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1、高一特色下学期期末考试 参考答案听力:1-5 AABAC 6-10 BCCBB 11-15 ACAAC 16-20 BBBCC单选:21-25 ADDBC 26-30 DCBAC阅读:A 篇 31-33 CCD B 篇 34-36 DAC C 篇 37-40 CDBC七选五 41-45 BDFAC完型:4650 BDBCA 5155 DDBCD 5660 ADBAC 6165 BCDBA语篇填空:66. having 67. from 68.me 69.before 70.which 71.if 72.Luckily 73.to drive 74.were caught 75.easier单词

2、拼写:76. struggling 77.whispered 78. hugged 79. advance 80. expand81. reacted/responded 82. representing 83. preserved 84. truly 85.reduce短文改错:confusing-confused smaller-small rope-ropes stand-stood athe去掉 used 后的 to run-running if-so them-us belief 后加上 that(范文)Ladies and gentlemen,Its time to try new

3、 things. We are here offering a new type of fruit organic apples. Organic apples are grown in the famous apple-growing area, Guangdong. They grow the apples with natural rather than chemical fertilizers. Because of that, organic apples are free from chemicals but rich in minerals compared with those

4、 conventionally grown apples. I think organic apples are no doubt your first choice if you want to keep fit.Thank you very much.Yours truly,Chen Nan 答案详解:21. A 考查倍数的表示法。句意:这个盒子是那个盒子的四倍大。让我帮你移动走它。A 是 B 的倍时,倍数的表示法一般为 A be +倍数+as+原级+as+B ,或 A be +倍数+the+比较级+than+B A be +倍数+the+名词(size/length/height,etc

5、.) +of+B。B 应该是 four times as big as,C 应该 four times bigger than ,故只有 A 是正确的。22. 考查搭配和语态。句意为多么好的演讲呀, 真的很好,我几乎不敢想象被置于自己在公众面前演讲。Imagine doing something 是固定搭配,所以排除 A和 B,根据句意为被动语态,排除 C。故选 D 项。23. 考查动词的用法。句意:这块布摸起来很光滑很软,肯定卖得好。feeling是分词做后置定语用来修饰主语 the cloth,谓语动词是 sell ,故选 D 项。24. 考查主谓一致。句意:下周末,我和我的父母将会去公园

6、野餐。根据句意可知句子用 be going to 句型,as well as 连接两个主语,后面的谓语动词遵循就远原则,和 I 保持一致,故选 B。25. 考查 doing 形式做状语,逻辑主语应与主句的主语一致,watching 的逻辑主语应该是 we.而 D 答案的时态不对,所以答案选 C。26. 考查定语从句。句意:这是今年上映的好电影中的一个最好的。当先行词是“the only one of +名词的复数”时,定语从句的先行词就是 the only one,这是一个单数,从句谓语动词使用单数形式;当先行词是“one of +名词的复数”时,定语从句的先行词就是这个复数形式的名词,从句谓

7、语动词使用复数形式。选 D27. 考查名词性从句。 What 引导主语从句并充当主语;根据句意,让他烦恼的是他是否能通过驾照考试。所以选 C.28. 考查介词。句意:所有的学生都到田里去照看小树,大雨对它们已经造成了巨大的损害。定语从句先行词是 little trees,指物,do damage to 意为“ 对造成伤害,损害” ,介词 to 提到关系代词前,故选 B。29. 考查强调句型和固定短语 thanks to 由于;幸亏。贾斯汀把球踢进了自己的球门,就是他的愚蠢让我们赢了比赛。强调原因。故选 A30. 考查固定短语,in general 一般说来,总的来说。故选 C。阅读:31.C。

8、根据第一段“ Apply early because these camps can fill up fast.可知 C 选页正确。A 选项错在只有第一个和第三个是一周或两周的夏令营。 B 选项错在 Genealogy Camp 没有提到有户外活动。D 选项错在 Georgetown Summer History Weeks 四岁以上就可以参加。32.C。根据第四段可知 National Archives- Genealogy Camp 可以让人们了解自己的家族历史,其对应的电话号码是 C 选项。33.D。根据最后一段“ Develop a disguise for cover, make a

9、nd break codes,deelop escape techniques“可知选 D。34. 推断题,根据划线部分的前面介绍的经济情况的不好,还有后面父亲要 use her college fund to pay the loan,可以断定,应该缺钱 short of money. 所以选 D。35. 根据第二段 In fact, its hard to avoid news about the economy on the screen of the TV or the computers recently. 很难避免在电视或电脑上出现经济问题的新闻。得知要选 A36. 细节理解,根据

10、第四段 Therefore, some families are cutting back on what they spend. For example, eating out less, staying home instead of going on vacation, moving to a less expensive house and so on. 说明人们通过各种活动来减少日常开销,以应对经济危机,所以选 C。C 篇 本文讲述的是私人空间的话题,很多人都不愿意与别人靠得太近,主要目的是未来保护私人空间。文章中还提及了一项有关的调查,以及相关的信息。37推理题。根据文章前 4 行

11、 Many of us feel uneasy when someone stands too close to us, talks to us too loudly or makes eye contact(接触) with us for too long. But have you ever wondered why those things make you uncomfortable?Its all about personal peace, which means not only an imaginary space around the body, but also the sp

12、ace around all the senses.可知本文介绍的是关于私人距离的有关知识。故C 正确。38推理题。根据文章最后一句 In Latin(拉丁人的) cultures, however, people are more comfortable standing close to each other.可知拉丁人认为近距离是舒服的。故 D 正确。39细节题。根据地 3 段 1,2 行 Whether people have had a stronger wish to protect their personal space in recent times is hard to s

13、ay. Yet studies of airlines show that people have a strong desire(渴望) to have space to themselves.可知这项调查中认为最近人们对于之间的私人距离有很强烈的欲望。故 B 正确。40推理题。根据文章倒数第二段 Although people may need their personal space, some hardly realize it. For example, people on a bus who hold newspapers in front of their faces to re

14、ad in fact keep a distance from strangers.可知人们经常会选择一些不被人注意的角落,这样才显得更加安全。故 C 正确。完型:文章讲述了作者从弟弟的去世中得到一个教训:不要害怕对家人说我爱你。46B 考查动词辨析 admit 承认;finish 完成;skip 跳过;determine 决定。句意:因为我马上高中毕业,去读大学。根据后半句 on my way to college 可知作者即将完成高中学业,考入大学,故选 B。47D 考查动词辨析 earn 赚,挣得;reach 到达; compete 竞争;miss 错过,想念。句意:我的生活什么也不缺。

15、从上句 I had great friends and a loving family可知作者有很好的朋友和友爱的家庭,什么也不缺,所以使用 missing 来修饰nothing,故选 D。48B 考查动词辨析 regret 后悔;change 改变;beautify 使美化;solve 解决。句意:大约早上九点二十五分,我听到一个永远改变我生活的消息。从下文可知弟弟的去世改变了作者的生活:不想交朋友。故选 B。49C 考查动词词组 take away 带走;give away 泄露;pass away 去世;fly away 飞走。根据下一段 After Zachs death,可知 Zac

16、h 去世了。句意:他出事五天以后去世了。故选 C。50A 考查形容词辨析 lonely 寂寞的;tired 疲倦的;bored 厌烦的;nervous 紧张的。句意:我感到非常的寂寞。从上一句 I became an only child.可知弟弟去世后,我成了家里唯一的孩子,感觉很寂寞,故选 A。51D 考查名词辨析 interest 兴趣;benefit 利益,好处;guidance 指导;relief减轻,解除。弟弟去世后,家里少了一个人,家里吃的东西也少了。句意:Zach 去世后,我发现家里吃的食物变少了。故选 D。52D 考查形容词辨析 funny 有趣的;hopeful 有希望的;

17、patient 有耐心的;senseless 无意识的。句意:我几乎不能感觉到任何东西,没有意识。由前半句 I could hardly feel anything,可知作者感觉不到任何东西,是无意识的。故选 D。53B 考查副词辨析 finally 最终;suddenly 突然地;nearly 几乎,差不多;seriously 认真地。从上文可知 Zach 是突然去世的。句意:我不再交朋友,因为害怕他们会像 Zach 一样突然去世。故选 B 。54C 考查形容词辨析 difficult 困难的;particular 特别的;dangerous 危险的;tense 紧张的,拉紧的。句意:晚上,

18、对于可能存在危险的行驶场合我都特别紧张。但是,我不能表达生活的恐惧,因为我想在父母面前表现的坚强。由于弟弟是在车祸中去世的,所以作者对于存在危险的驾驶场合,感觉很害怕。故选C。55D 考查连词辨析 so 因此;if 如果;unless 除非;because 因为。句意:晚上,对于可能存在危险的行驶场合我都特别紧张。但是,我不能表达生活的恐惧,因为我想在父母面前表现的坚强。作者不敢表达这种恐惧是因为想在父母面前表现的坚强,故选 D。56A 考查名词辨析 pain 痛苦;discouragement 泄气;willingness 乐意;memory 记忆。父母失去儿子是痛苦的。句意:由于父母失去儿

19、子,他们比我更痛苦。故选 A。57D 考查动词词组 think about 考虑;dream about 梦想;talk about 谈论某事;care about 关心。父母本身就很痛苦,作者不想让父母再担心自己。句意:我不想让他们担心我。故选 D。58B 考查名词辨析 surprise 惊奇;anger 怒火;disappointment 失望;doubt 怀疑。根据后半句 because I was angry about why the sadness had happened to me 为什么悲伤的事情发生在我身上,可知作者感觉很恼火。句意:我也很恼火,为什么悲伤的事情发生在我的身

20、上,我从来都没有从这种情绪中走出来。故选B。59A 考查动词辨析 escape 逃脱,摆脱;prevent 阻止;stop 停止;suffer 遭受。句意:我也很生气,为什么悲伤的事情发生在我的身上,我从来都没有从这种情绪中走出来。从下文 Now, it has been nearly five years since Zachs death.可知作者在很长时间内一直没有摆脱这种情绪,故选 A。60C 考查动词辨析 damage 破坏;choose 选择;fear 害怕;leave 离开。句意:我不再害怕生活。根据下一句 I fact it bravely 可知作者不再害怕生活,而是勇敢面对,

21、故选 C。61B 考查动词辨析 produce 生产;rebuild 重建; communicate 交流;raise 提高。句意:我重建友谊,开始社交。根据后半句and began socializing more.可知作者开始社交,开始交朋友,故选 B。62C 考查动词辨析 copy 复制;advertise 做广告; share 分享;perform 执行。句意:我甚至和周围的人分享 Zach 的故事,尽管我的新朋友知道Zach。 sharewith 与某人分享某事。故选 C。63D 考查形容词辨析 stubborn 固执的;satisfied 满意的;brave 勇敢的;afraid

22、害怕的。句意:从失去弟弟这件事上我得到一个教训:不要害怕给家人说我爱你。A、B、C 选项均不符合语境,故选 D。64B 考查动词辨析 explore 探索;express 表达;spread 扩散;pray 祈祷。句意:我爱我的弟弟,但是现在已经太晚了,我不能再向他表达我对他的爱。此处是作者表达对弟弟的感情,故选 B。65A 考查名词辨析 mistake 错误;decision 决定;explanation 解释;difference 不同。句意:不要像我一样犯这样的错误。此处作者犯了一个错误,不想让别人和自己一样犯错。故选 A。录音原文:Text 1W: Hey, you have so m

23、any clocks in your bedroom. Are you crazy or what?M: No, I am a heavy sleeper. I want to make sure I can wake up in the morning.Text 2W: The food in this restaurant doesnt taste good. Id rather eat in the schools dining hall.M: But the food isnt everything. Isnt it pleasant to have dinner with light

24、 music, without people sitting around you laughing and talking loudly?Text 3M: If I were you, Id ride a bike to work. Taking a bus during rush hour is really terrible.W: Thanks for your advice, but Ive lost my bike recently.Text 4W: Sweetie, lets go out for a walk.M: It looks like rain. How about go

25、ing to a bar for a beer?W: But I cant drink beer with the medicine Im taking. Why not go to a movie?M: I would rather watch a video online.Text 5W: Id like to have my car serviced the engine and the wheels checked. How long will that take?M: Oh, well, its rather late. Im afraid itll take hours. Youl

26、l have to have it done in the morning. But we can lend you a car like yours free of charge. You can take it now.Text 6W: Whats going on between you and Charlie? Did you have a fight or something?M: No. But I cant stand him anymore! Hes the worst roommate Ive ever had! He never cleans up after himsel

27、f, and hes always listening to loud music when I try to get some sleep.W: Why dont you have a heart-to-heart talk with him?M: I tried, but it didnt work. Maybe you can talk to him? After all, youre his good friend.Text 7M: Hi, Sue. Its me.W: Well, hello. Where have you been all day, Steve? Mr. Smith

28、 asked me this morning where you were, but he didnt seem to be looking for you or anything.M: What did you say?W: I told him that I didnt know. He seemed very busy, as managers always are. Are you OK?M: Im sorry I didnt call you this morning. Ive had a cold since Saturday. I havent eaten much these

29、days, and it has made me feel really weak. But Ill probably be there tomorrow.W: All right. Well go on a business trip next week. And dont worry. You should go to see a doctor, Steve.M: Thanks, but Im getting better now.W: Take care, then. Bye.M: Bye-bye, Sue.Text 8W: OK, tell me about yourself.M: W

30、ell, last year in school, I played on the football team. It kept me busy, but I learned to manage my time. And also, it has been a great experience in learning how to work on the team with other players.W: How would your teachers describe you?M: My teachers would say I work hard to get my homework d

31、one on time, and Im not afraid to ask for help if I need it. Theyd also tell you I am friendly to my classmates.W: Well, why should I hire you over the other eight students?M: I think I am the very person you can rely on. Ill arrive to work on time and do the best I can on the job. Besides, Ive done

32、 volunteer work, and now Id like to gain actual work experience. If you hire me, youll get someone who is always willing to learn.Text 9M: Hi, Susan. How are you? Ive been wondering when Id run into you. What are you busy with?W: Nice to meet you here, Tim. Im buying some Christmas gifts for those w

33、ho work with me, but its really a headache.M: Maybe I could give you some advice. Firstly, youd better divide them into different groups. Who are the people that are your friends as well as your workmates? And who are the people who you do not know well but you see pretty much daily?W: OK. Then what

34、 should I do?M: For the friends, you want to get them personal gifts. Do they like chocolate?W: This is what I always give. But I know Mary is on a diet.M: Does she like fruit or coffee? Anyway, think of a gift that you know your friend likes.W: Well, I think fruit is helpful to keep fit. How about

35、the rest of them?M: Leave cards in their mailboxes or on their desks.W: Christmas cards?M: Yes. You can afford that. More importantly, it shows them that you are thinking of them.W: Thank you for your suggestion, Tim. You really have saved me, and my money as well!Text 10M: Hello, everyone. My topic

36、 today is about the power of a smile. There are a number of sayings about the power of a smile “Peace begins with a smile.” “A smile means Welcome everywhere.” “Life is short, but a smile only takes a second.” All good advice, but it may not be as simple as that. According to new research, if you wa

37、nt to make a good impression when you meet people, its not just that you smile; its how you smile. The study was carried out by the GO group, a business support organization in Scotland, in the UK. They looked at peoples responses to different smiles. They found that the responses differ greatly. Th

38、rough this study, they say people should avoid three types of smiles. The first is the “Top Fan” very wide, all teeth showing possible evidence that you can have too much of a good thing. Then there is the “Big Freeze” a fixed smile that looks practiced and insincere. Finally comes “The Robot” a small, thin smile lacking in warmth. The group also warns against smiling too quickly, saying it can make you look false. The best smile, they say, is slower and flows naturally across the whole face.


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