精品文档,欢迎下载加强内部审计质量控制的重要性摘要:本文以内部审计的定义及作用为出发点和基础,论证了内部审计控制在当今企业中的重要地位,并且提出了加强内部审计控制的几点建议,如:正确定位内部审计,科学认识内部审计的职能,强化内部审计质量监督,加强人才建设等等。关键词:内部审计 控制Abstract: in this paper the definition of internal audit and the role as the starting point and foundation, demonstrates the internal audit control in the important position of the enterprise, and put forward the strengthening internal audit control several Suggestions, such as: the correct localization internal audit, scientific understanding of the inte