乔布斯辞职前最后一次英语演讲稿乔布斯辞职前最终一次英语演讲稿Cupertino is very famous for Apple Computer. And we are very honor to have Steve Jobs tocome here tonight to give us special presentation. Mr. Jobs?苹果如今变得炙手可热Cupertino也沾光不少,今晚我们荣幸地邀请到乔布斯莅临现场。乔总?Welcome, Mr Jobs: you have a fan club here.欢迎你,这里貌似都是你的粉丝。Thank you. Apples grown like a weed, and as you know, weve always been in Cupertino.Started in an office par, eventually, got the buildings, we are in now the corner of the ends of280.a