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1、 牛津版高二英语下册 Unit 2 单元测试 ( II) Unit 2 What is happiness to you? 第一节:单项填空(共 1小题;每小题分,满分 1分) 1. What a day! Im about to drop. A. What a pity. B. Just have a good rest! C. You neednt worry about the time. D. I am sorry to hear that. 2. I dont like this kind of . There is too much information about the me

2、etings in it. A. newspaper B. the newspaper C. the newspapers D. newspapers 3. Though injured seriously, he tried to , hoping to make his parents less worried. A. cheer up B. light up C. jump up D. take up 4. To turn your dream into reality, you should first the hard life here which you hasnt got us

3、ed to so far. A. come to B. adopt to C. refer to D. adapt to 5. With the money collected by no benefit performance, the people in the disaster area their home soon. A. will be rebuilt B. will be rebuilding C. will have rebuilt D. have rebuilt 6. The national entrance examinations are around the corn

4、er, some fans in my class are persuaded to football to focus on their studies. A. quit to play B. stop to play C. quit playing D. to be quitted playing 7. Under the of the psychoanalyst(心理分析学者 ), the timid(胆小的 ) boy seems to be more cheerful and outgoing. A. guidance B. help C. advice D. suggestions

5、 8. After the accident the miners told the reporters about their in the coal mine. A. lively; details B. living; events C. live; trips D. alive; experiences 9. What did the professor ask us to do just now? Sorry, I about my trip to the Wolf Hill at the weekend. A. had thought B. thought C. think D.

6、was thinking 10. road you take, the drive wont be more than an hour. A. Whatever B. Whichever C. However D. Whenever 11. Each time we get to the workplace, he each of us our task in detail. A. was allocating B. has allocated C. will allocate D. is going to 12. The reason why she decided to leave her

7、 boyfriend was that she didnt feel with him. A. serious B. severe C. secure D. safely 13 What does she do? She is a nurse and the doctor in the operating room. A. helps B. assists C. aids D. benefit 14. He more than 5,000 English words when he entered the university at the age of 15. A. has learned

8、B. would have learned C. learned D. had learned 15. By the time he arrives, all the work , with our teacher will be content. A. will have been accomplished; which B. will be accomplished; that C. will have accomplished; it D. had been accomplished; him 第二节:完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分) Last year,

9、I was invited to take part in a carnival(狂欢 ) for Tuesday s Child, an organization that helps children with the AIDS virus, because I m on a television show. Because I 16 I went. Any child 17 there could paint a square(方块 ), if he / she wanted to. 18 I looked around at all the squares, I saw pink he

10、arts and bright blue clouds, beautiful 19 sunrises and green and purple flowers. All bright 20 one. The boy sitting next to me was painting a heart, but it was 21 . At first I thought maybe he took the only 22 paint and it just 23 to be dark. But when I asked him about it, he said his heart was that

11、 24 because he was very sick, adding, “Theres 25 anyone can do that will help.” I told him I was sorry and I could certainly 26 why he had made his heart a dark color. However, I told him though other people could not do things to 27 him better, we could do things like giving tight 28 , which in my

12、experience did help when feeling 29 . I told him that if he would like, I would be happy to give him one. He 30 climbed into my lap. He sat there for a long time and when he had had 31 , he jumped down to finish his coloring. As the day was 32 an end and I was getting ready to head home, I 33 a tug

13、on my jacket. I turned around and standing there with a 34 on his face was the boy. He said, “My heart is 35 colors. It is getting brighter.I think those tight hugs really do work.” 16. A. matter B. care C. notice D. differ 17. A. born B. invited C. cured D. treated 18. A. As B. Until C. Before D. I

14、f 19. A. white B. blue C. orange D. green 20. A. as well as B. instead of C. just like D. except for 21. A. bright B. dark C. blue D. yellow 22. A. left B. remained C. lost D. forgotten 23. A. seemed B. needed C. occurred D. happened 24. A. shape B. color C. kind D. form 25. A. anything B. everythin

15、g C. nothing D. something 26. A. doubt B. guess C. forecast D. understand 27. A. make B. let C. improve D. like 28. A. hugs B. kisses C. handshakes D. glimpses 29. A. sorry B. lonely C. sad D. dangerous 30. A. finally B. immediately C. suddenly D. honestly 31. A. it B. one C. enough D. such 32. A. c

16、oming to B. put to C. brought to D. calling for 33. A. caught B. gave C. reached D. felt 34. A. surprise B. smile C. cloud D. scar 35. A. turning B. painting C. changing D. lacking 第三节 :阅读理解(共 20 小题;每题 2 分,满分 40 分) A Read Your Cats Body LanguageKnow Your Pet More Have you ever thought that your cat

17、is an aloof(冷漠的 ) creature to you? Then it is because you do not understand it. Your cat is always trying to communicate to you through its gestures and body language. So to know your cat more, you need to know more about the cats body language. The tail is the most important part of your cat s body

18、; it often shows its mood and intention. If your cat is sweeping its tail in broad gestures, then it means annoyance or impatience at your extreme petting(抚摸 ). If you continue to hug the cat might give you a “bat” with its paws. A rapid sweeping of tail back and forth, right from the center shows a

19、n extreme anxiety in your cat. If you find your cat turning its body fully sideways and extending its tail upwards, then be sure that your cat is giving a sign of a conflict with the fellow cats. Often you will find your cat lowering its tail between her legs, which show her complete obedience(顺从的 )

20、. A raised tail also indicates that your cat wants to be friendly. Along with the tail, the cats body gestures speak volumes about its mood and behavior. While bent legs is a sign of defending itself, outstretched legs will show self-confidence and self-assurance. If the cats ears are back and the b

21、ody low, it will show its shame or regret; raised ears will show interest in the happenings around it. If you find your cat with the head completely lowered then it will show that it is boredom and disappointed. 36. Your cat is impatient with your petting when it is _ A. raising its tail B. lowering

22、 its tail between her legs C. sweeping its tail in broad gestures D. extending its tail upwards 37. The underlined word “bat” refers to _. A. a kind of animal B. a flying bird C. a hit with something D. a wooden stick 38. If you find the cats ears are back and the body is low, _. A. it will show tha

23、t your cat is boredom and disappointed B. it means that your cat is feeling disappointed C. something around is drawing its attention D. you may see a fight between cats very soon 39. What does the third paragraph tell us? A. Importance of tail movement. B. Movement of other body parts. C. Movement

24、of ears. D. Movement of legs. B LONDON(Reuters) A French woman who had the world s first partial(部分的) face transplant has spoken of her surprise at seeing her new appearance, the Daily Mail newspaper said on Saturday. The 38-year-old woman underwent(接受) the operation to give her a new nose, chin and

25、 mouth at a hospital in the northern French city of Amiens last month. “ When I looked at my new face, I knew straight away that it was me,” the paper quoted the woman, who was disfigured(毁容) after her dog injured her badly, as saying. “ It was simply amazing to see a nose and mouth on my face.” The

26、 woman, who is recovering in a hospital in Lyon, told the paper that the attack of the dog had left her so disfigured that she had been forced to wear a dental mask. People in the street would recoil from her in horror, she said, and even one of her own two daughters found her appearance unbearable.

27、 “Old people were the worst, they used to stop and stare at me all the time,” she said. “My elder daughter Lucie just didn t want to see meI had to wear a mask. If I didnt she refused to see me.” Earlier this week the woman asked journalists to respect her privacy after her operation attracted the m

28、edia. The paper said the woman now wanted to live a normal life but was worried about what reaction there might be when she leaves hospital. 40. What made the French woman so disfigured? A. Her falling over. B. A big fire. C. A car accident. D. Her pets attack. 41. The underlined word “recoil” in Pa

29、ragraph 5 probably means “_”. A. laugh at B. move back C. whisper D. scream 42. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the text? A. The operation on the woman proved successful. B. The woman felt amazed when she saw her new face. C. The media have reported a lot about the woman a

30、nd the operation. D. Before operation, the people who hated to meet her most were her husband and children. 43. It can be inferred from the text that the woman _. A. may still be the focus of attention for some time B. will never live a normal life after the operation C. dislikes the journalists dis

31、turbing of her privacy D. neednt wear a mask any more C Shanghai, China, is home to the world s tallest woman. Yao Defen, a 36-year-old woman, suffers from a brain tumor(肿瘤 ) which is believed to be the reason behind her huge height and size. Defen stands at 7.75 feet tall, which is 2 inches more th

32、an Sandy Allen of the United States, who is listed as the worlds tallest woman in the Guinness Book of World Records. Defen s brain tumor is located in a gland(腺 ) of the brain that regulates the outlet of growth hormones(荷尔蒙 ). Because of her tumor, her body was forced to let out an excess(过量 ) of

33、growth hormones, which lead to her extreme height. This excess of growth hormones has made many of her bones weak and brittle, making it hard for this 36-year-old woman to sit or stand. Defens family are poor farmers living in eastern China. And after the story of her extreme height tumor was broadc

34、asted internationally by the Discovery Channel, many doctors in China were willing to award Defen free treatment for her illness. She is now reportedly taking medicine to stop the gland from producing more growth hormones, so she wont continue to grow. Doctors expect that after her treatment and sur

35、gery Defen will shrink 30%. This shrinkage will ease the osteoporosis, a disease that makes bones in the body weak and more likely to break, which will hopefully allow Defen to lead a more normal life. 44. From the passage, we learn that _. A. Defens family has difficulty in paying her treatment B.

36、Defen has suffered from a brain tumor for 36 years C. Defen is the tallest woman in the Guinness Book of World Records D. Defens bones have already broken quite a few times 45. According to the passage, which is the best thing that Defen should do to live a normal life? A. Harden her bones. B. Repea

37、tedly take medicine. C. Lie in bed all day. D. Have an operation to remove the brain tumor. 46. The underlined word “shrink” in the last paragraph probably means _. A. draw together B. reduce in size C. move back D. stop growing 47. The best title of the passage is “_”. A. Cure for Head Brain Tumor

38、B. Patient Survives from Osteoporosis C. Treatment for Worlds Tallest Woman D. Excess of Growth Hormones D Long before the calculator or even modern math, Egyptians had discovered a way to multiply large numbers quickly. Heres how it works. Suppose you had this problem: 1312=? On a sheet of paper, d

39、raw a line to separate two columns. Down the column on the left, begin with the number 1. Double it and write 2 below it, then double the 2 and write 4, and so on. Down the column on the right, write the number you are multiplying by (in this case, 12). Under the 12, double it and write 24. Then dou

40、ble the 24 and write the number 48 under it, and so on. Your columns should look like this: 1 12 2 24 4 48 8 96 16 192 Now find the numbers in the left column that add up to the first number in the problem (in this case, 13). The numbers 1+4+8=13, so underline the numbers in the right column opposit

41、e these numbers. Add these numbers (12+48+96) together, and you will get the sum 156, which is the correct answer to the problem of multiplying 13 by 12. Now try another example: 38251=? 1 251 2 502 4 1,004 8 2,008 16 4,016 32 8,032 We see that 2+4+32=38. So 38251=502+1,004+8,032. And that equals 9,

42、538. The ancient Egyptians also used columns like these to divide large numbers. Can you think of how they might have done that? 48. The ancient Egyptians used columns to _ large numbers. A. add up B. multiply C. divide D. both B and C 49. What does the author tell us? A. Egyptians were good at coun

43、ting. B. Egyptians had their own way to multiply large numbers quickly. C. Egyptians could calculate only by adding up numbers. D. Egyptians were quick in adding up the numbers。 50. From the passage, we can conclude the ancient Egyptians were _. A. stupid B. clever C. interesting D. humorous 51. Whi

44、ch is NOT true according to the passage? A. The ancient Egyptians used columns to divide large numbers. B. Egyptians had discovered a way to multiply large numbers quickly after the calculator or even modern math. C. Egyptians were good at counting. D. The ancient Egyptians were very clever. E Scien

45、tists say they were able to reduce the effect of the AIDS with a drug first designed to treat other conditions. AIDS damages the protection system so the body cannot fight viruses inside the body. At present, medicines can reduce HIV to levels low enough to keep people alive. But these drugs are not

46、 a cure. Small amounts of the virus still remain in humans body. If it wakes up again, the virus can become active and begin to copy itself, so people must continue to take medicine. A new study has been carried out on four patients. They had already taken medicine for more than two years. The researchers first improved the effect of the drug. Then they gave the patient another one, valproic acid(丙戊酸 ). Valproic acid is used to help epilepsy(癫痫病 ) patients. Some people with depression(抑郁症 ) also take the drug to


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