VALEXCHINA CO.LTD. Electric safety essential knowledge for employees 员工安全用电基本知识 Issuer:EHS No. contents 内容 1 familiar with operating program on your machine 熟悉你所操作的设备程序 2 familiar with every button function 熟悉你所操作的设备的每个按钮功能 3 familiar with main power switch on and off 熟悉你所操作的设备的电源总开关 4 smelling ,seeing , hearing some strange thing on yourmachine,switch off it, then report to supervisor quickly 闻到,看到,听到异常情况,立即关掉电源,报告主管 5 no electrician, not allow to repair and install the electric 不是电工,不可以维修和安装电器