精品文档欢迎下载历史已经成为过去,我希望中国和印尼两国人民世代友好下去。 司徒眉生 司徒眉生 祖籍广东开平,1928年生於印尼。曾任印尼前总统苏加诺的私人秘书、私人助理,为中国顺利出席万隆亚非会议和恢复中国在联合国的席位做出了重要贡献。1965年到澳门,後创办朝晖置业有限公司?任董事长。一直以来,致力於中国和印尼的友好交往,被誉为两国“民间外交家”。现任澳门多个社团名誉会长。 Szetu Mei Sen, Born in Indonesia in 1928 and his ancestral home is Kaiping of Guangdong province. He has once serves as the private secretary and assistant of Soekarno, the former president of Indonesia, contributing a lot to the Chinas success in attending the Asia & Africa Conference in B