胡.在白宫英语演讲稿胡.在白宫英语演讲稿Remarks by President Hu of the Peoples Republic of China at Official Arrival CeremonySouth Lawn9:20 A.M. EST总统先生,奥巴马夫人,女士们,先生们,伴侣们:很兴奋应奥巴马总统邀请,在一元复始的季节来到华盛顿,对美国进行国事访问。此时此刻,我谨代表13亿中国人民,向美国人民致以真诚的问候和良好的祝福!PRESIDENT HU: (As translated。) Mr. President, Mrs. Obama, ladies and gentlemen, dear friends, it gives me great pleasure to come to Washington and pay a state visitto the United States at the beginning of the new year, at the invitation of