证人拒证权的成因及对策研究演讲范文 证人拒证权的成因及对策讨论演讲内容摘要:为建立我国科学的证据体系和证据制度,本文对证据法前沿有待解决的问题之一,即证人拒证不出庭问题分析了缘由和表现情形;并对证人拒证应实行怎样的对策以及在法定状况下证人享有拒证权的适用作了分析讨论。 关键词:拒证权 证据体系 证人补偿On the factors and measures of the declining rights of witnessAbstract :To establish scientific proof system and proof institution in our country,the paper analyze the causes and condition of the witness who refuse to attend to the court ,which is one of the problems to be resolved in contemporary proof law and research into how