Section A(3a-4c),任务一:汉译英 1.感觉像feel like 2.确信make sure 3.开始做某事begin to do sth. 4.玩得开心have fun 5.进入梦乡; 睡着fall asleep 6.逐渐变弱; 逐渐消失die down 7.醒来 wake up 8.一片狼藉in a mess,任务二:用任务一中短语的适当形式完成句子 1.Although it is at noon now, it feels like midnight because of the rainstorm. 2.I spent 48 hours in finishing this report.I was so tired that I almost fell asleep on my way to school. 3.Finally the strong wind began to die down. 4.We watched the baby to make sure she was really asleep. 5.The room was in a messso