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1、数学与信息科学学院数学与应用数学专业一、课程设置及学分比例学分及比例Credits and Percentage课 程 类 别Course Catalogue 学 分Cre.小 计 Sub-Total占总学分比例Percentage in Total Credits小 计Sub-Total通识教育必修课Liberal Studies Compulsory Courses 37 22.7%通识教育模块Liberal Studies Courses 通识教育选修课Liberal Studies Elective Courses 8454.9%27.6%相关学科基础课Related Discipli

2、nary Foundation Courses 8 4.9%学科基础模块Disciplinary Foundation Courses 本学科基础课Disciplinary Foundation Courses 303818.4%23.3%专业必修课Specialized Compulsory Courses 31 19.0%专业限定选修课Specialized Restrictive Elective Courses 6 3.7%专业课程模块Specialized Courses专业任意选修课Specialized Non-restrictive Elective Courses 9465.

3、5%28.2%公共必修课General Compulsory Courses 11 6.7%学科必修课Disciplinary Compulsory Courses 8 4.9%教师教育模块Teacher-training Courses 选修课Elective Courses 219011.7%实践教学模块Practice Work必修课Compulsory Courses 15 15 9.2% 9.2%合计 Total 163 100%说明Notes1专业必修课和学科基础课程共 23 门,其中双语课程 2 门,全英语课程 1 门。2专业选修课共 21 门,其中专业限定选修课 5 门,分 1

4、 个系列;专业任意选修课 16 门。学生应从限定选修课中至少选修 6 学分,从任意选修课中至少选修 9 学分。3实验课程共 10 门,其中独立开设的实验课 6 门,既有理论又有实验的课程 4 门,含综合性、设计性实验的课程 10 门,占实验课程总数的 100%。1. There are 23 specialized compulsory courses and disciplinary foundation courses, including 2 bilingual courses and 1 English course. .2. There are 21 specialized elec

5、tive courses in total including 4 defined elective courses which belong to the same series and 16 arbitrary elective courses. Undergraduates should obtain 6 credits in total by taking defined elective courses and 9 credits by taking arbitrary elective courses.3. There are 10 experimental courses in

6、total including 6 independent experimental courses, 4 courses both with theory and practice, 10 theoretical and designable experimental courses which is 100% of the total experimental courses.陕西师范大学本科生学习指导手册二、本科教学计划表(一)通识教育模块(45 学分)()Liberal Studies Courses(45 credits )1. 通识教育必修课(37 学分)1. Liberal St

7、udies Compulsory Courses(37 credits)课程编码Courses Code课程名称Courses Name开课学期Semester学分Cre.讲授学时Teaching Hrs.实验/ 实践学时Experiment/Training Hrs.周学时Weekly Hrs.考试方式Evaluation1711001思想道德修养与法律基础The Ideological and Moral Cultivation and Fundamentals of Law1 3 36 18 3 考试Exam.1711002中国近现代史纲要Outline of Modern and Co

8、ntemporary Chinese History1 2 27 9 2 考试Exam.1711003 马克思主义基本原理概论 Principles of Marxism 3 3 36 18 2 考试Exam.1711004毛 泽 东 思 想 和 中 国 特 色 社 会 主 义 理 论体 系 概 论Mao Zedong Thoughts and Theory of the Socialism with Chinese Characteristics4 6 72 36 4 考试Exam.1711005-1711011形势与政策 1-7The Current Situation and Polic

9、y (1-7) 1-7 2考查Quiz2011001 人文科技艺术专题Topics on Humanities, Science & Arts 1 18 2 考查Quiz1650027创新创业教育与实践Education & Practice of Innovation and Entrepreneurship3 2 考查Quiz0211012 大学语文College Chinese 2 2 36 2 考试Exam.0411046 大学外语(一)College English 1 1 3 36 36 考试Exam.0411047 大学外语(二)College English 2 2 3 36

10、36 考试Exam.0411048 大学外语(三)College English 3 3 3 36 36 考试Exam.0411049 大学外语(四)College English 4 4 2 36 考试Exam.0411050 外语综合应用能力培训Integrated Skills of Foreign Languages 4 1 36 考试Exam.1011039 大学体育(一)Physical Education 1 1 1 36 考试Exam.1011040 大学体育(二)Physical Education 2 2 1 36 考试Exam.1011041 大学体育(三)Physica

11、l Education 3 3 1 36 考试Exam.1011042 大学体育(四)Physical Education 4 4 1 36 考试Exam.2. 通识教育选修课(8 学分)2. Liberal Studies Elective Courses(8 credits)通识教育选修课共 8 学分,详见陕西师范大学通识教育选修课课程方案 。Undergraduates will obtain 8 credits by taking liberal studies elective courses, see Liberal Studies Elective Courses Scheme

12、of Shaanxi Normal University.(二)学科基础模块(38 学分)()Disciplinary Foundation Courses(38 credits)1. 相关学科基础课(8 学分)1. Related Disciplinary Foundation Courses(8 credits)数学与信息科学学院课程编码Courses Code课程名称Courses Name开课学期Semester学分Cre.讲授学时Teaching Hrs.实验/实践学时Experiment/Training Hrs.周学时Weekly Hrs.考试方式Evaluation052110

13、3 C 程序设计C Programming 2 4 54 36 3/2 考试Exam.0521011 普通物理General Physics 2 3 54 3 考试Exam.0521012 普通物理实验General Physics Experiment 2 1 36 2 考查Quiz2. 本学科基础课(30 学分)2. Disciplinary Foundation Courses(30 credits)课程编码Courses Code课程名称Courses Name开课学期Semester学分Cre.讲授学时Teaching Hrs.实验/实践学时Experiment/Training H

14、rs.学时Weekly Hrs.考试方式Evaluation0522008 数学分析(一)Mathematical Analysis (1) 1 6 108 6 考试Exam.0522009 数学分析(二)Mathematical Analysis (2) 2 5 90 5 考试Exam.0522101 数学分析(三)Mathematical Analysis (3) 3 5 90 5 考试Exam.0522104 高等代数(一)Advanced Algebra (1) 1 5 90 5 考试Exam.0522108 高等代数(二)Advanced Algebra (2) 2 5 90 5 考

15、试Exam.0522103 解析几何Analytic Geometry 1 4 72 4 考试Exam.(三)专业课程模块(46 学分)()Specialized Courses(46 credits)1. 专业必修课(31 学分)1. Specialized Compulsory Courses(31 credits)课程编码Courses Code课程名称Courses Name开课学期Semester学分Cre.讲授学时Teaching Hrs.实验/实践学时Experiment/Training Hrs.周学时Weekly Hrs.考试方式Evaluation0541120 近世代数M

16、odern Algebra 3 4 72 4 考试Exam.0541027 数学建模Mathematical Modeling 4 3 54 3 考试Exam.0541125 数学实验Mathematical Experiment 4 3 36 36 2/2 考试Exam.0541121常微分方程(英语)Ordinary Differential Equation(English)4 4 72 4考试Exam.0541006复变函数(双语)Complex Analysis(bilingual teaching)4 3 54 3考试Exam.0541024 数值分析Numerical Analy

17、sis 5 3 54 18 3 考试Exam.0541102实变函数(双语)Real Analysis(bilingual teaching)5 3 54 3考试Exam.0541123概率论与数理统计Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics6 4 72 4考试Exam.0541007 微分几何Differential Geometry 6 3 54 3 考试Exam.0541010 学术论文写作指导Academic Writing Guidance 6 1 18 2 考查Quiz说明Notes数学建模的学分按 18 学时 1 学分计算。Th

18、e credit of course Mathematical Modeling are calculated at 1 credits per 18 hours.陕西师范大学本科生学习指导手册2. 专业限定选修课(6 学分)2. Specialized Restrictive Elective Courses(6 credits)课程编码Courses Code课程名称Courses Name开课学期Semester学分Cre.讲授学时Teaching Hrs.实验/实践学时Experiment/Training Hrs.学时Weekly Hrs.考试方式Evaluation0542104

19、初等几何研究Elementary Geometry Research 2 2 36 2 考试Exam.0542118 射影几何Projective Geometry 5 2 36 2 考试Exam.0542121 初等数论Elementary Number Theory 5 2 36 2 考试Exam.0542103 初等代数研究Elementary Algebra Research 6 2 36 2 考试Exam.0542101 离散数学Discrete Mathematics 8 2 36 2 考试Exam.3. 专业任意选修课(9 学分)3. Specialized Non-restri

20、ctive Elective Courses(9 credits)课程编码Courses Code课程名称Courses Name开课学期Semester学分Cre.讲授学时Teaching Hrs.实验/ 实践学时Experiment/Training Hrs.周学时Weekly Hrs.考试方式Evaluation0543132 计算机基础Basics of Computer Technology 3 3 36 36 2/2 考查Quiz0543130 偏微分方程Partial Differential Equation 5 3 54 3 考查Quiz0543107 泛函分析Functio

21、nal Analysis 6 3 54 3 考查Quiz0543101 数学史History of Mathematics 6 2 36 2 考查Quiz0543131 拓扑学Topology 6 3 54 3 考查Quiz0543124 金融数学Financial Mathematics 6 3 54 3 考查Quiz0543115 模糊数学Fuzzy Mathematics 8 2 36 3 考查Quiz0543120 运筹学Operational Research 8 2 36 3 考查Quiz0543121 外微分初步Exterior Differential 8 2 36 3 考查Q

22、uiz0543036 数学解题学Solving Problem in mathematics 8 2 36 3 考查Quiz0543037 数学竞赛学Mathematics Competition 8 2 36 3 考查Quiz0543038 数据结构Data Structure 8 3 36 36 3/3 考查Quiz0543117 小波分析Wavelet Analysis 8 2 36 3 考查Quiz0543125 统计预测与决策Statistical Prediction and Decision 8 3 54 5 考查Quiz0543126 非参数统计Nonparametric St

23、atistics 8 3 54 5 考查Quiz0543042 应用统计学Applied Statistics 8 3 54 5 考查Quiz学生选修说明Notes1.数学与信息科学学院专业任意选修课共 16 门。2.数学与应用数学专业必须选修 9 学分,数学与应用数学(创新实验班)专业必须选修 14 学分,信息与计算科学专业必须选修 8 学分,统计学专业必须选修 8 学分。3.数学解题学、数学竞赛学、应用统计学的学分按 18 学时 1 学分计算。1. There are 16 Specialized Non-restrictive Elective Courses of School of

24、Mathematics and Information Science in total.2. 9 credits should be obtained by undergraduates in Mathematics and Applied Mathematics specialty, 14 credits for Mathematics and Applied Mathematics-innovative and experimental class specialty, 8 credits for Information and computation Science specialty

25、, and 8 credits for Statistics Specialty.3. The credits of courses including Solving Problem in mathematics、Mathematics Competition and Applied Statistics are calculated at 1 credit per 18 hours.数学与信息科学学院(四)教师教育模块(20 学分)()Teacher-training Courses(20 credits)1. 公共必修课程(11 学分)1. General Compulsory Cour

26、ses(11 credits)课程编码Courses Code课程名称Courses Name开课学期Semester学分Cre.讲授学时Teaching Hrs.实验/实践学时Experiment/Training Hrs.周学时Weekly Hrs.考试方式Evaluation2431028 心理学基础The Basis of Psychology 2 1 18 2 考试Exam.2431029 儿童发展Child Development 2 1 18 2 考试Exam.2431030中学生认知与学习The Cognition and Learning of Middle School S

27、tudents3 1 18 2 考试Exam.2431031中学生品德发展与道德教育Moral Development and Moral Education for Middle School Student3 1 18 2 考试Exam.2431032中学生心理辅导Psychological Guidance for Middle School Students4 1 18 2 考试Exam.1531003 中学教育学基础Foundation of Middle School Education 4 3 54 3 考试Exam.1531005现代教育技术(网络教学)Contemporary

28、 Educational Technology (Online Course)4 1 18 1 考试Exam.1531004教师专业发展与职业道德Teachers Professional Development & Professional Ethics5 2 36 2 考试Exam.2. 学科必修课程(8 学分)2. Disciplinary Compulsory Courses(8 credits)课程编码Courses Code课程名称Courses Name开课学期Semester学分Cre.讲授学时Teaching Hrs.实验/实践学Experiment/Training Hrs

29、.周学时Weekly Hrs.考试方式Evaluation0531112 数学学科教学论Mathematical Discipline Pedagogy 5 2 36 2 考试Exam.0531114师范生数学研课的理论与实践Theory and Practice of Lesson Study for pre-service mathematics teachers5 3 36 36 2/2 考试Exam.0531109数学学科中学教材分析与教学设计Textbook Analysis and Teaching Design for Mathematics in Middle School6

30、2 36 2 考试Exam.0531013中学数学教学专题Subjects of Mathematics Education in Middle School6 1 36 讲座 考查Quiz3. 选修课(见通识教育选修课程“教师教育”系列)3. Elective Courses(See Teacher-training Series of Liberal Studies Elective Courses)(五)实践教学模块(15 学分)()Practice Work (15 credits)课程编码Courses Code课程名称Courses Name开课学期Semester学分Cre.讲授

31、学时Teaching Hrs.实验/实践学时Experiment/Training Hrs.周学时Weekly Hrs.考试方式Evaluation2650101 军事理论与训练Military Theory and Military Training 1 1 考查Quiz0550028教师教学基本技能训练Training of Teachers Basic Teaching Skills1 考查Quiz陕西师范大学本科生学习指导手册0550017 必读书目阅读Required Readings 1 考查Quiz0550118数学学科教学技能训练Teaching Skills Training

32、 of Mathematics6 2 考试Exam.0550019 教育见习School Visit 1-6 1 考查Quiz0550020 教育实习Teaching Practice 7 4 考查Quiz0550021 教育实践与社会调查Teaching Practice and Social Survey 1 考查Quiz0550022 科研训练Scientific Research Training 3-6 1 考查Quiz1750013大学生就业指导College Students Employment Guidance6 1 考查Quiz0550025 毕业论文(设计)Graduation Thesis Writing 7-8 2 考查Quiz


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