仓储物流协议-条据书信 此协议由下面所列明的甲乙双方经协商全都后于 年 月 日签订. this agreement is signed by the following parties on _after negotiation.甲方:迅达(中国)电梯有限公司(上海市汶水路40号,XX72);party a: schindler (china) elevator co., ltd. (40 wenshui road, shanghai XX72);乙方:party b:前言foreword甲方托付乙方按本协议商定的条件向甲方供应仓储与物流服务,同时乙方也情愿按同样条件接受甲方的托付.party a entrusts party b to provide warehousing and logistics services to party a according to the conditions agreed in this agreement, meanwhile party b is willing to