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1、八年级英语试卷答案 第 1 页 (共 3 页)锦州市 20162017 学年度八年级(下)期末质量检测英语参考答案及评价标准. 听力理解。 (共 20 分, 每小题 2 分)I. 听力理解(共 20 分):A)共 5 分, 每小题 1 分 15 EDCBAB)共 5 分, 每小题 1 分 610 ACBBBC)共 10 分, 每小题 2 分 1115 Chinese, 72, unless, bad, keep 评分标准:本题主要考查学生对听力内容的理解能力,所以无论答案用完整形式还是用简答形式,无论首字母是否大写,无论答语是否有标点,只要意义正确都给满分。II. 单项选择(共 5 分,每小题

2、 1 分)1620 CBAABIII. 完形填空(共 10 分,每小题 1 分)21-25 CBCDA 26-30 BCDDDVI. 阅读理解(共 15 分,每小题 1 分)(A) 3135 BABBC (B) 3640 CCDCB (C) 4145 BADECV. 口语交际(共 5 分,每小题 1 分)46. Have you ever been to Qingdao? 47. How do you like it/ Qingdao? What do you think of it/ Qingdao?48. Did you swim/go swimming in the sea? 49. Y

3、es, I boated/went boating sometimes.50. Would you like to teach me how to boat?评分标准:本题具有一定的开放度,如有能够满足试题语境的其它答案,评卷教师应该予以给分。单词拼写、字母大小写、标点符号或语法等错误,每累计 2 处(含 2 处) 扣 1分,扣分总数不超过 5 分;答案超过 5 个词的,每累计 2 处扣 1 分。VI. 短文填空(共 10 分,每小题 1 分)5160 It, on, parts, get, live, to, Why, countrys, has worked, orVII. 任务型阅读 根

4、据短文内容完成文后的图表(共 20 分,每小题 2 分)(A) 6165 Southeast Asia, language, try new food, at night, the same (all year round)(B) 八年级英语试卷答案 第 2 页 (共 3 页)66. A supermarket is a large self-service department store. 67. Yes, we can. / Yes. 68. Five. / Five reasons are given for why people like to go shopping in supe

5、rmarkets.69. People can just walk around but buy nothing.70. The passage wants to tell us something about supermarket. / Why people like to go shopping in supermarkets. 评分标准:本题具有一定的开放度,如有能够满足试题语境的其它答案,评卷教师应该予以给分。单词拼写、字母大小写、标点符号或语法等错误,每累计 2 处(含 2 处) 扣 1分,扣分总数不超过 10 分;答案超过 5 个词的,每累计 2 处扣 1 分。VIII. (A)

6、I would want to program love into robots. History tells us that love is the most important thing in life. Although some robots may seem weak today, theyll be smarter and more powerful (强大的 ) in the future. If there is love inside of them, they wont do cruel (残忍的) things. They will be kind and friend

7、ly, like gifted children, and become real helpers for us. Thats what I hope to see.(B)Dear Wang Peng,How are you these days? You asked me about the changes in our hometown in your last letter. Now Ill tell you something about our hometown.Our city has changed a lot in the past seven years. More and

8、more tall buildings have appeared, which are modern and beautiful. Peoples life here has become rich and colorful.Many families have got their own cars. People can enjoy themselves traveling on holidays. They can travel to other cities or villages to relax. Also, we can taste delicious food of diffe

9、rent countries such as the food of the US, Japan and Italy. And there are also many shopping malls.Now computers have been widely used in offices and at home. So its easier for me to keep in touch with you than in the past, for I can e-mail you in my office.I hope you can come back soon. Yours,Wang

10、Lei大作文评分标准(小作文的评分标准依此类推):档次 内 容 语言表达 逻辑结构 文字量910 分内容丰富,包括题目要求中的所有信息。表达清晰,基本没有语法、词汇等语言错误。能使用常见的连接词表示顺序和逻辑关系。 80 词及以上八年级英语试卷答案 第 3 页 (共 3 页)78 分内容比较丰富,缺题目要求中的很少信息。表达基本清晰,语法、词汇等语言错误较少。基本上能使用常见的连接词表示顺序和逻辑关系。6080 词46 分内容不太丰富,缺题目要求中的较多信息。表达不十分清晰,语法、词汇等语言错误较多。不太能使用常见的连接词表示顺序和逻辑关系。4060 词03 分 内容不丰富。语法、词汇等语言错误太多,影响对内容的理解。信息未能传达给读者。不能使用常见的连接词表示顺序和逻辑关系。40 词以下注:在每个档次中,单词拼写、字母大小写或语法等错误,每累计 2 处 (含 2 处) 扣 1分,扣分总数不超过 3 分。


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