里根:“挑战号”惨剧致辞里根:“挑战号”惨剧致辞Ronald ReaganThe Space Shuttle Challenger Tragedy Addressdelivered 28 January 19861986年1月18日,“挑战号”升空7秒钟后爆炸,美国总统里根特地发表演说。“挑战号”飞船的机组人员为我们光荣地献出自己的一生。我们永久缅怀他们,我们不会遗忘今晨最终看到他们的情景。他们整装待发,向我们挥手致意,然后脱离了大地执拗的束缚飞上天际,亲近上帝慈爱的面容。Ladies and Gentlemen, Id planned to speak to you tonight to report on the state of the Union, but the events of earlier today have led me to change those plans. Today is a day for mourning and remembering. Nancy and I are