电梯安全使用规范 电梯安全使用说明为了您和其他乘客的安全,使用电梯时,请您遵守以下事项: For the safety of you and other passengers using the elevator, please observe the following items: 一、火灾、地震发生时,严禁搭乘电梯。 Fire, earthquake occurs, take the elevator is strictly prohibited. 二、使用电梯应文明操作,严禁用钥匙等硬物按动或拍打显示按钮及随意按动警铃按钮。 Use the elevator to be civilized operation, is strictly prohibited to use a hard object such as pressing keys or tapping show alarm button and pressed the button at random. 三、乘客应在电梯静止状态上下电梯,