Unit 2 Its in the west,Module 1,Lead-in,Do you know the West Lake? Talk about it with your partner,杭州西湖,西湖,位于浙江省杭州市西面,三面环山,面积约6.39平方千米。湖中被孤山、白堤、苏堤、杨公堤分隔,按面积大小分别为外西湖、西里湖、北里湖、小南湖及岳湖等五片水面,苏堤、白堤越过湖面,小瀛洲、湖心亭、阮公墩三个小岛鼎立于外西湖湖心,夕照山的雷峰塔与宝石山的保俶塔隔湖相映,由此形成了“一山、二塔、三岛、三堤、五湖”的基本格局,the West Lake,New words,map,right,country,地 图,正确的,国 家,Look, listen and say,1,Simon: Wheres the West Lake? Daming: Its in the east of China. Simon: Its very beautiful. Daming: Yes, it is,Listen and read,2,Daming: What a big map of the