世界银行行长金辰勇在华盛顿大学英语演讲稿世界银行行长金辰勇在华盛顿高校英语演讲稿President Knapp, Dean Brown, distinguished faculty, students, and guests,史蒂文纳普校长、布朗院长、尊敬的各位老师、同学们、各位来宾:Thank you for hosting me here today. It is a privilege to be with you to talk about the challenges before us in the world and how the World Bank Group is working to become as effective as possible in improving the lives of the poor and vulnerable.感谢各位今日的接待。我很荣幸来到这里,谈一谈我们在世界上面临的挑战,以及世界银行集团如何全力以赴有效地改善贫困和弱势人群的生活。When we look