1.1 几 何 图 形,这是我房间摆设的一部分,还有一部分想请同学们帮帮忙,按要求进行摆设,行吗,My room This is my room . There is a desk near the window. You can see some flowers on it. On the desk is a cup and a pen containen(笔筒). There are some pencils in it . Under the desk is a football . There is a bed and a box near the desk . On the bed is a cap(帽子),要求根据英文提示摆设,球 体,圆锥,长方体,圆柱,点 线 面 体,线与线相交而成,面与面相交而成,包围着体的部分,物体的图形,平面几何图形,立 体 图 形,几 何 图 形,谜语 :千条线万条线 落到水中看不见,雨点,你能用数学语言来描述这一现象吗,点能动成线,你能用“, / ”(两个圆,两个三角形,一组平行线)为条件,画出一个独特且具有意义的图形,并写上几句贴切、诙谐的解