李开复演讲李开复演讲篇一:李开复卡内基梅隆高校2021的毕业演讲稿(中英文版) Kai-Fu Lee May 17, 2021 First, congratulations to the graduates from the CMU School of Computer Science! Im deeply honored and grateful that you have invited me to be a part of this seminal moment in your lives. Im honored and humbled that among many more accomplished SCS graduates, I was chosen to receive an honorary degree this year. 首先向今年的毕业生们表示庆贺!也特别感谢母校邀请我见证并分享你们一生中如此重要的时刻。对于母校在众多比优秀的校友中,选择授予我荣誉博士,我深感荣幸。 I received my fi