外研版六年级英语上册,Unit 2 Its in the west,north,east,west,south,Lets review,east 东 west 西 north 北 south 南,天下西湖三十六,浙江有九,建德的梅城西湖就是其中之一。梅城西湖又称严州西湖,坐落在梅城城西,和城东的东湖相映。据严州图经记载,该湖已经有1100多年历史。唐宋以来,梅城西湖曾建有规模宏丽的寺院和楼台亭阁,湖心宝华洲更是游人登临之地。北宋范仲淹曾有“相呼采莲去,更上木兰舟”的诗句。1968年,富春江水电站建成后,梅城成了库区,西湖成为内湖,但仍不失其天姿风韵,依然博得人们的青睐,Lets talk,Where are you from, and your position in China . For example : Im from Guizhou. Its in the south of China,What a big map of the US,San Francisco,Houston,Where is New York,It is in the east of the US,Do