著名脱口秀主持人艾伦德詹尼丝杜兰大学毕业英语演讲稿有名脱口秀主持人艾伦德詹尼丝杜兰高校毕业英语演讲稿Thank you, President Cowan, Mrs. President Cowen; distinguished guests, undistinguishedguests - you know who you are, honored faculty and creepy Spanish teacher.感谢,感谢考恩校长,和有头有脸的来宾们,呃,有头有脸的来宾,你知道你是谁,不用介绍了(众人笑),诚意感谢大家以及厌烦的西班牙语老师(众人大笑)And thank you to all the graduating class of 2021, I realize most of you are hungover and havesplitting headaches and havent slept since Fat Tuesday, but you cant graduate til I finish, soliste