小学生英语演讲稿我的校园生活学校生英语演讲稿我的校内生活每一个人的校内生活都不一样,或许多姿多彩,或许味同嚼蜡,以下是我整理的学校生英语演讲稿我的校内生活,欢迎阅读!学校生英语演讲稿我的校内生活一I go to school at half past seven every morning.我每天早上7点半上学.When i get to school, i have to do the cleaning with my classmates.当我回到学校的时候,我要和我的同学一起做值日.After that i have 4 lessons in the morning and 2 lessons in the afternoon.紧接着,我上午要上4节课,下午要上两节课.The school is over at about half past four.下午四点半放学My favourite teacher is my english teacher and o