摘要:四千多年前,我国就出现了一种击壤游戏,其活动方法早已失传,现据推测加以复原。兴起于魏晋时代的击壤活动,则是一种全新的游戏。一千数百年来,不断发展演变,已经成为我国儿童游戏的一大系列。产生于击壤游戏的击壤歌。也演变成我国文学的一种形式。 关键词:击壤(Ji Rang);中国最早的游戏;两种形态 中图分类号:G899文献标识码:A文章编号:1004-4590(20xx)02-0048-06 Abstract:More than 4000 years ago, there appeared a game called Ji Rang in ancient China. The game methods and rules had been lost and could only be partly reproduced according to speculation nowadays. But a whole new Ji Rang game which arose in the time of Wei and Jin Dynasty has evolved i