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1、治疗用药豁免申请表Therapeutic Use Exemptions(TUE)请打印或用正楷填写/Please complete all sections in capital letters or typing1. 运动员信息 Athlete Information姓名: 性别: 出生日期:Name Sex Date of Birth注册单位: 代表单位:Registration Representation注册证号码: 身份证号码:Registration Number ID card Number项目: 小项位置:Sport Discipline/Position通讯地址: 邮编:Ad

2、dress Postcode联系电话(附国际代码): 传真:Tel. (with international code) Fax手机: 电子邮件: Mobile E-mail所属国际或国家体育协会名称:International or National Sport Organization如果运动员是残疾人,请申明残疾情况:If athlete with disability, indicate disability2. 医务人员信息 Medical practitioners information姓名 性别 年龄Name Sex Age职务: 职称: Position Title医学科别:

3、 执业医师证书编号Medical Division Medical practitioner certificate number工作单位Work Unit联系电话: 手机: Tel. Mobile 电子邮件:E-mail诊断:Diagnosis with sufficient medical information3. 禁用物质或方法详情 Medication details禁用物质名称Prohibited substance(s)Generic name使用方式Route使用剂量Dose使用频次Frequency123计划使用时间Intended duration oftreatment从

4、 年 月 日至 年 月 日 是否为追补申请?是 否Is this a retroactive application?如是,治疗从哪天开始?If yes, on what date was treatment started?_请注明原因 Please indicate reason::急救或急性病治疗必须使用 Emergency treatment or treatment of an acute medical 由于其他特殊情况,收样前无足够时间或机会提交 TUE 申请 Due to other exceptional circumstances, there wasinsufficien

5、t time or opportunity to submit an application prior to sample collection依照适用条款,无需事先申请 Advance application not required under applicable rules其他 Other 请解释 Please explain:赛内使用:In Competition Use赛外使用:Out of Competition Use以前是否申请过治疗用药豁免: 是 否Have you submitted any previous TUE application?如果是,日期:When?批准

6、单位:To whom?审批结果(请附上以前治疗用药豁免审批结果):Decision (Please attach prior TUE application result)如果有允许使用的物质或方法可以用于治疗该运动员的伤病,请说明申请使用禁用物质或方法的理由:If there is any injury that can justify the treatment to the athlete with the prohibited substance or method, please specify the reason for the use of the prohibited sub

7、stance or the method.4.如有其它说明请提出,并附上充分证实该诊断和使用禁用物质必要性的医学资料If there is any other declaration, please present here. Medical file satisfactorily proving the diagnosis and the necessity of the use of the prohibited substance or the method should be attached. 5. 运动员声明 Declaration of Athlete我特此证明第一部分和第三部分

8、提供的信息准确。我授权将个人医疗信息发布给中国反兴奋剂中心和 WADA 特许工作人员、WADA TUEC,以及依照世界反兴奋剂条例和/或治疗用药豁免国际标准有权获得该信息的其他 ADO TUECs。我同意我的医生将其认为必要的个人健康信息发送给以上各方,以便受理并明确我的 TUE 申请。我明白我的信息仅在潜在的反兴奋剂违规调查和诉讼背景下,用于审核我的 TUE 申请。我明白如果我希望(1)了解更多关于我的健康信息的使用情况;(2)行使我查阅并更正信息的权力;或(3)撤销以上机构获取我健康信息的权力,我必须书面通知我的医生和所属 ADO。我明白并同意,如果条例有所要求,在撤销同意书前有必要提交与

9、 TUE 相关的信息,由上述机构保存,仅用于查明潜在的兴奋剂违规行为。我同意所有对我有兴奋剂检查权和/或结果管理权的 ADO 或其他机构获取本申请决定。我明白并接受我的信息和此申请决定的接收方可为我定居国以外的国家。有些国家的数据保护和隐私法也许与我定居国的法律不同。我明白,如果我认为对我的个人信息的使用与本同意书和保护隐私和个人信息国际标准不一致,我可以向 WADA 或 CAS 投诉。I certify that the information set out at sections 1 and 3 is accurate. I authorize the release of person

10、al medical information to China Anti-doping Agency as well as to WADA authorized staff, to the WADA TUEC (Therapeutic Use Exemption Committee) and to other ADO TUECs and authorizedstaff that may have a right to this information under the World Anti-Doping Code(“Code“) and/or the International Standa

11、rd for Therapeutic Use Exemptions.I consent to my physician(s) releasing to the above persons any health information thatthey deem necessary in order to consider and determine my application.I understand that my information will only be used for evaluating my TUE request and inthe context of potenti

12、al anti-doping rule violation investigations and procedures. Iunderstand that if I ever wish to (1) obtain more information about the use of my healthinformation; (2) exercise my right of access and correction; or (3) revoke the right ofthese organizations to obtain my health information, I must not

13、ify my medicalpractitioner and my ADO in writing of that fact. I understand and agree that it may benecessary for TUE-related information submitted prior to revoking my consent to beretained for the sole purpose of establishing a possible anti-doping rule violation, wherethis is required by the Code

14、.I consent to the decision on this application being made available to all ADOs, or otherorganizations, with Testing authority and/or results management authority over me.I understand and accept that the recipients of my information and of the decision on thisapplication may be located outside the c

15、ountry where I reside. In some of these countriesdata protection and privacy laws may not be equivalent to those in my country ofresidence.I understand that if I believe that my Personal Information is not used in conformity with this consent and the International Standard for the Protection of Priv

16、acy and PersonalInformation, I can file a complaint to WADA or CAS.运动员签名 Athletes signature :_ 日期 Date: _监护人签名 Parents/Guardians signature: _ 日期 Date: _(如果运动员是未成年人或残疾人,无法签署此表格,家长或监护人应代为签名。If the Athlete is a Minor or has an impairment preventing him/her signing this form, aparent or guardian shall s

17、ign on behalf of the Athlete)6. 医务人员声明 Declaration of Medical practitioner我保证运动员使用上述违禁物质对于其上述的伤病是正确的治疗。I certify that the above-mentioned treatment is medically appropriate and that the use of alternative medication not on the prohibited list would be unsatisfactory for this condition.医务人员签名: 日期:Med

18、ical practitioners signature Date7、运动员注册单位或代表单位意见(盖章)Declaration of the Athletes Registration or representation team (confirmed by official stamp)运动员赛外申请治疗用药豁免,由运动员注册单位同意;运动员赛内申请治疗用药豁免,由运动员代表单位同意。协议积记分或双记分运动员,涉及的单位均应同意。Athletes application for out-of-competition use of prohibited substances or metho

19、d has to be agreed by the registration team of the Athlete. Athletes application for in-competition use of prohibited substances or method has to be agreed by the representation team of the Athlete. TUE application for by exchanged Athlete has to be agreed by all teams involved. 8、不完整的申请将被退回并需要重新提交。Incomplete Applications will be returned and will need to be resubmitted.9、 请将填妥的表格及相关医学资料以电子邮件方式发送至 ,或传真方式发送至 010-84376809。请自留一份存档。Please submit the completed form and relevant medical documents to by email or 010-84376809 by fax.(keeping a copy for your records)


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