶與貴行應確保所傳送至對方之電子訊息均經合法授權。

42、存戶與貴行於發現有第三人冒用或盜用授權使用者代號、密碼,或其他任何未經合法授權之情形,應立即以電話或書面或其他約定方式通知他方停止使用該服務並採取防範之措施。貴行接受通知前,對第三人使用該服務已發生之效力,除非貴行能證明存戶有故意或過失者外,貴行仍負責任。The Bank and the Customer shall ensure that all electronic messages transmitted to each other have been legally authorized.Where the Bank and the Customer discover that any

43、 third party has misused or stolen the username, PIN code, or any other circumstances where there is no lawful authorization, the Bank and/or the Customer shall notify the other party to suspend the use of the services and to take preventative measures by telephone or in writing. The Bank shall not

44、be liable to the Customer for any effect cuused by the services herein used by third party before the Bank has received the notification, unless the Bank can proof the Customer maliciously known or had gross negligence.十二、 保密義務 Non-disclosure Obligation除其他法律規定外,存戶與貴行應確保所交換之電子訊息或一方因使用或執行本約定事項服務而取得他方之

45、資料,不洩漏予第三人,亦不可使用於與本約定事項無關之目的,且於經他方同意告知第三人時,應使第三人負本條之保密義務。前項第三人如不遵守此保密義務者,視為本人義務之違反。Unless otherwise provided for in law, the Bank and the Customer shall ensure that electronic messages exchanged between the parties or information obtained from the other party in the course of use or performance of s

46、ervices under this Agreement will not be disclosed to a third party or be used for any purpose not related to this Agreement. Should the information be disclosed to a third party with the other Partys approval, the party disclosing the information to the third party should ensure the third party to

47、comply with the same non-disclosure obligation as prescribed in this article.If the third party reefed to in the preceding paragraph fails to perform its obligation of confidentiality, if shall be deemed a violation by the party who disclosed such messages or data to the third party.十三、 電子訊息之效力 Effe

48、ct of electronic message存戶與貴行同意依本約定事項交換之電子訊息,其效力與書面文件相同。The Bank and Customer agree that the electronic messages exchanged under this Agreement have the same effect as documents in writing.十四、 不可抗力 Force majeure一方於發生不可抗力情事時,對於本約定事項所生義務之不履行或遲延履行均不為違約,亦無須負任何賠償責任。The Bank or the Customer shall not be liable for the damages suffered by the other party due to either partys non-performance or delay in performing the obligation under this Agreement caused by force majeure.十五、 立書送達 Service of documents存戶同意以訂約時所指名之地址為相關文書之送達處所,倘存戶之地址


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