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1、國立交通大學學生信件來往注意事項一、寄信注意事項:(一)寄信人地址填寫如下,本校之郵遞區號為 300-10。(二)為避免郵差遞送錯誤,造成領取時之困擾,請提醒寄件人填寫受信人地址時,務必加註所屬區名,如下表所示:區名Area遞送地點Delivery Location宿舍名稱Name of Dormitory領取時間 Time北區North研一舍Graduate Dormitory19 舍、10 舍、11 舍、研一舍、竹軒Dormitory9,10,11, Graduate ormitory1,Chu Hsuan Dormitory19:00-23:00南區South13 舍Dormitory

2、1312 舍、13 舍、研二舍Dormitory12,13, Graduate Dormitory219:00-23:00東區East7 舍Dormitory 77 舍、8 舍、女二舍Dormitory7,8, Female Dormitory219:00-23:00(三)包裏收件人務必塡寫宿舍別、寢室號碼及電話(行電),以利查詢領取。(四)務必使用耐用信封,以免傳遞時破損,致內容物遺失。二、領信注意事項:(一) 凡寄至光復校區學生宿舍之大包裹,請親自向第一點(二)所列各分區地點之值班館舍管理員領取,小包裏及掛號信請帶學生證至文書組(位於中正堂一樓) 領取。(二) 其他掛號郵件,委託別人至文書

3、組代領者,請將學生證交予代領人,代領人亦須攜帶本人之學生證,以備查驗。(三) 文書組領信時間如下:週一至週五上午 08:00 17:00三、掛號公告方式(一)寄至宿舍的掛號信件,由宿舍管理員代為通知。(二)寄至系所者,各館舍管理員至文書組領回轉發。(三)每天掛號信登錄作業完成後,文書組發 E-mail 通知領信(其帳號須在本校資訊技術服務中心申請者為限),亦可至文書組網頁上查詢,(https:/mailsys.nctu.edu.tw/mailnotify/index.htm)(四) 未書明系所或宿舍的外郵信件,每天公告在文書組網站英文信件招領新竹市大學路 1001 號交大第宿舍(區)徐緘 台北

4、市大安區金山南路二段 60 號王 大 明 先生收上。(五)為免耽誤信件處理時效,凡經 15 天未至文書組領取之掛號信件,將退回原寄信人處理。四、至文書組網站上的英文姓名建檔系統建立英文姓名資料,可以減少外郵接不到的困擾,請大家多多利用。Reminder of Correspondence for NCTU Students1. Reminder for letter-sending(1) The layout of addresses should be as follows. The zip code of NCTU is 300-10.(2) In order not to confuse

5、 postmen as they deliver letters, please remind the sender to add the district name when writing the addressees address as below.District NameDelivery LocationDormitory Name Time of Letter ServiceNorth DistrictGraduate Student Dorm 1Student Dorm 9, 10, 11 for smaller packages or registered mails, ju

6、st go to Document and File Division(1st floor of Chung Cheng Auditorium) with your student ID card.(2) When receiving letters for others, please make sure you carry both of your and his/her student ID card for verification. (3) Time of letter service:Morning: 8:00 a.m. 12:00 a.m.Afternoon: 1:30 p.m.

7、 5:00 p.m. 3. Notice of registered letters(1) Registered letters directed to dorms will be processed by dorm managers. (2) For letters directed to departments, each department managershould take the letters back from Document and File Division and deliver them.(3) Document and File Division will sen

8、d e-mails to inform addressees after registering letters everyday. (This mail service is limited to those accounts registered in Information Technology ServiceCenter.)To check mails, you can go to https:/mailsys.nctu.edu.tw/mailnotify/index.htm (5) The overseas letters without clear addresses will be announced in “Announcement about the overseas letter nobody receives” section on the Document and File Division website everyday. (6) To maintain quality of mail-processing, the registered letters unclaimed for over 15 days will be sent back to the senders by Document and File Division.


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