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1、国际经济与贸易专业培养方案(020102 )(International Economy and Trade 020102)一、专业简介(、Major Introduction)国际经济与贸易专业是为适应经济全球化及我国现代化建设需要而设立的一个应用型本科专业。本专业培养学生系统地掌握经济学基本原理和国际经济与贸易基础理论,具备宽厚的国际贸易、投资和金融专业知识,熟悉国际经贸法规及惯例,拥有熟练的英语和计算机技能,毕业后可以从事相关业务及管理工作。International Economy and Trade is an applied specialization at the underg

2、raduate level. It is intended to meet the needs in the globalization of economy and modernization in China. Students in this major will systematically master basic principles in economics and basic theories in international economy and trade, have expertise in international businesses, investments a

3、nd finance, become familiar with regulations and routines in international economy and trade, and have a good mastery of English and computer skills to undertake work in related area and managerial positions after graduation. 二、培养目标(、Academic Objectives)本专业以培养德、智、体、美、劳全面发展,适应 21 世纪世界经济发展和中国现代化建设需要,爱

4、国、富有创新精神、能力强、综合素质高的高级复合应用型的国际经济与国际贸易专业人才为目标。Students are expected to have sound morality, noble ideals, good education and a strong sense of discipline, have a deep love for the motherland. Students will become well acquainted with basic theories and knowledge of international trade and be able to a

5、pply them to solve specific problems in actual business practice, thus laying a solid professional foundation for their future career in international trade business.三、培养要求(、Academic Requirements)基本要求是: 1具有坚定的政治信念及爱国热情,具有强烈的社会责任心,过硬的社会竞争力乃至国际竞争力,个性与人格得到充分、健康地发展。2系统掌握现代经济学理论、国际经济与贸易基本理论与实务知识,能够综合运用现代

6、经济方法与手段进行社会调查、经济分析,具备一定的解决实际问题的能力。3了解中国的经贸政策和法规;了解国际贸易规则与惯例。4了解国际经济学理论、国际贸易理论、国际投资理论的研究动态和趋势5毕业后能够胜任国际贸易相关业务工作,对外经贸管理工作。 Basic requirements1. To have a firm political belief and patriotism, have a strong sense of responsibility for the society, to have social and international competitive powers, an

7、d fully developed personality.2. To systematically master modern theories in economics, basic theories in international economy and trade and practical knowledge, to comprehensively apply modern economic methods and ways to carry out social investigation and economic analysis, and to have the abilit

8、y to solve practical problems.3. To know policies and regulations in economy and trade in China, and know regulations and routines in international businesses.4. To know the academic development and trend of theories in international economics, international trade and international investment. 5. To

9、 be qualified for work related to international trade and managerial work in foreign economy and trade. 四、学制与学位(、Length of Schooling and Degree)学制四年。按计划要求完成学业者,授予经济学学士学位。The duration is four years.Students who have completed their studies according to the plan will be granted a bachelors degree of E

10、conomics. 五、学时与学分(、Hours/Credits)总学分:140(Total Credits:140)课程教学学时/学分:2168 /132 占总学分的比例:94.3 (Curriculum Class Hours/Credits:2168/132 Percentage in Total Credits:94.3 %)六、专业主干课程(、Main Courses)政治经济学、宏微观经济学、货币银行学、财政学、国际经济学、国际贸易、国际金融、保险学、国际投资学、国际市场营销、进出口业务、外贸函电(英)、国际商务谈判(英)、地区国别经济、国际结算、经济法、国际商法、计量经济学。Po

11、litical Economy;Microeconomics; Macroeconomics;Monetary and Banking;Public Finance;International Economics;International Trade;International Finance;Insurance ;International Investment;International Marketing;Imports and Exports Affairs;Business English Correspondence;International Business Negotiat

12、ions;Regional Economy;International Balance;Economic Law;International Business Law;Econometrics.七、主要专业实验和实习安排(、Main Laboratory Courses and Internships)计算机类、国际经贸类、金融投资类、财务类、计量经济类专业课程实验,以及毕业实习。Laboratory courses in computer science, international economy and trade, financial investment, finance, econ

13、ometrics, as well as graduating internship. 八、专业优势及特色(、Major Predominance and characteristics)本专业包括国际经济与贸易一个专业方向,培养学生系统掌握国际金融理论、国际投资理论、国际贸易理论与实务知识,了解国内外经贸政策及发展状况,了解相关学术研究动态,综合运用各种经济贸易分析工具和方法进行社会调查、经济分析和解决经济贸易实际问题的能力。This major consists of one specialization, i.e. International Economy and Trade, whi

14、ch will train students to systematically master theories in international finance, international investment, international trade and related practical knowledge, to know policies and development in domestic and foreign economy and trade, to know related academic dynamics, and to have the ability to

15、carry out social investigations and economic analysis, analyze and solve practical problems in economy and trade with various analytic instruments and methods.九、各类课程学时学分比例(、The proportion of credit hours of courses)课程类别 学分 学时 占总学分百分比通识教育必修课程 32 771 22.86%学科基础平台课程 35 624 25%专业基础课程 15 232 10.71%必修课实践环

16、节9081723+11 周11 周64.28%5.71%通识教育核心课程 10 160 7.14%通识教育选修课程 6 96 4.29%选修课专业选修课程503480054435.72%24.29%毕业要求总合计 140 2223+11 周 100%十、教学进程、学时学分总体安排(见下表) (、Curriculum, hours and credits)国际贸易课程设置及学时分配表 总表总学时分配 按 学 期 周 学 时 分 配类别性质课程号Course No.课 程 名 称Course Name学分数总学时授课实验上机一学期二学期三学期四学期五学期六学期七学期八学期备 注Notes中国化的马

17、克思主义Chinese Marxism 3 58 48 3 课外 10道德与法律Morals and Law 3 58 48 3 课外 10马克思主义原理Basic Principles of Marxism3 58 48 3 课外 10中国近现代史纲要Brief of Chinas Modern History1.5 29 24 1.5 课外 5大学英语(二级起点 1-3)College English(1-3) 9 240 96 96 2+2 2+2 2+2 自主学习 48体育(1-4)Physical Education (1-4)4 128 128 2 2 2 2通识教育必修课程必修课

18、程大学计算机基础Introduction of Computer 2 32 32 2计算机技术基础Foundation of Computer Technologies3 64 32 32 2+2军事理论Military Theory 2 32 32 2形势政策与社会实践(1-6)Trend, Policy and Social Practice(1-6)1.5 72 24 1 1 1 1 1 1 课外 48小 计Subtotal 32 771 512 96 32 12+2 8.5 8+2 3 4 1 课外 131课组号国学修养类Traditional Chinese Culture Grou

19、p2 32 32 2课组号创新创业类Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education Group2 32 32 2课组号 艺术审美类Art Aesthetic 2 32 32 2必选课组号 自然科学类Science Group 2 32 32 2课组号工程技术类Engineering and Technology Group2 32 32 2人文社科必选通识教育核心课程小计Subtotal 10 160 160 2 2 2 4通识教育选修课General Education Selective6 96 96 2 2 2通识教育选修课程选修课程小计Subtota

20、l 6 96 96 2 2 2微积分(1-2)Calculus(1-2) 8 160 128 4 4课外学时 32(习题)*线性代数Linear Algebra 4 80 64 4课外学时 16(习题)*概率论与数理统计Probability and Mathematical Statistics4 80 64 4 课外学时 16(习题)*政治经济学(1-2)Political Economy(1-2) 4 64 64 2 2 *微观经济学Microeconomics 3 48 48 3 *宏观经济学Macroeconomics 3 48 48 3 *统计学Statistics 3 48 48

21、 3 *基础会计学Principles of Accounting 3 48 48 3 *管理学概论Principles of Management 3 48 48 3学科平台基础课程小计Subtotal 35 624 560 12 13 4 6 课外 64货币经济学Monetary Economics 3 48 48 3 *专业基础课程公共经济学Public Economics 3 48 48 3 *国际经济学(国际贸易理论)International Economics I (Theory of International Trade)2 32 32 2 *国际经济学(国际金融理论)Int

22、ernational Economics II (Theory of International Finance)2 32 32 2 *计量经济学Econometrics 3 72 40 162.5+1课外学时 16(习题)经济学说史History of Economic Thoughts2 2小 计Subtotal 15 232 200 16 6 9.5 课外 16课组号 国际贸易必修课组 Compulsory Group 16 272 240 32 6.5 10.5课组号 国际贸易选修课组 Elective Group 18 288 288 2 2 4 6 4专业课程选修课程 专业课基本要

23、求小计Major Basic Requirements Subtotal 34 544 544 2 2 10.516.5 4军训Martial Training 0 3 周 3 周毕业实习Internships 4 4 周 4 周毕业论文(设计)Dissertation 4 8 周 8 周实践环节必修课程小计Subtotal 8 15 周 3 周 12 周合 计Total 140 2779216824+3 周24+424+224.5+1 16 19.5 6 8 周备注:1.本表必修课部分为专业(大类)必修课(所有学生必须学习的)课程设置表,即综合教务系统中的课程计划表。2. 选修 课部分 为课

24、组设置表,即综合教务系统中的课组计划表。3.课程号栏目中必修课部分为课程号,选修课部分为课组号。国际贸易专业的专业课程设置及学时分配表(课组课程) 表二总学时分配 按 学 期 周 学 时 分 配类别性质课组号Course group number课程号Course No.课 程 名 称Course Name学分数总学时授课实验上机一学期二学期三学期四学期五学期六学期七学期八学期专业课组名称Specialized group name02020 02052000 国际投资学International Investments 2 32 32 2 *02020 02050000 国际市场营销Inte

25、rnational Marketing 2 40 24 16 1.5+1 *国际贸易学International Trade 3 48 48 3*02020 02048001 国际商法International Business Law 2 32 32 2 *专业课必修课组选修课程02020 02075000 进出口业务Import and Export Business 3 56 40 16 2.5+1 *02020 02114000外贸函电( 英)Business Correspondence in English2 32 32 2 *02020 02049000国际商务谈判( 英)Int

26、ernational Business Negotiation2 32 32 2 *小计Subtotal 16 272 240 32 6.5 10.502041 02159000中级微观经济学Intermediate Microeconomics2 32 32 202041 02158000中级宏观经济学Intermediate Macroeconomics2 32 32 202021 02083000 欧盟经济Economy of European Union 2 32 32 202020 02171000贸易政策与商务外交Policy & Commercial Diplomacy2 32

27、32 202021 02080000 美国经济(英)American Economy 2 32 32 202021 02089001 日本经济Japanese Economy 2 32 32 202021 020900(1-2)0 日语Japanese 3 48 48 302021 02113000 外贸保险International Trade Insurance 2 32 32 202021 02118000 物流管理Logistics Management 2 32 32 2国际服务贸易International Trade in Service2 32 32 2社交.商务礼仪Socia

28、l and Business Etiquette2 32 32 202041 02144000中国经济思想史History of Chinese Economic Thoughts2 32 32 202041 02019000 产业经济学Industrial Economics 2 32 32 2 *02041 02061000 会计电算化Accounting Computerization 2 40 24 16 1.5+102041 02026000 电子商务Electronic Commerce 2 32 32 202041 02130001应用经济软件选讲Applied Economic

29、s Soft wares2 32 32 2投资组合管理Management of Investment Portfolios2 32 32 2银行会计Bank Accounting 2 40 24 16 1.5+1市场营销Marketing 2 32 32 2商业银行系列讲座Lectures in Commercial Banking2 32 32 2专业选修课组02030 02055001 国家税收National Taxations 2 32 32 2财政学Public Finance 2 32 32 202030 02132001政府预算管理Management of Governmen

30、t Budget 2 32 32 202030 02013000 财务管理Financial Management 2 32 32 202030 02141000中国财政史History of Public Finance in China2 32 32 202030 02106000 税务管理Tax Management 2 40 24 16 1.5+1纳税检查Tax Auditing 2 32 32 202031 02051000 国际税收International Taxation 2 32 32 202031 02034000公共支出经济分析Economic Analysis of P

31、ublic Expenditures2 32 32 202031 02172000 社会保障学Social Security 2 32 32 202031 02105000 税收筹划Tax Planning 2 32 32 2税务代理实务Tax Agent Practices 2 32 32 202031 02111001外国财政Public Finance of Foreign Countries2 32 32 202031 02147000中 华 人 民 共 和 国 财 政 史History of Public Finance forP. R. China2 32 32 202031 02

32、021000 成本会计Cost Accounting 2 32 32 202031 02017000 公共政策分析(英)Analysis of Public Policies 2 32 32 202031 02006000 比较财政学Comparative Public Finance 2 32 32 202031 02024000 地方财政Local Public Finance 2 32 32 202031 02018000 财政专题讲座Topics in Public Finance 2 32 32 2税务会计Tax Accounting 2 32 32 202031 02058000

33、国有资产管理Management of State Assets 2 32 32 2税收经济学Economics of Taxation 2 32 32 202041 02095000 审计学Auditing 2 32 32 202041 02085000中级财务会计学Intermediate Corporation Financial Accounting2 32 32 202041 02013001财务报表分析Analysis of Financial Statements2 32 32 202031 02079000 劳动经济学Labor Economics 2 32 32 2人力资源管

34、理Human Resource Management2 32 32 2保险学Insurance 2 32 32 2*02050 02029001 风险管理Risk Management 2 32 32 2风险理论Theory of Risk 2 32 32 202050 02002001 保险精算Actuarial Science 2 32 32 202050 02011001 财产保险Property Insurance 2 32 32 202050 02088001 人身保险Personal Insurance 2 32 32 2保险经济学Insurance Economics 2 32

35、32 202050 02134000 再保险Re-Insurance 2 32 32 202050 02174000 利息理论Theory of Interest 2 32 32 2社会保险Social Insurance 2 32 32 202051 02153001 保险法学Insurance Law 2 32 32 202051 02176000 海上保险Maritime Insurance 2 32 32 202051 02003000保险经营管理Insurance Business Management2 32 32 202051 02175000 保险会计Insurance Acc

36、ounting 2 32 32 2非寿险精算Actuarial Science for Non-life Insurance2 32 32 202051 02005000 保险营销Insurance Marketing 2 32 32 2国际风险与保险International Risk and Insurance2 32 32 2保险英语Insurance English 2 32 32 2博弈论Game Theory 2 32 32 2法经济学Law and Economics 2 32 32 2投资经济学Investment Economics 2 32 32 2制度经济学Institu

37、tional Economics 2 32 32 2当代中国经济问题Contemporary Chinese Economic Issues2 32 32 2经济史Economic History 2 32 32 2*发展经济学Development Economics 2 32 32 2经济学著作选读Selected Readings in Economics Literature2 32 32 2区域经济学Regional Economics 2 32 32 2社会费用效益分析理论与方法Social Costs and Benefits: Theory and Methods2 32 32

38、 2生态经济学Ecological Economics 2 32 32 2应用经济学研究方法论Research Methodology of Applied Economics2 32 32 2社会调查Social Survey 2 32 32 2福利经济学Welfare Economics 2 32 32 2信息经济学Informational Economics 2 32 32 2土地经济学Land Economics 2 32 32 2房地产经济Real Estate Economics 2 32 32 2品牌经济学Brand Economics 2 32 32 2人口资源与环境经济学P

39、opulation Resources &Environmental Economics2 32 32 2项目评估Project Evaluation 2 32 32 2劳资关系研究Researches in Labor Relations2 32 32 2股票投资概要Stock Investments 2 32 32 202040 02071001 金融投资学Financial Investments 2 40 24 16 1.5+102040 02068001 金融工程学Financial Engineering 2 32 32 202040 02037001 公司理财Corporate

40、Finance 2 32 32 202040 02092000商业银行经营管理Management of Commercial Banking2 40 24 16 1.5+102040 02120000 金融经济学Financial Economics 2 32 32 202040 02041000 国际金融(英)International Finance 2 32 32 202041 02043000国际金融管理(英)International FinancialManagement2 32 32 202040 02076000 经济法Economic Law 2 32 32 202041

41、02110000 国际结算(英)International Settlements 2 40 24 16 1.5+102041 02097001 时间序列分析Time Series Analysis 2 32 32 202041 02155000金融风险管理Management of Financial Risk2 32 32 202040 02120000西方货币金融理论Western Theory on Money & Finance2 32 32 202041 02170001 数理经济学Mathematical Economics 2 32 32 202041 02070000 金融市

42、场学Financial Markers 2 32 32 202041 02148000 固定收益证券Fixed Income Securities 2 32 32 202041 02142001 中国金融史History of Chinese Finance 2 32 32 2小计Subtotal18/207288/3360288/3264 2 2663.5+3+74/9.5+34/58备注:本表为专业课组课程设置表,即综合教务系统中的课程课组对照表。凡是 总表必修课程中不能全专业或全专业大类学生都适用的课程都应进入本表。教学院长(签字): 学院本科教学指导委员会主任(签字):年 月 日 年 月 日


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