【最新】六年级英语下册 Unit 4 Then and now Part B read and write教学课件1.ppt

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【最新】六年级英语下册 Unit 4 Then and now Part B read and write教学课件1.ppt_第1页
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Unit4 Then and now,B Read and write,rode a horse,rode a bike,went swimming,went hiking,went fishing,bought gifts,ate fresh food,Sharp eyes,saw a film,Hes on the race,Hes running with a cheetah,Which one is faster,1,2,3,First reading: read quickly, and number the picture,Second reading: read it carefully and answer the following questions,1、Why was Wu Yifan worried,2、What happened when Robin gave him some water,3、Why did he wake up,Because his father ran very fast ,but Wu Yifan could not,He could


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