1、青年学术论坛邀请报告报告人: Uriel Sinichkin (TelAviv university)报告时间:5 月 8 日上午 10:00-11:00报告地点:数学系 401邀请人:谈胜利题目: Enumerative tropical geometry and application in enumerative classical algebraic geometry摘要: Abstract: I will present the enumeration of singular complex curves of fixed degree generic arangement of p
2、oints in the projective plane using tropical algebraic geometry .If the fime premits , I will describe the generalization of this method to real algebraic curves and to higher dimensions no knowladge of tropical geometry is needed. The talk is based on works by E.Shastin, H. Markwing, T. Markwing, G.Mkhalkin and other.报告人简介:TelAviv university 博士。